Hello everyone,
I hope you're all having a good afternoon. I wanted to ask for your help with an issue I've been having while trying to create a community board for the Interlude chronicle using the L2JMobius CT 0 Interlude datapack. My goal is to make a top PvP and PK ranking and implement it into the custom community board that comes with this datapack.
I've adapted some code that works with the Interlude datapack from L2JMobius which I found in this link: Link. The creator of this code is "StinkyMadness".
Continuing on, I've created the RankingsBoard class and added it into the MasterHandlers, but the client throws a critical error. No errors are shown in the game server.
One idea that occurred to me is to implement this method in HomeBoard.java, but it also encounters the same error in the client. Since there are no errors shown in the game server, I'm having trouble finding a solution.
I would greatly appreciate any help or suggestions you can offer. Thank you in advance!
Here class RankingsBoard
* This file is part of the L2J Mobius project.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package handlers.communityboard;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;
import org.l2jmobius.commons.database.DatabaseFactory;
import org.l2jmobius.commons.util.StringUtil;
import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.cache.HtmCache;
import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.handler.CommunityBoardHandler;
import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler;
import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.World;
import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.Player;
public class RankingsBoard implements IParseBoardHandler
private static final StringBuilder PVP = new StringBuilder();
private static final StringBuilder PKS = new StringBuilder();
private static final int PAGE_LIMIT_15 = 15;
private long _nextUpdate;
public RankingsBoard()
private static final String[] COMMANDS =
public boolean parseCommunityBoardCommand(String command, Player player)
if (command.equals("_bbsranking"))
return true;
catch (Exception exc)
return false;
public void showRakingList(Player player)
if (_nextUpdate < System.currentTimeMillis())
try (Connection con = DatabaseFactory.getConnection();)
try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name, pvpkills FROM characters WHERE pvpkills > 0 ORDER BY pvpkills DESC LIMIT " + PAGE_LIMIT_15);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery())
int index = 1;
while (rs.next())
final String name = rs.getString("char_name");
final Player databasePlayer = World.getInstance().getPlayer(name);
final String status = "L2UI_CH3.msnicon" + ((databasePlayer != null) && databasePlayer.isOnline() ? "1" : "4");
StringUtil.append(PVP, "<table width=300 bgcolor=000000><tr><td width=20 align=right>", getColor(index), String.format("%02d", index), "</td>");
StringUtil.append(PVP, "<td width=20 height=18><img src=", status, " width=16 height=16></td><td width=160 align=left>", name, "</td>");
StringUtil.append(PVP, "<td width=100 align=right>", StringUtil.formatNumber(rs.getInt("pvpkills")), "</font></td></tr></table><img src=L2UI.SquareGray width=296 height=1>");
IntStream.range(index - 1, PAGE_LIMIT_15).forEach(x -> applyEmpty(PVP));
try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name, pkkills FROM characters WHERE pkkills > 0 ORDER BY pkkills DESC LIMIT " + PAGE_LIMIT_15);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery())
int index = 1;
while (rs.next())
final String name = rs.getString("char_name");
final Player databasePlayer = World.getInstance().getPlayer(name);
final String status = "L2UI_CH3.msnicon" + ((databasePlayer != null) && databasePlayer.isOnline() ? "1" : "4");
StringUtil.append(PKS, "<table width=300 bgcolor=000000><tr><td width=20 align=right>", getColor(index), String.format("%02d", index), "</td>");
StringUtil.append(PKS, "<td width=20 height=18><img src=", status, " width=16 height=16></td><td width=160 align=left>", name, "</td>");
StringUtil.append(PKS, "<td width=100 align=right>", StringUtil.formatNumber(rs.getInt("pkkills")), "</font></td></tr></table><img src=L2UI.SquareGray width=296 height=1>");
IntStream.range(index - 1, PAGE_LIMIT_15).forEach(x -> applyEmpty(PKS));
catch (Exception e)
_nextUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis() + 60000L;
String content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(player, "data/html/CommunityBoard/Custom/ranking/rankinglist.html");
