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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Can you make an avatar for steam account for a friend of mine ? you know something with cs name: nTK and in bottom right: x7
  2. adjustment bureau marfa film!
  3. ahahahah ce caterinca
  4. ti-am dat unban deja mai ramne sa intre maxtor, chiar daca nu meriti sa te ajut!
  5. my video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAAF4FfXl9Y
  6. eu ma bag la film
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAAF4FfXl9Y Download link of save in description
  9. Populatia Romaniei va scadea la 19,857 milioane de persoane pana in anul 2035, de la 21,462 milioane la inceputul anului 2010, urmand apoi sa se reduca, pana in 2060, la 17.308 milioane, reprezentand unul dintre cele mai grave declinuri din UE, potrivit datelor prezentate miercuri de Eurostat.
  10. faina atunci!
  11. eu na-s fi dat bani
  12. do it in spam section.
  13. ba eu am facut logo ala :))
  14. Make a poll then and lets see who plays silkroad and metin.
  15. You can do it here, in this section.
  16. YEah,i guess you will be the only one that will wait for every part to download, you know free hosting >.> Anyway some video tutorials: Five New Features covered in this title: 1. The Refine Radius Tool 2. Content-aware healing and fills 3. The Mixer Brush 4. Live Workspace updates 5. Mini Bridge Chapter 1: THE BIG PICTURE (35 min) 1. Pixels & Resolution 2. Color 3. Exploring the Interface 4. Choosing File Formats 5. Viewing & Navigating Images Chapter 2: SETTING UP LIKE A PRO (22 min) 1. Setting User Preferences 2. Choosing Color Settings 3. Customizing the Workspace 4. Essential Keyboard Shortcuts 5. Using Rulers & Guides Chapter 3: GLOBAL EDITING (31 min) 1. Understanding the Histogram & Levels 2. Learning the Curves Tool 3. Exploring Hue & Saturation 4. Cropping & Straightening 5. Adjusting Color Balance 6. Creating a Black & White Image Chapter 4: MAKING SELECTIONS (21 min) 1. Manual Selection Tools 2. Using the Quick Selection Tool 3. Creating Color-Based Selections & Saving Selections Chapter 5: NON-DESTRUCTIVE EDITING (21 min) 1. Using Adjustment Layers 2. Understanding Layer Masks 3. Creating Gradient Masks 4. Applying Layer Blend Modes 5. Snapshots & the History Brush Chapter 6: THE FIXER-UPPER (26 min) 1. The Retouching Tools, including Content-Aware Fill 2. Removing Noise from an Image 3. Cloning with Perspective with the Vanishing Point Filter 4. Adjusting Perspective with the Lens Correction Filter 5. Content-Aware Scaling Chapter 7: TYPE DESIGN (35 min) 1. Working with Type 2. Paragraph & Character Formatting Options 3. Typing on a Path 4. Applying Layer Styles to Type Chapter 8: VECTORS, SHAPES & PATHS (22 min) 1. Vectors & the Shape Tools 2. Creating Paths 3. Saving & Loading Paths as Selections 4. Subtracting, Adding Intersecting, & Excluding Chapter 9: SMART OBJECTS (16 min) 1. Vector Graphics as Smart Objects 2. Creating & Replacing Smart Objects 3. Creating Multiple Instances of a Smart Object 4. Smart Objects Deserve Smart Filters Chapter 10: ADOBE BRIDGE (24 min) 1. Exploring the Workspace 2. Searching & Organizing Files 3. Leveraging Metadata 4. Outputting 5. Using Mini Bridge Chapter 11: PHOTOSHOP CAMERA RAW (37 min) 1. Using the Basic Panel 2. Applying Selective Edits 3. Converting to Black & White 4. Repairing an Image Chapter 12: IMAGE LAYERS & ALPHA CHANNELS (18 min) 1. Manipulating Image Layers 2. Mastering the Layers Panel 3. Creating Layer Groups & Comps Chapter 13: COMPOSITING IMAGES (18 min) 1. Combining Images & Merging the Best Elements 2. Creating Panoramas 3. Auto-Aligning Layers 4. Refine Edges Chapter 14: WORKING WITH BRUSHES (27 min) 1. Exploring the Brush Panel 2. Creating a Custom Brush 3. Changing Brush Dynamics 4. Painting with the Mixer Brush Chapter 15: PRINT & WEB OUTPUT (18 min) 1. Sharpening Images with Smart Sharpen 2. Setting Up the Print Dialog Box 3. Saving for the Web 4. Credits reate a popular people montage seen on many movie posters. Movie Poster Design II Take an ordinary house and turn it into a Sci-fi Movie Poster. Movie Poster Credits Tips and tricks on creating a real “Credit Block” for movie posters. Dark Faces How I created my creepy Image that has been in Magazines and Ads. Breaking Apart Create the illusion that a face is falling apart. Dream Scene Montage Create an elephant with wings and place it into a futuristic world. Stone Portrait Create a “Stone Bust” out of a portrait for a killer special effect. Surreal Images Create a creamy foggy mist over water and rocks. Dream Skin Create a fantasy woman with henna art and dream skin. Special Effects Learn how to create orbs, fireballs and jellyfish like creatures. Painting a Portrait Digitally paint a portrait from a photographic reference. Swapping Faces How to take the face from one photo and place it into a completely different one. Pop Art Turn a Photograph into artwork that was popular in the mid 1950’s. Applying Tattoos How to apply henna and tattoos to skin. Masking Fur Seamlessly remove the background from furry animals. Vanishing Point What Vanishing Point is and how to edit images with perspective. Web Graphics Learn how to create commonly used web graphics and screen shots. Shattered Type Create the illusion that text is being shattered like glass. Flower Greeting Card Use the vector tools in Photoshop to create an elegant looking Greeting Card. Creating DVD Covers Mark shows you exactly how he created the Photoshop Top Secret DVD covers. Flying out of Bounds Create the classic “out of bounds” effect with a very cool masking trick. Reaching out of Bounds Creating the illusion of arms and hands reaching out of a picture frame. Chocolate Milk Frog How to make a frog covered in chocolate. Covered with Wax Choose an object and cover it with melting wax. Grunge Look Create a unique grunge background that can be used for almost anything. Square Fruit Play with mother nature by changing the shape of fruit. Invisible Man How to make a person vanish from their clothing. Metal Collage How to create a Robot with pieces of a Photo and then place it into another world. Morphing Creatures Morph animals and reptiles together to create interesting creatures. Using Layer Comps How to create multiple layouts in one Photoshop file using Layer Comps. Vector Art Portrait Turn a Photograph into beautiful vector art. Dreamy Background Create Sci-fi looking spiral backgrounds. Liquid Metal The ultimate Liquid metal technique that can be applied to text and objects. Smoke Create Psychedelic and Natural Smoke to incorporate into your artwork. Soap Bubbles Use soap bubbles to add flair to your projects. Water Bubbles Use these water bubbles to infuse imagination into your projects. Underwater Scene Create an underwater illusion with just the tools in Photoshop. Swap Animal Skin Take skin from one animal and place it over another. Stylized Character Turn a sketch into colorful art. Masking Mastery Special video that explains many masking techniques used by the pros. who's intersted ? i guess none. Most of the users just want to learn how to make average sigs.
  17. m-am uitat la PAul e caterinsky filmu
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