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Everything posted by Raule

  1. nu e underground. Confunzi
  2. si concluzia?
  3. asculta versurile cu atentie
  4. sau daca vrei acuma un pumn in nas sa nu bata la ochi
  5. :okey: maine, san u bata la ochi
  6. :happyforever: asta
  7. ba cand vad smailu asta, ma inveseleste
  8. grics joing ro tracker
  9. :happyforever:
  10. :happyforever:
  11. Raule

    Awards given

  12. Raule

    Awards given

  13. :happyforever:
  14. 86 pe dex? in cati ani?
  15. Raule

    Awards given

    5 days :alone:
  16. Raule


    we feel the same about your language, its called reciprocity.
  17. Aia abia iesiti din padure nu-i suport nici io
  18. nob jaracacal
  19. being human us, sucks
  20. nu e vorba despre joint-uri..
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