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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Raule

    Bad Luck Brian

    WIns ticket to spend a day on a boat Titanic
  2. Raule

    Bad Luck Brian

    Asks GOd to make him not die a virgin becomes immortal
  3. Replica de agatat - Domnisoara, nu te supara, tatal tau e star porno? - Nu, de ce? - Pentru ca arati ca pula
  4. aint nobody got time for that
  5. ganduri empirice
  6. just saw monospranceana, ugly ass hell
  7. .plm gratis
  8. Raule

    Bad Luck Brian

    graduates from military school iraq
  9. :)) asculta
  10. e buna ceara solida turtle wax?
  11. CTC - Terapie de soc feat Cedry2k
  12. geniile fac bombe si retardatii le detoneaza in mall
  13. cant wait to see bale at madrid
  14. sido jandarmul cu voce de aur :happyforever:
  15. de 3 zile incoace piesa asta nu-mi da pace
  16. Raule


  17. intra fara
  18. vrea de la viata mai mult decat poti duce in portbaggaju unei dacii
  19. piesa asta e..prea geniala CTC & Vexxatu' Vexx - Legea Gravitatiei (2002)
  20. nobulus
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  22. 30k posts am
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