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  1. Good developer I have been working with him since March 2022 and my project is progressing well, I recommend
  2. package com.l2jfree.gameserver.network.packets.client; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Player; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.quest.QuestState; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.network.packets.L2ClientPacket; public class RequestTutorialPassCmdToServer extends L2ClientPacket { private String _bypass = null; @Override protected void readImpl() { _bypass = readS(); } @Override protected void runImpl() { L2Player player = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (player == null) return; QuestState qs = player.getQuestState("255_Tutorial"); if (qs != null) qs.getQuest().notifyEvent(_bypass, null, player); sendAF(); } @Override public String getType() { return "[C] 86 RequestTutorialPassCmdToServer"; } } package com.l2jfree.gameserver.network.packets.client; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Player; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2ClassMasterInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.quest.QuestState; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.network.packets.L2ClientPacket; /** * 7B 74 00 75 00 74 00 6F 00 72 00 69 00 61 00 6C * 00 5F 00 63 00 6C 00 6F 00 73 00 65 00 5F 00 32 * 00 00 00 * * Format: (c) S * * @author DaDummy */ public class RequestTutorialLinkHtml extends L2ClientPacket { private static final String _C__7B_REQUESTTUTORIALLINKHTML = "[C] 7B equestTutorialLinkHtml"; private String _link; @Override protected void readImpl() { _link = readS(); // link } @Override protected void runImpl() { L2Player player = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (player == null) return; L2ClassMasterInstance.onTutorialLink(player, _link); player.onTutorialLink(_link); QuestState qs = player.getQuestState("255_Tutorial"); if (qs != null) qs.getQuest().notifyEvent(_link, null, player); sendAF(); } @Override public String getType() { return _C__7B_REQUESTTUTORIALLINKHTML; } }
  3. yes A6 is in Tutorialshowhtml.java private static final String _S__A6_TUTORIALSHOWHTML = "[S] a6 TutorialShowHtml"; But How call this page in code java sb.append("</html>"); html.setHtml(sb.toString()); player.sendPacket(html); break;
  4. me too but how can use tutorial windows for open with my custom html? I dont find where is original html of this windows "This is Sedrick's......"
  5. For example side core package com.l2jfree.gameserver.network.packets.server; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.network.packets.L2ServerPacket; public class TutorialShowHtml extends L2ServerPacket { private static final String _S__A6_TUTORIALSHOWHTML = "[S] a6 TutorialShowHtml"; private final String _html; public TutorialShowHtml(String html) { _html = html; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.l2jfree.gameserver.serverpackets.ServerBasePacket#writeImpl() */ @Override protected void writeImpl() { writeC(0xa6); writeS(_html); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.l2jfree.gameserver.BasePacket#getType() */ @Override public String getType() { return _S__A6_TUTORIALSHOWHTML; } } interface.u side: TutorialBtnWnd.uc TutorialViewerWnd.uc SystemTutorialWnd.uc ..... If create new uc for new window I dont know how to link for open I would like a small example of code to guide me to succeed in doing this with the tutorial window for example
  6. so it's impossible to have 2 windows at the same time? Where and how are we redirected?
