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Posts posted by Nik

  1. Well player count doesnt matter because, I play in a server where there are around 90 online and there is still much action and fun, just because its different and interesting. And its growing, maybe slow, but it doesnt lose players like the most hyped servers an after that losing all players.


    L2LuckyStrike if you are interested.

  2. Kama3a/l0l3d, even people on too many spliffs are less paranoid than you are.


    Pack is running on the old L2World sources. Ru pack is shit, works on magic. Enough said.

    All servers use L2J as base in one way or another. Except L2OFF. If you keep telling me this sentence is wrong, you are welcome to join the pool of ignorant morons.

    We are not pretending L2J is the best, we know its the best, and I also know that you hate L2J for whatever reasons. Feels so good to annoy you like that.


    P.S: We are too busy working on server than making multiple accounts to spam on this forum. Please, accept every post here as of a different person, because it is. You are accusing people for being kam3ran or whatever when their speaking skills and english level is utterly different? You even lack critical thinking.

  3. And if you forget at the time we was using l2j it was so unstable and buggy thats why we switch to l2p.

    All the time you missing the facts...

    Unstable and buggy? Man, the main problem of the old l2world pack was the players were getting 500ms delays in the nexus events where literally 200-300 players participated. I didnt saw that many in such small area ever again when changed to l2p. I was going to fix that problem but while I was gone you decided that its better to change the whole pack than fix this problem yourself, because you couldnt fix it at all... pft.

  4. Actually we've realized that this russian pack is quite the piece of shit. I feel so sorry for agreeng to work on that pack you threw at me years ago. For a person whose only point is to add custom things, the pack is ok, but for a person who want a goodly made pack and easy to work with, its a complete piece of crap.


    You know what, I really didn't want to start all over again, but the best choice is to ditch this whole pack and start all over from scratch on clean l2j.

    I want to see for myself, if im that bad developer, my next project on l2j will fail for sure, then I will agree. Else, people would once again enjoy a server which keeps the old L2World spirit.


    Oh well, we will see.

    P.S. I will never launch a server running on this pack ever again.

  5. ☑ Intel Xeon E5-1620

    ☑ 8x 4.1 GHz


    since when does the xeon reach 4.1ghz? and since when its an octa core? i smell bullshit from 100 km rly, and when i saw kam3ran as part of the server, i can tell you, THIS SERVER GONNA FAIL. 



    Some versions of this CPU can reach 4.1GHz in turbo mode, and its wrong that its 8x cores... its just 4 cores and 8 threads. Also turbo mode does not work on multithreaded applications, so this info is bullshit. Idk who wrote it... Too bad I never watch out for that stuff.

    Also, kam3ran in this team isnt the content manager and such. The initial team was just me and the other guys, but due to circumstances, we had to get kam3ran along the way, because he can provide us something we need other than server management. So... it just happened. Like it or not, he is there. More or less like a guy who is new into the team.

  6. Thats a guess. Valid proofs or keep it for yourself.


    Its not a guess. I know a person who bought this pack and got his server backdoored after his server became famous.

    Also, I don't see a reason to delete a post that states something that is true. It doesn't matter if others think its a guess or not, my post doesn't have a reason to be deleted or whatsoever since its not a spam, nor trash talking. Its just your opinion that you think my words are fake, but thats just you, others might think otherwise, don't you think? Thats not a reason to delete a valid post!


    P.S: Valid proofs? I wasn't the only one who stated that this pack has backdoor. You deleted those people's posts too? What for?

  7. yea i like how everyone flame my life, and they dont have any clue about my life)) 


    he look like never saw real life... https://www.facebook.com/Onepamopa?fref=ts

    What makes you think thats me?

    And yeah, Karasu is right, at the moment you are just wasting one of the universe's creations called thought process.

    Meh, then again, if you are having fun, why not... its not like you are going to need to know how to wash your clothes, make your own food, farm money, take care of someone, be smart enough to analyze situations, etc.

  8. l0l3d, I've never said I'm the best. Come on, show me a place where I wrote that. Cause I've never said I'm the best. I can't say I'm the best since I've worked and am still working with people better than me.


    I would've kept quiet actually, and let you alone, would've never flamed you in public. But you just proved to be quite the piece of shit you are. I can trust my dead cat more than you. kam3ran fucked me beyond words, I've got all my server files deleted from the pc cause my pc was in his reach (all your idea). I have thousand reasons to hate more than you. I've had a backdoor access player to the server. The least I could do with all that hate was to destroy the server and use my backup svn to sell the pack. But I didn't do any of it.

