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Everything posted by Raule

  1. so what? it would be more interesting with THor's hammer.
  2. Raule

    Dafuq images

  3. y u no buy it from market?
  4. old Why the heck Sam did not take Thor's Hammer!!!!!!!
  5. PollBuzzer sent you $1.00 USD Transaction ID: 4T6659xxxxxxx Dear xxxxxxxxx PollBuzzer sent you a payment of $1.00 USD. Note from sender, PollBuzzer: Here is your PollBuzzer payment for successfully referring another user to PollBuzzer! Thank you, and keep referring to earn more! LOL
  6. addicted to Lie to me
  7. loled y u call that a nice beat? bout lyrics cant say anything cause i dont understand. Y u watch here: Ceilalti - Pui de lei (2010 Basarabia Pamant Romanesc) Specii - Jocul ielelor Doc - Calaul cu GuessWho Specii - Inclinatia spre divin Sisu cu Cedry2k si DOC - Fac din noapte zi
  8. mie mi-e dat 36$ :))
  9. Raule


    Delete system32
  10. so when y u will post a song wich has a awesome beat/
  11. i listened all the songs y'all posted here..and i can say they are not bad, also not impressive..
  12. this is not rap nob
  13. Deci m-am chinuit foarte mult sa scriu partea lu' ADN :)) corectati pe unde puteti Sparge oglinda ce minte, pironeaza privirea-n sine Prin amiaza vie plin de sansa in fire, prinde viata-n tine Cand ceilalti tot timpu-ncearca sa te incerce incearca inceata sa-i cercetezi tu, cioaca. C-aceasta ceata-i tocmai dirijata Asta mi-au martirii-n soapta: ,,discerne intre foc, etil si apa" De-atunci aleg alene sa nu m-aliniez Nu pentru alienare, cat pentru alinare am crez. Caut consens in condens, contez pe cortex Chiar cand ciordesc si ma ciocnesc C-asta-i contuzie, exaltare si confuzie E vexare si concluzie, decid sa ma propag prin convulsie.
  14. ceva nu mai profund ca cedry2 dar ceva mai filosofic
  15. Ok give me a song with the best best underground rap artist(wich y u consider) AND BEST UNDERGROUND BEAT(S)
  16. beat sucks. Best greek beats from underground?
  17. i gotta agree with gazoza
  18. lie to me seems cool
  19. nice SE
  20. i will start watching lie to me since i finished Psych wich it was awesome btw
  21. nob dask
  22. ? yu no post?
  23. ce-i cacatu ala.. auzi aici Chimie - Doru , Doru
  24. Raule


    you so slick, im your fan already +1 karma
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