  7. Hello Has anyone ever managed to create a 2nd html window like NPCdialog I was thinking of duplicating the NPCDialoghtm of the XDAT with another name and I don't really know how to add it in the interface.u and on the Server Core side I don't really know how to succeed in calling it and that it doesn't close the official NPCdialog page and have both pages at the same time. Has anyone ever managed to do something like this? I m in Gracia Final Part (L2JFree) THX
  8. Hello I would like to know if there is a solution for npc_to_pc_polymorph which spawn in T-Pose without animation when spawning them live with //spawn xxx You have to restart the character or appear in the game after the spawn to see them well with their animation Thx for help
  9. I have fix my probleme it s Petinfo.java https://ibb.co/Tg6BqbC
  10. I have this file java in server side:AbstractNpcInfo.java l2jfree-core\src\main\java\com\l2jfree\gameserver\network\packets\server Who know if it s here I can fix bug? /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.l2jfree.gameserver.network.packets.server; import com.l2jfree.Config; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable; // Tauphraen for Sacrifice : implantation NPC to PJ from Darki import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Creature; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Npc; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Player; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Summon; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Trap; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2MonsterInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.itemcontainer.Inventory; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.templates.L2NpcTemplate; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.effects.AbnormalEffect; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.network.L2Client; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.network.packets.L2ServerPacket; public abstract class AbstractNpcInfo extends L2ServerPacket { private static final String _S__22_NPCINFO = "[S] 0c NpcInfo"; protected int _x, _y, _z, _heading; protected int _idTemplate; protected boolean _isSummoned; protected int _mAtkSpd, _pAtkSpd; /** * Run speed, swimming run speed and flying run speed */ protected int _runSpd; /** * Walking speed, swimming walking speed and flying walking speed */ protected int _walkSpd; protected int _rhand, _lhand, _chest; protected double _collisionHeight, _collisionRadius; protected String _name = ""; protected String _title = ""; public AbstractNpcInfo(L2Creature cha) { _isSummoned = cha.isShowSummonAnimation(); _x = cha.getX(); _y = cha.getY(); _z = cha.getZ(); _heading = cha.getHeading(); _mAtkSpd = cha.getMAtkSpd(); _pAtkSpd = cha.getPAtkSpd(); _runSpd = cha.getTemplate().getBaseRunSpd(); _walkSpd = cha.getTemplate().getBaseWalkSpd(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.l2jfree.gameserver.serverpackets.ServerBasePacket#getType() */ @Override public String getType() { return _S__22_NPCINFO; } // Panday for Sacrifice : NPC to PJ - Classe interne CustomNpcInfo public static class CustomNpcInfo extends AbstractNpcInfo { private final L2Npc _customNpc; public CustomNpcInfo(L2Npc cha) { super(cha); _customNpc = cha; _customNpc.setClientX(_customNpc.getPosition().getX()); _customNpc.setClientY(_customNpc.getPosition().getY()); _customNpc.setClientZ(_customNpc.getPosition().getZ()); } @Override protected void writeImpl(L2Client client, L2Player activeChar) { // Aide : sources L2J, comprehension des octets du byte buffer writeC(0x31); //writeC(0x31); OK writeD(_customNpc.getX()); //writeD(_x); OK writeD(_customNpc.getY()); //writeD(_y); OK writeD(_customNpc.getZ()); //writeD(_z); OK writeD(_customNpc.getHeading()); //writeD(_heading); OK writeD(_customNpc.getObjectId()); //writeD(_npc.getObjectId()); OK writeS(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getName()); //writeS(fpc.name); OK writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getRace()); //writeD(fpc.race); OK writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().isFemaleSex()? 