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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Raule


  2. pana la tulcea?? plm astept pana vine in Setup
  3. plm am vrut sa scriu: ppapap papapapa papapapap papapapapap appapapa
  4. Raule


    Really? i dont care for your country neither mine.. you all so -beep-ing patriots on internet but if there would be a war you wouldnt know where to run..thats the truth and we all know it, stop being so conceited.
  5. alalalalalallalalalalalala
  6. Raule


    i dont fucking care if macedonia is gr or not. Does your dick is bigger if macedonia is gr? you are just a pawn.
  7. you can get free vcc
  8. am scris cu litere mici..
  9. you so lucky.. i lost like 1kk with man u :/
  10. va dau ceva mai vechi..o ascultam prin 2006 cand nu prea o stia nimeni..
  11. give me the 20$ and i will do 30 registrations :P
  12. you all ontopic, cant ask more from mxc ;D lock lock lock
  13. y u no google?
  14. joined like 1 month ago, i know some exploits too but..it doesnt work for my country.
  15. Raule

    ps sections

  16. If you like rap music then you will cannot stop listening to this: ! PS: i Dont care for your useless comments, if you like it listen it, if not gtfo.
  17. dont post here if you want opinions about your socalled signature. Show it to your friends only if you expect only kissing ass opinions, here is the reality.
  18. ,,neah,, se numeste
  19. ai de plm!
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ADme6KK8pUA#!
  21. Unlike you i never been scammed. Its a big difference between not being scammed and being scammed.
  22. you woke up old memories :)))
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