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Everything posted by Raule

  1. :D thats happen when you try to cheat :P
  2. Type in youtube Morphvox download (?)
  3. melci, scoici, raci, craci!
  4. Raule


  5. so what ? :D i was busy to write..i got pms about the topics and i just solved them.
  6. ne-am dus sa ne rugam si popa statea pi ciurci pai cum sa stea ma pe biserica? daca ciurciu era acoperit di floconi undi vrei sa shada ? si nu ii era frig? uai si gluma sinistra, cum sa-i fie frig la un om mort? ciurci = chruch = biserica flocon = fulg
  7. i giv ou mine, what you give ? :D locked for now.
  8. asd
  9. ti-am zis ce e cu plus bagi ce e cu - stergi ce e asa greu..
  10. 2 FIrst , before to open it i choosed 8 ahaha: magaki13: game magaki13: :] MxC Raule: haha MxC Raule: \i replyed already magaki13: failed
  11. To refrain from new topics i will sticky this because he will add new games almost everyday.
  12. plikule buzz me in yahoo
  13. epic
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