1 : 0); //writeD(fpc.sex); OK writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getClassId()); //writeD(fpc.clazz); OK writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdHairall); TEST writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdHead); TEST writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().PAPERDOLL_RHAND()); //writeD(fpc.pdRHand); OK writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().PAPERDOLL_LHAND()); //writeD(fpc.pdLHand); OK writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().PAPERDOLL_GLOVES()); //writeD(fpc.pdGloves); OK writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().PAPERDOLL_CHEST()); //writeD(fpc.pdChest); OK writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().PAPERDOLL_LEGS()); //writeD(fpc.pdLegs); OK writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().PAPERDOLL_FEET()); //writeD(fpc.pdFeet); OK writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().PAPERDOLL_BACK()); //writeD(fpc.pdBack); TEST writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().PAPERDOLL_RHAND()); //writeD(fpc.pdLRHand); TEST writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().PAPERDOLL_HAIR()); //writeD(fpc.pdHair); OK writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().PAPERDOLL_HAIR2()); //writeD(fpc.pdHair2); OK //write('D',0, 8); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdRBracelet); TEST writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdLBracelet); TEST writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdDeco1); TEST writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdDeco2); TEST writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdDeco3); TEST writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdDeco4); TEST writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdDeco5); TEST writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdDeco6); TEST writeD(0x00); // Correctif L2J TEST writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdUnderAug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdHeadAug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdRHandAug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdLHandAug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdGlovesAug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdChestAug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdLegsAug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdFeetAug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdBackAug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdLRHandAug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdHairAug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdHair2Aug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdRBraceletAug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdLBraceletAug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdDeco1Aug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdDeco2Aug); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdDeco3); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdDeco4); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdDeco5); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.pdDeco6); writeD(0x00); // Correctif L2J TEST writeD(0x00); // Correctif L2J TEST writeD(0x00); // Correctif L2J TEST writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getPvpFlag() ? 1 : 0); //writeD(fpc.pvpFlag); writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getKarma()); //writeD(fpc.karma); writeD(_customNpc.getMAtkSpd()); //writeD(_mAtkSpd); writeD(_customNpc.getPAtkSpd()); //writeD(_pAtkSpd); writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getPvpFlag() ? 1 : 0); //writeD(fpc.pvpFlag); writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getKarma()); //writeD(fpc.karma); writeD(_customNpc.getRunSpeed()); //writeD(_runSpd); writeD(_customNpc.getRunSpeed()/2); //writeD(_walkSpd); writeD(_customNpc.getRunSpeed()/3); //writeD(50); // swimspeed writeD(_customNpc.getRunSpeed()/3); //writeD(50); // swimspeed writeD(_customNpc.getRunSpeed()); //writeD(_flRunSpd); writeD(_customNpc.getRunSpeed()); //writeD(_flWalkSpd); writeD(_customNpc.getRunSpeed()); //writeD(_flyRunSpd); writeD(_customNpc.getRunSpeed()); //writeD(_flyWalkSpd); writeF(_customNpc.getStat().getMovementSpeedMultiplier()); //writeF(_npc.getMovementSpeedMultiplier()); writeF(_customNpc.getStat().getAttackSpeedMultiplier()); //writeF(_npc.getAttackSpeedMultiplier()); writeF(CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getClassId()).getCollisionRadius()); //writeF(pctmpl.collisionRadius); writeF(CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getClassId()).getCollisionHeight()); //writeF(pctmpl.collisionHeight); writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getHairStyle()); //writeD(fpc.hairStyle); writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getHairColor()); //writeD(fpc.hairColor); writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getFace()); //writeD(fpc.face); writeS(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getTitle()); //writeS(fpc.title); writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getClanId()); //writeD(0x00); writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getClanCrestId()); //writeD(0x00); writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getAllyId()); //writeD(0x00); writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getAllyCrestId()); //writeD(0x00); writeD(0); //writeD(0); writeC(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().isSit() ? 