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Everything posted by Raule

  1. aveam un cont din 2006 - 2007 da nu il mai stiu
  2. :happyforever:
  3. im working like a boss 12h/day sitting in front of pc, its easy, not stressful but no free time :alone:
  4. i have a real job nob :good sir: im at uorkk now :poker face: :okey:
  5. no :happyforever: i dont have vip dude :okey:
  6. grics too saks to have awesome tracker :forever alone like a boss:
  7. wich i do :forever alone like a boss:
  8. filelist is full, only if you have vip account.
  9. im at uork
  10. arrested development
  11. Vergessenheit: ba Vergessenheit: sa-ti povestesc faza tare Vergessenheit: am o prietena la medicina Suzanna: asa Vergessenheit: si face practica la urgente Vergessenheit: si cica a avut un mos Vergessenheit: care avea un bec Vergessenheit: in cur Vergessenheit: si i s-a spart Suzanna: :| +++++++++ Vergessenheit: si dupa operatie cand l-au intrebat doctorii de ce l-a bagat Vergessenheit: a zis ca i-a spus cineva ca se aprinde Suzanna: =))))) Vergessenheit: alta,de 30j de ani Vergessenheit: a facut de rev cu sefu-sau chestii Vergessenheit: si si-a descarcat ala chestiunea la ea in gura Vergessenheit: si tipa a inghtit Vergessenheit: da' mancase carnati inainte Vergessenheit: si o tinea numai in voma de cateva zile Vergessenheit: si s-a dus cu masa Vergessenheit: ca ii e rau de la carnati Vergessenheit: si cand a ramas singura cu doctora, i-a marturisit Vergessenheit: si inteba daca totusi nu-i e rau de la carnati Suzanna: pai ma Vergessenheit: si la final a intrebat daca e gravida Suzanna: wtf! Vergessenheit: si cica cand a plecat Vergessenheit: masa o tinea pe a ei Vergessenheit: ca de la carnati Vergessenheit: da' doctora "da,a fost carnatu prea gras" Suzanna: =))
  12. didnt read :forever alone like a boss:
  13. da-tche jos ghi-acolo ma printule
  14. ai vorbit si tu cuei pe scaip, esti cineva :okey:
  15. oh god why? why, why would you do that?!
  16. liniste
  17. some of us having a real job nob
  18. didnt watch lol
  19. sange pe maini, tot repet ca nu urasc pe nimeni
  20. tired now
  21. i read only the title cause im too awesome to read the whole text :gusta:
  22. :happyforever:
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