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Everything posted by Raule

  1. You both just proved you have no idea what music is. Look at me, my main genre is rap but i cant deny a rock song is if good.
  2. hip hop is not a an genre
  3. stop the jokes.
  4. This is really useless Maxtor, even if the poll will be psoitive, its done by karma hunters. If they want reputation let them share new things.
  5. voi fi aici pana voi preda stafeta la mici delirici sfidand mii de critici cu propriile criterii
  6. make official exchangers like lain.
  7. tu esti in orice caz penal ca procuratura
  8. Asta are mile in rap, tu inca stai la start. Asta are kile de cap, tu inca o arzi retard.
  9. x: aseara x: i-am dat in sfarsit la mu*e lui femeimea x: dupa 2 ani y: bv bosss...cum a fost?:> x: plm..cam naspa y: dc ma?te-a zgariat?:))) x: mi-a zis k pe fratimiu la tzinut mai mult:| y:< Bashhhh>:)))))))))))))))))))))))) :))
  10. ce ma? legen...wait for it still wait for it dary!
  11. care a zis ca asculta ochiul furtunii?
  12. ma bag sa-l vad si io, ma uit la the mentalist, e destul de interesant.
  13. k lite
  14. EH wait, he didnt ^^ but still..
  15. You genius, you gave karma before getting removed.
  16. Spectru Sonor - Glasul adevarului
  17. spam amre
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