0 : 1); //writeC(0x01); // standing = 1 sitting = 0 writeC(_customNpc.isRunning() ? 1 : 0); //writeC(_npc.isRunning() ? 1 : 0); // running = 1 walking = 0 writeC(_customNpc.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0); //writeC(_npc.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0); writeC(_customNpc.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0); //writeC(_npc.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0); //write('C',0, 3); writeC(0); //writeC(fpc.invisible); // invisible = 1 visible =0 writeC(0); //writeC(fpc.mount); // 1 on strider 2 on wyvern 3 on Great Wolf 0 no mount writeC(0); //writeC(0x00); // 1 - sellshop writeH(0); //writeH(0x00); // cubic count writeC(0); //writeC(0x00); // find party members writeD(_customNpc.getAbnormalEffect()); //writeD(0x00); writeC(0); //writeC(0x00); //Changed by Thorgrim writeH(0); //writeH(0x00); //Blue value for name (0 = white, 255 = pure blue) writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getClassId()); //writeD(fpc.clazz); writeD(_customNpc.getMaxCp()); //writeD(0x00);//max cp writeD((int)_customNpc.getStatus().getCurrentCp()); //writeD(0x00);//cur cp writeC(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getEnchantWeapon()); //writeC(fpc.enchantEffect); writeC(0); //writeC(fpc.team); writeD(0); //writeD(0x00); writeC(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().isNoble() ? 1 : 0); //writeC(0x00); // Symbol on char menu ctrl+I writeC(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().isHero() ? 1 : 0); //writeC(0x00); // Hero Aura writeC(0); //writeC(fpc.fishing); //0x01: Fishing Mode (Cant be undone by setting back to 0) //write('D',0, 3); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.fishingX); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.fishingY); writeD(0); //writeD(fpc.fishingZ); writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().nameColor()); //writeD(fpc.nameColor); writeD(0); //writeD(0x00); // isRunning() as in UserInfo? writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getPledgeClass()); //writeD(0x00); // pledge class writeD(0); //writeD(0x00); // ?? writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().titleColor()); //writeD(fpc.titleColor); writeD(_customNpc.getCustomNpcInstance().getCursedWeaponLevel()); //writeD(0x00); // cursed weapon level //write('D',0, 2); writeD(0); //writeD(0x00); writeD(0); //writeD(0x00); // transformation id } @Override public boolean canBeSentTo(L2Client client, L2Player activeChar) { if (!activeChar.canSee(_customNpc)) return false; return true; } } // End code by Sacrifice /** * Packet for Npcs */ public static class NpcInfo extends AbstractNpcInfo { private final L2Npc _npc; public NpcInfo(L2Npc cha) { super(cha); _npc = cha; _idTemplate = cha.getTemplate().getIdTemplate(); // On every subclass _rhand = cha.getRightHandItem(); // On every subclass _lhand = cha.getLeftHandItem(); // On every subclass _collisionHeight = cha.getCollisionHeight(); // On every subclass _collisionRadius = cha.getCollisionRadius(); // On every subclass if (cha.getTemplate().isServerSideName()) _name = cha.getTemplate().getName(); // On every subclass if (cha.isChampion()) { _title = Config.CHAMPION_TITLE; // On every subclass } else if (cha.getTemplate().isServerSideTitle()) { _title = cha.getTemplate().getTitle(); // On every subclass } else { _title = cha.getTitle(); // On every subclass } if (Config.SHOW_NPC_LVL && _npc instanceof L2MonsterInstance) { String t = "Lvl " + cha.getLevel(); if (cha.getAggroRange() > 0) { if (!cha.isChampion() || (cha.isChampion() && !Config.CHAMPION_PASSIVE)) t += "*"; } if (_title != null && !_title.isEmpty()) t += " " + _title; _title = t; } } @Override protected void writeImpl(L2Client client, L2Player activeChar) { writeC(0x0c); writeD(_npc.getObjectId()); writeD(_idTemplate + 1000000); // npctype id writeD(_npc.isAutoAttackable(activeChar) ? 1 : 0); writeD(_x); writeD(_y); writeD(_z); writeD(_heading); writeD(0x00); writeD(_mAtkSpd); writeD(_pAtkSpd); writeD(_runSpd); writeD(_walkSpd); writeD(_runSpd); // swim run speed writeD(_walkSpd); // swim walk speed writeD(_runSpd); writeD(_walkSpd); writeD(_runSpd); // fly run speed writeD(_walkSpd); // fly walk speed writeF(_npc.getStat().getMovementSpeedMultiplier()); writeF(_npc.getStat().getAttackSpeedMultiplier()); writeF(_collisionRadius); writeF(_collisionHeight); writeD(_rhand); // right hand weapon writeD(_chest); writeD(_lhand); // left hand weapon writeC(1); // name above char 1=true ... ?? writeC(_npc.isRunning() ? 