    Please elaborate your reasons why you sell this pack? You wont get more than 200-300 euro from this. If this is how much your morals cost, ok.


    Look, I will just shut-up.


    P.S: Its from a backup SVN I did while I had access. I did backups regularly.

  9. When nik was so good coder why 80 % of all commits on age/woa was mine creation.





    This is a paste of the commits after I stopped working in one pack with you.








    COPYPASTE IS A BAD REFLEX (also from here I see that this pack wont survive even 24 hours cause you just fucked up one rather heavy operation)






    Moar cats... an accurate representation image when l0l3d tried to get fameous on my back:



    P.S AssYLek or whatever, please start and be productive cause your existence is just a waste of electricity, water, air and other valuable human resources. No wonder why Illuminati exist to destroy half of the world.

    I would've explain why the problem wasn't exactly caused by me and why it happened on first place, but you are just retarded and its not worth the effort explaining something to a moron. Seriously, one day you will wake up, when there will be no more the internet ego you;ve created for yourself... be careful what will be left, cause then your life will depend on it. It all funny now, but for now.

  10. Hey, l0l3d, its useless to continue this conversation since I've already said my statement, no need for further discussion, since my point was to describe that this pack is a total piece of garbage. I don't really care what people here think of me, since this place isn't a forum where I'd chose to roam around daily. I don't need such attention... my people are elsewhere.


    Thats why I will give the only valid statement in this topic, which is... CATS!

  11. I was too lazy to read your whole text, but while scrolling, some interesting contradictions caught my eye :D



    - Why should boss reflect dmg ? you follow ncsoft logic.

    You claim that this pack is retail-like, yet here you blame me for following retail-like logic :D:D



    - This mod was never used but lets me show original l2j code :D

    http://i.imgur.com/7WN09JF.png (pro code by nik

    WOW! You paste code from my DP script and blame me for being the same as the one you ported?

    Its laughable, cause you couldn't port a DP script to the datapack, and you hardcoded it into the core in order to make it work (ehm, excuse me, I mean hardcore into core :D:D:D ). 

    Just to let you know, since you don't know the difference between a script and a hardcoded code... Its completely fine to use constant variable NPC_ID in a script, since its easy to notice and change (You just open script, change ID and done.) In the core you first need to search where an idiot might've used a straight NPCID, remove this bullshit and port all that into DP script, and rebuild core again, with the calming thought that your pack has 1 less shit in it.

    I don't want to point how many times I've made an NPC and it simply didnt work cause of hardcoded shit like that, where the ID I chose has some function in the core that nobody knows why... lololol, I guess only you know why.



    That was Nik package.

    He decide to make l2r + l2j ... and result was so bad.

    What the fuck? From where did you get this idea? You are confused as always :D

    Also, last l2world, I tried to fix all the problems in your pack, but I failed miserably cause they were waaaaay to many. I wanted to bring back the old l2world pack and update it, but the rest of the team decided to work on your pack. Biggest mistake ever.



    -2x L2world servers used this pack.

    If you still live in 2008 , wake up.

    You blame my pack for only running 2 servers? :D:D:D

    Isn't that the point? Making a stable pack, where you don't need to reopen every week?

    Those 2x L2World servers that use my pack have total lifespan from 2008 to end of 2012. The other L2World servers launched using the shitty abomination pack which you were involved in, couldn't survive even a month :D

    Also, you blame my pack for being unstable? :D It ran 3k REAL online, and I'm not lying about this with fake counters and etc. The moment you decided to use fake counters was the moment I saw that this pack is total shit if it needs fake counters to attract people.



    Oh, and finally, you blame me for the 420th time that I am lazy? Taking a whole day to relax doesn't mean I am lazy, its just that I know that taking a good rest helps you freshen your mind and allow new ideas that are actually good and very useful. And for your information, that "laziness" gave birth to the most spread-out things in the servers. Such as .changepassword, .getreward, .combinetalismans. They were born in L2World and now you see them everywhere.




    Anyway, I won't post more about the pack's current situation. People decide what to do with their money anyway. I just wanted to prevent them buying a piece of crap.