if (content != null)
content = content.replaceAll("%name%", player.getName());
content = content.replaceAll("%pvp%", PVP.toString());
content = content.replaceAll("%pks%", PKS.toString());
content = content.replaceAll("%time%", String.valueOf((_nextUpdate - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000));
CommunityBoardHandler.separateAndSend(content, player);
public String getColor(int index)
switch (index)
case 1:
return "<font color=FFFF00>";
case 2:
return "<font color=FFA500>";
case 3:
return "<font color=E9967A>";
return "";
public String[] getCommunityBoardCommands()
return COMMANDS;
public void applyEmpty(StringBuilder sb)
sb.append("<table width=300 bgcolor=000000><tr>");
sb.append("<td width=20 align=right><font color=B09878>--</font></td><td width=20 height=18></td>");
sb.append("<td width=160 align=left><font color=B09878>----------------</font></td>");
sb.append("<td width=100 align=right><font color=FF0000>0</font></td>");
sb.append("</tr></table><img src=L2UI.SquareGray width=296 height=1>");
public static RankingsBoard getInstance()
return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE;
private static class SingletonHolder
protected static final RankingsBoard INSTANCE = new RankingsBoard();
Here the method implemented in the HomeBoard.java class in an else if, I do not put the entire class because it is very large and I think it is unnecessary, but the constants it uses
private static final StringBuilder PVP = new StringBuilder();
private static final StringBuilder PKS = new StringBuilder();
private static final int PAGE_LIMIT_15 = 15;
private long _nextUpdate;
else if (command.startsWith("_bbsranking"))
if (_nextUpdate < System.currentTimeMillis())
try (Connection con = DatabaseFactory.getConnection();)
try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name, pvpkills FROM characters WHERE pvpkills > 0 ORDER BY pvpkills DESC LIMIT " + PAGE_LIMIT_15);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery())
int index = 1;
while (rs.next())
final String name = rs.getString("char_name");
final Player databasePlayer = World.getInstance().getPlayer(name);
final String status = "L2UI_CH3.msnicon" + ((databasePlayer != null) && databasePlayer.isOnline() ? "1" : "4");
StringUtil.append(PVP, "<table width=300 bgcolor=000000><tr><td width=20 align=right>", getColor(index), String.format("%02d", index), "</td>");
StringUtil.append(PVP, "<td width=20 height=18><img src=", status, " width=16 height=16></td><td width=160 align=left>", name, "</td>");
StringUtil.append(PVP, "<td width=100 align=right>", StringUtil.formatNumber(rs.getInt("pvpkills")), "</font></td></tr></table><img src=L2UI.SquareGray width=296 height=1>");
IntStream.range(index - 1, PAGE_LIMIT_15).forEach(x -> applyEmpty(PVP));
try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name, pkkills FROM characters WHERE pkkills > 0 ORDER BY pkkills DESC LIMIT " + PAGE_LIMIT_15);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery())
int index = 1;
while (rs.next())
final String name = rs.getString("char_name");
final Player databasePlayer = World.getInstance().getPlayer(name);
final String status = "L2UI_CH3.msnicon" + ((databasePlayer != null) && databasePlayer.isOnline() ? "1" : "4");
StringUtil.append(PKS, "<table width=300 bgcolor=000000><tr><td width=20 align=right>", getColor(index), String.format("%02d", index), "</td>");
StringUtil.append(PKS, "<td width=20 height=18><img src=", status, " width=16 height=16></td><td width=160 align=left>", name, "</td>");
StringUtil.append(PKS, "<td width=100 align=right>", StringUtil.formatNumber(rs.getInt("pkkills")), "</font></td></tr></table><img src=L2UI.SquareGray width=296 height=1>");
IntStream.range(index - 1, PAGE_LIMIT_15).forEach(x -> applyEmpty(PKS));
catch (Exception e)
_nextUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis() + 60000L;
final String customPath = Config.CUSTOM_CB_ENABLED ? "Custom/" : "";
final String path = command.replace("_bbsranking;", "");
String content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(player, "data/html/CommunityBoard/" + customPath + path);
if (content != null)
content = content.replaceAll("%name%", player.getName());
content = content.replaceAll("%pvp%", PVP.toString());
content = content.replaceAll("%pks%", PKS.toString());
content = content.replaceAll("%time%", String.valueOf((_nextUpdate - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000));
CommunityBoardHandler.separateAndSend(content, player);
Critical Error: