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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Game of Thrones House Fringe iykwim
  2. Raule


    only 6,411 on whitney husto f'that
  3. Raule


    who wanna battle?
  4. Raule


    first time sang, didnt knew this song
  5. Raule


    y u must be jelly
  6. http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/04/21/anthony-popa-urria/
  7. how many series you've seen?
  8. dafuq? there's lots of series to watch.. The Sopranos Game of Thrones Fringe House The Mentalist Suits Community Homeland Misfits Supernatural Spartacus Lost Chuck Prison Break Breaking Bad Merlin Heroes How I Met Your Mother no commas between
  9. y u dont say?
  10. take the control against the greek language spreading in all sections no matter threads
  11. Please quit your job ^^ Greek should be allowed only in lineage 2 greek section. You dont know how bad it looks enlgish topics to be ruined by greeks cause you are greek.
  12. it will takes ages ^^ and i will have like 100 positions hahah y u must be jelly i admin you has already 16 referrals and i only got 13
  13. you cant. i earnt 5 positions this week, great week.
  14. 114.40$ earned - 25 positions - 0.80$ in balance Psomas you only 15 positions, 3$ a day, you must be jelly.
  15. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=241168.msg2190044#msg2190044
  16. say you wanna lift your limit for online transactions
  17. go to your bank and lift your limit kgo
  18. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=241147.msg2189817;topicseen#msg2189817 kgo smite finito, i will post more.
  19. add some shadow to the hand, okay..
  20. Game of Thrones S02E10 Valar Morghulis 23h 52m to go Mon 2012-06-04 04:00
  21. You talk here about his mix or whatever it his and not about genres
  22. 110.80$ earned - 23 positions - 6.30$ in balance
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