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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Everyone Say Merry christmas in your mother language.
  2. spam amre
  3. Craciun fericit trisorilor.
  4. Raule

    [GR] Bass songs

  5. spam inainte sa plec
  6. fetili ma
  7. Raule


    Don't say it, Coyote just wants to go at you being incognito to take your money.
  8. care are host d-asta sa-mi fac si io ceva ratie pe filelist ?
  9. pff abea creste ratia pe filelist :|
  10. de cand nu am mai ascultat melodia asta..
  11. Merry Christmas everyone
  12. Decrease the grandient map
  13. intrati ep liberators ala ma?
  14. nu-i stres, ai timp la anu
  15. am..instalez the settlers noroc tiunchi
  16. because he shits everywhere
  17. nu te grabii asa ca acum instalez jocu :D putin mai tarziu
  18. bine zici, poate gasim ceva cu phx..ca asa singur mi-e lene sa fac dual box sa testez vre-un exploit
  19. eu nu l-am descarcat inca, ne bagam asa aiurea ma
  20. La multi ani Cristian
  21. no ma, ne bagam pe ala? care mai vine?
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS3VE7KeLJg&feature=related =))
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