1 : 0); writeC(_npc.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0); writeC(_npc.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0); writeC(_isSummoned ? 2 : 0); // 0=teleported 1=default 2=summoned writeS(_name); writeS(_title); writeD(0x00); // Title color 0=client default writeD(0x00); writeD(0x00); // pvp flag writeD(_npc.getAbnormalEffect()); // C2 writeD(0x00); //clan id writeD(0x00); //crest id writeD(0000); // C2 writeD(0000); // C2 writeC(_npc.isFlying() ? 2 : 0); // C2 writeC(0x00); // title color 0=client writeF(_collisionRadius); writeF(_collisionHeight); writeD(_npc.getWeaponEnchantLevel()); // C4 writeD(_npc.isFlying() ? 1 : 0); // C6 writeD(0x00); writeD(0x00);// CT1.5 Pet form and skills if (Config.PACKET_FINAL) { writeC(0x01); writeC(0x01); writeD(_npc.getSpecialEffect()); } } @Override public boolean canBeSentTo(L2Client client, L2Player activeChar) { if (!activeChar.canSee(_npc)) return false; return true; } } public static class TrapInfo extends AbstractNpcInfo { private final L2Trap _trap; public TrapInfo(L2Trap cha) { super(cha); _trap = cha; _idTemplate = cha.getTemplate().getIdTemplate(); _rhand = 0; _lhand = 0; _collisionHeight = _trap.getTemplate().getCollisionHeight(); _collisionRadius = _trap.getTemplate().getCollisionRadius(); _title = cha.getOwner().getName(); _runSpd = _trap.getStat().getRunSpeed(); _walkSpd = _trap.getStat().getWalkSpeed(); } @Override protected void writeImpl(L2Client client, L2Player activeChar) { writeC(0x0c); writeD(_trap.getObjectId()); writeD(_idTemplate + 1000000); // npctype id writeD(_trap.isAutoAttackable(activeChar) ? 1 : 0); writeD(_x); writeD(_y); writeD(_z); writeD(_heading); writeD(0x00); writeD(_mAtkSpd); writeD(_pAtkSpd); writeD(_runSpd); writeD(_walkSpd); writeD(_runSpd); // swim run speed writeD(_walkSpd); // swim walk speed writeD(_runSpd); writeD(_walkSpd); writeD(_runSpd); // fly run speed writeD(_walkSpd); // fly walk speed writeF(1.1/*_trap.getStat().getMovementSpeedMultiplier()*/); writeF(_trap.getStat().getAttackSpeedMultiplier()); writeF(_collisionRadius); writeF(_collisionHeight); writeD(_rhand); // right hand weapon writeD(_chest); writeD(_lhand); // left hand weapon writeC(1); // name above char 1=true ... ?? writeC(1); writeC(_trap.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0); writeC(_trap.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0); writeC(_isSummoned ? 2 : 0); // 0=teleported 1=default 2=summoned writeS(_name); writeS(_title); writeD(0x00); // title color 0 = client default writeD(0x00); writeD(0x00); // pvp flag writeD(_trap.getAbnormalEffect()); // C2 writeD(0x00); //clan id writeD(0x00); //crest id writeD(0000); // C2 writeD(0000); // C2 writeD(0000); // C2 writeC(0000); // C2 writeC(0x00); // Title color 0=client default writeF(_collisionRadius); writeF(_collisionHeight); writeD(0x00); // C4 writeD(0x00); // C6 writeD(0x00); writeD(0);//CT1.5 Pet form and skills if (Config.PACKET_FINAL) { writeC(0x01); writeC(0x01); writeD(0x00); } } @Override public boolean canBeSentTo(L2Client client, L2Player activeChar) { if (!activeChar.canSee(_trap)) return false; return true; } } /** * Packet for summons */ public static class SummonInfo extends AbstractNpcInfo { private final L2Summon _summon; private int _form = 0; private int _val = 0; public SummonInfo(L2Summon cha, int val) { super(cha); _summon = cha; _val = val; int npcId = cha.getTemplate().getNpcId(); if (npcId == 16041 || npcId == 16042) { if (cha.getLevel() > 84) _form = 3; else if (cha.getLevel() > 79) _form = 2; else if (cha.getLevel() > 74) _form = 1; } else if (npcId == 16025 || npcId == 16037) { if (cha.getLevel() > 69) _form = 3; else if (cha.getLevel() > 64) _form = 2; else if (cha.getLevel() > 59) _form = 1; } // fields not set on AbstractNpcInfo _rhand = cha.getWeapon(); _lhand = 0; _chest = cha.getArmor(); _collisionHeight = _summon.getTemplate().getCollisionHeight(); _collisionRadius = _summon.getTemplate().getCollisionRadius(); _name = cha.getName(); _title = cha.getOwner() != null ? (cha.getOwner().isOnline() == 0 ? "" : cha.getOwner().getName()) : ""; // when owner online, summon will show in title owner name _idTemplate = cha.getTemplate().getIdTemplate(); _collisionHeight = cha.getTemplate().getCollisionHeight(); _collisionRadius = cha.getTemplate().getCollisionRadius(); // few fields needing fix from AbstractNpcInfo _runSpd = cha.getPetSpeed(); _walkSpd = cha.isMountable() ? 