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Posts posted by DJ_ExTaCy1337

  1. how many ppl are there? and what cronicle is it? interlude?

    Oops sorry I forgot to tell u that xD

    It's C4-L2Off and it's International...


    There are a lot of ppl..more than 2k online I think ...

    I even heard 7-8k lol...

    Every town is filled with them xD and every farm area :p

    you will never be alone! haha


    Just test him out...

    It's so famous server and has the best anti-hack system out there...

    No1 can hack it :(


    Just try it ;]

    It have NPC Buffer that only gives PP/SE buffs no dance no songs no acumen lvl 3 (only lvl 2) Buffs duration 2 hours (2minutes for siren and cov/pow/pow/pof) but there are Dancers/Songers/Bufers in giran that are selling...


    You can make a bd/songer/buffer too and sell ;]


    (Buffer only for lvl 3 acumen (WC or PP) SE not needed)

  2. Yes of course it works on every server ^_^

    Yeah I used it too on some servers with NPC Buffer

    And yes with all robes it's working ....

    Robes give MP (I mean all robes gives MP ...Not gives all buffs) :D That's why u can cast! :)


    well i have 1 dobut ...


    avadon robe gives u P. Def. +5.247% & Casting Spd. +15% why if u use this u can give to ur self all buffs


    i mind it have more seense to use Blue Wolf Tunic that gives +202 mp or  Tallum Leather Armor that gives MP +222 [then u do have more mp to spend]


    i try it later and i edit [i guess it work]




    Robe armor gives MP if not u would had 1000 MP on 52 lvl with a Mage or something like there! :x

  3. L2elite!!!

    www.l2elite.us many ppl International server hosted in US with ppl from a lot of countrys!


    x45 rates I dont know enchant rates...


    With Gm shop!




    It have donate...:/

    Custom shit only Elite Armor/Elite Jewels (Donate only) Dusk shield (donate & event)



    And hmm...Some custom weapons (Dual Daggers/Dual Spellbooks/Dual Blunts [Good p/m att. but no S.A. ;])

    Try this server many ppl play it RAWKS :D

  4. If you can do it like L2Extreme was u will get more than 2k people =)

    But I dont know if NCSoft close urs too -.-'



    GM Shop with all Grades

    Dusk need materials and seal stones u remember if u have played..

    Elven Ruins and Elven fortess is the big mobs there that drop seal stones

    and on field of whispers and silence seal stones only too =]

    there were more things!!!

    I cant forget this server...:$ It was the best I ever played

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