  12. I quit the team I worked with because of this guy ^_^  They used to trust him, but now they are very sorry.


    You can't do shit from scratch, all you do is copy from other packs and put it in one place. This is the reason I hated the time spent working with you. You just do shit codding.

    This pack is barely working because I used to fix the shits in it. You cant run this pack with more than 500 real online because it will start lagging. L2Age team when kicked you had to search for other developers to fix the critical issues in this pack in order to launch a good working server. Critical issues such as: skills not working, server lags because of very bad codding and code ports, nexus event engine barely works (it can only start, nothing else), exploitable achievement system, captcha system which saves images to hdd before sending to players (causing 2 or more players getting same captcha image, but real captcha is different, resulting in them failing captcha) <- I loled at this when I saw it, hahaha, you blamed me so much for ruining captcha when the only thing I did was to make it appear more often :D:D:D. Meh, what am I even saying...

    Remember when L2World and newest L2Age launched beta and resulted in BIG FUCKING BIG topics with 200+ bugs that had to be fixed? Yeah... I think you guessed why.

    Thats why L2WOA never worked. Merging L2World with L2Age was the biggest shit ever happened, resulting in one very unstable pack, which was caused by your inability to develop and learn how to develop complex stuff.

    Also, this pack never really used the real l2world pack, it just has *applause* l2world pack features on a shitty l2age pack. And actually they are the only "properly" working things there. And I said "properly" because you didnt even managed to do a good port from l2world pack to l2age pack. L2World pack was stable, but due to my own health problems back in the times, the team decided that they shouldn't trust l2world pack development and started working with l2age pack. They succeeded in getting more active developer, but at the cost of getting shitty updates where with each next update, the pack gets more and more broken :D:D


    The only good thing you can do is HTMLs, and thats what we see here. Looks like a beautiful apple on the outside, but when you cut it, you see if all rotten with worms inside :D


    Also, you are not the creator of L2Age. You just inherited it years ago after I went to the hospital for months. L2Age had only one bright launch, and it was when I gave them L2World pack to use. But since L2World pack was too complex for you to use, you decided to get some russian pack and port l2world features there xD Original L2World pack is in development since 2008 and I'm the only one who can keep it as good as it is.


    And another thing, last L2World servers never really used the original pack, and thats why they failed badly. As you claimed, they used this pack, cause they worked with you and not so much with me. Original L2World pack held more than 3000 real online back in the days where nobody used fake online, was stable as fuck, so light-weight I can even run it on android phone.


    And finally, don't claim that L2World used this pack. The real L2World never used this pack, only shitty l2world launches by brainwashed kam3ran only, to whom you've laid all your hate against me :P












    And btw, who makes codes like that? ??????


    if (args.isEmpty() || args == null)



     if (email.equals(StringUtil.EMPTY) || email == null)
    if (gmname.isEmpty() || gmname == null)




    Seriously, you don't even know the order of things.


    Also, WHAT THE FUCK????

    if (this != null)


  13. Meh, no need to go so deep to avoid the problem. Better fix it. Its not that hard to make an SQL querry that deletes all records beyond 1 month and leaves minimum 15 records to every character (doesnt matter if they surpass 1 month limit). You can also make it to save the deleted data to some output sql file.

  14. Not really... while 15 euro can be a bit much, many codes are not as easy as you think. It might look easy on the first look, but many times you are avoiding small problems that you are going to encounter later within the code. You might think that its just as easy as putting a table in the database and writing/reading there, but its not just that. Imagine that you get 2k online players daily and they login/logout at least 10 times a day. Thats 20k records in a day. In one month, the table will be so full that will cause problems. Easily you can avoid this by deleting records beyond 1 week or deleting records above the 30th number for the specific character, but still, it wont be as accurate as some people might want it to be. Like for example, I havent logged in one month, and I wont be able to see my records? Or I have logged 30 times in one day due to some problems, and my previous records for the other days will be gone? What about if I'm an admin and wanna keep in track from where people logged throughout the whole history of my server, but I dont want a full database? Its so easy to avoid many things that concern the simple-looking code.

  15. The reason I don't work anymore on L2World and L2Age was l0l3d. That bastard annoyed me to death and shat on my work everyday. At least the good news are that the rest of the staff members saw how good he was when I quit. So he is now no longer dealing with lineage 2 servers or whatsoever. Anyway, all I can say is that L2Age is a renewed team, you can go and see that for yourself.

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