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Everything posted by Raule

  1. This is really awesome, i really like it.
  2. Raule


    e sofisticata ma!
  3. poll nou
  4. Bang bang bagity bang bang bang bangity bang
  5. Raule

    6 DAYS

    and you still noob Eh what can i say, i finished high school, it was awesome, making fucking jokes with teachers, laughing all day long, miss that times.
  6. http://facemrecords.ro/blog/2009/10/marpha-hip-hop-season-2-ep-15-2012-interview/
  7. In scooters, Aprilia owns every firm.
  8. daca nu asculti si inna nu esti complet
  9. You wrote in english that the signature tutorial is in greek.
  10. cine ma, eu? nu tu te dadeai mare critic si tu asculti bug mafia ;D
  11. asta a fost vre-un citat dintr-o melodie?
  12. ai un bug mafia, off da dome, freestyle?
  13. Nop, you're totaly wrong. Steroids are for personal use, only supplements are allowed in contests.
  14. who told you that? even tribulus is considered as cheat dude
  15. i had a buffer PamelaBufferson
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