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Everything posted by Raule

  1. le-aveam in pc..nu le mai gasesc
  2. iti dau numa prima data tre sa fac spam amre!
  4. spam amre!
  5. spam amre!
  6. spam amre!
  7. spam amre!
  8. spam amre!
  9. spam amre!
  10. spam amre
  11. arata-ti recunostinta pentru ce.ai ca un oaspete
  12. pliz men end mi ?
  13. aveam ceva la urban groove
  14. nu sufar.. vorbesti tu aiurea
  15. amre spam
  16. mie mi-e foarte greu sa aleg intre astept ce-o sa vina si muzica..
  17. nop..twinkie plays, i fhink.
  18. mi cnows flames zwo malakas mogole
  19. we discus about real life things...
  20. I wants a good aventure, comedy movie to see, any suggestion?
  21. not gud sandwich or sick of mxc drama? Advice: leave those topics, learn romanian, we have serious discussions and not about mxc drama and bling blings, pinky rings ..you know ;D
  22. they both so retarded that you cant make difference between them.
  23. who's dis afghanistan be.bot( black eyed peas - bebot)? who cares actually ;D i guess he's ventic that won the retarded medal and they gave him afree palce in Afghanistan.
  24. mxc drama ;D so gud to be member ;D
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