45 : 30; } @Override protected void writeImpl(L2Client client, L2Player activeChar) { writeC(0x0c); writeD(_summon.getObjectId()); writeD(_idTemplate + 1000000); // npctype id writeD(_summon.isAutoAttackable(activeChar) ? 1 : 0); writeD(_x); writeD(_y); writeD(_z); writeD(_heading); writeD(0x00); writeD(_mAtkSpd); writeD(_pAtkSpd); writeD(_runSpd); writeD(_walkSpd); writeD(_runSpd); // swim run speed writeD(_walkSpd); // swim walk speed writeD(_runSpd); writeD(_walkSpd); writeD(_runSpd); // fly run speed writeD(_walkSpd); // fly walk speed writeF(_summon.getStat().getMovementSpeedMultiplier()); writeF(_summon.getStat().getAttackSpeedMultiplier()); writeF(_collisionRadius); writeF(_collisionHeight); writeD(_rhand); // right hand weapon writeD(_chest); writeD(_lhand); // left hand weapon writeC(1); // name above char 1=true ... ?? writeC(1); writeC(_summon.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0); writeC(_summon.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0); writeC(_val); // 0=teleported 1=default 2=summoned writeS(_name); writeS(_title); writeD(0x01);// Title color 0=client default writeD(_summon.getPvpFlag()); writeD(_summon.getKarma()); if (_summon.getOwner().getAppearance().isInvisible()) { writeD((_summon.getAbnormalEffect() | AbnormalEffect.STEALTH.getMask())); } else { writeD(_summon.getAbnormalEffect()); } writeD(_summon.getOwner().getClanId()); writeD(0x00); //crest id writeD(0000); // C2 writeD(0000); // C2 writeC(0000); // C2 writeC(_summon.getTeam()); writeF(_collisionRadius); writeF(_collisionHeight); writeD(0x00); // C4 writeD(0x00); // C6 writeD(0x00); writeD(_form);//CT1.5 Pet form and skills if (Config.PACKET_FINAL) { writeC(0x01); writeC(0x01); writeD(0x00); } } @Override public boolean canBeSentTo(L2Client client, L2Player activeChar) { // Owner gets PetInfo if (_summon.getOwner() == activeChar) return false; if (!activeChar.canSee(_summon)) return false; return true; } } /** * Packet for morphed PCs */ public static class PlayerMorphInfo extends AbstractNpcInfo { private final L2Player _pc; private final L2NpcTemplate _template; public PlayerMorphInfo(L2Player cha, L2NpcTemplate template) { super(cha); _pc = cha; _template = template; } @Override protected void writeImpl(L2Client client, L2Player activeChar) { writeC(0x0c); writeD(_pc.getObjectId()); writeD(_pc.getPoly().getPolyId() + 1000000); // npctype id writeD(_pc.isAutoAttackable(activeChar) ? 1 : 0); writeD(_x); writeD(_y); writeD(_z); writeD(_heading); writeD(0x00); writeD(_mAtkSpd); writeD(_pAtkSpd); writeD(_runSpd); writeD(_walkSpd); writeD(_runSpd); // swim run speed writeD(_walkSpd); // swim walk speed writeD(_runSpd); writeD(_walkSpd); writeD(_runSpd); // fly run speed writeD(_walkSpd); // fly walk speed writeF(_pc.getStat().getMovementSpeedMultiplier()); writeF(_pc.getStat().getAttackSpeedMultiplier()); writeF(_template.getCollisionRadius()); writeF(_template.getCollisionHeight()); writeD(_pc.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND)); // right hand weapon writeD(0); // Chest writeD(_pc.getInventory().getPaperdollItemDisplayId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND)); // left hand weapon writeC(1); // name above char 1=true ... ?? writeC(_pc.isRunning() ? 1 : 0); writeC(_pc.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0); writeC(_pc.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0); writeC(0); writeS(_pc.getAppearance().getVisibleName()); writeS(_pc.getAppearance().getVisibleTitle()); writeD(0x00); // Title Color writeD(_pc.getKarma()); writeD(_pc.getPvpFlag()); if (_pc.getAppearance().isInvisible()) { writeD((_pc.getAbnormalEffect() | AbnormalEffect.STEALTH.getMask())); } else { writeD(_pc.getAbnormalEffect()); // C2 } writeD(0x00); writeD(0x00); writeD(0x00); writeD(0x00); writeC(0x00); writeC(0x00); writeF(_template.getCollisionRadius()); writeF(_template.getCollisionHeight()); writeD(0x00); writeD(0x00); writeD(0x00); writeD(0x00); if (Config.PACKET_FINAL) { writeC(0x01); writeC(0x01); writeD(0x00); } } @Override public boolean canBeSentTo(L2Client client, L2Player activeChar) { // Won't work if (_pc == activeChar) return false; if (!activeChar.canSee(_pc)) return false; return true; } } }
  11. The problem does not come from the client because I managed to test a summon on a L2OFF Gracia server and there is no animation problem On the other hand on L2JFree and L2J there is the problem
  12. Yes I think the player's surround see the pet summon like a NPC class, but the owner pet see the pet like a summon class You think the problem is Client Side in dll ? How search with IDA :( I do not master IDA in which dll i should look?
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