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Everything posted by Raule

  1. shiat..no :/
  2. check and tell me
  3. http://www.sendspace.com/file/tg6bqq
  4. undergound saves me
  5. never i was :P
  6. whazaaa?
  7. No man, cant be with 85 % rate to enchant 10 armors only to +12 with 10 safe :P
  8. Meschinii mimeaza si primii mizeaza pe cate linii prizeaza Da' minimizeaza
  9. Cya from me. I've seen with my eyez, in the morning i made 2 parts and one weapon +20 with no break, now i enchnated like 10 armors or more and the best was +13. It looks untrustworthy.
  10. add at windows firewall nosti, whats the ech rate right now?
  11. at firewall/antivirus firewall
  12. rr:/ throw me your msn
  13. I have char :P pm me with your msn and we talk there.
  14. you're playing nosti's server or what?
  15. shout that in chat lol..
  16. about mage i think is okay..you have might + duel might for fighters and for mages you have p def and wild magic only.
  17. Restart, what you've fixed ?
  18. yes and that's nice, play gracia if you dont like.
  19. Lol why to remove ls :| ? dont do it.
  20. la noi nu, asa mi-a zis una..
  21. And what you do without him? we can do nothing without him. Let's open a topic every day and discuss about how to improve the forum, like you will solve something. Guess why Grisom refused to talk about..
  22. Just open the damn l2.ini and give me the ip in msn or here.. Nosti ban that kindergm or your will fail hard.
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