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About TanGueray

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    Lucky Strike !

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  1. Too much bug and unstable pack from @Alex bayev though that i see you tell to people that you already fix the 95% of this pack ...
  2. finalpanais could u share the c3 files ?
  3. opoios exei to exis arxeio as to anevasei parakalw einai palio vevea prokatavolika euxaristw
  4. Den yparxoun i epiloges p m dwses sto loginserver.properties
  5. που ειναι αυτα στο server properties?
  6. καποιος L2J dev να απαντηση παιδια !καποιος που νανε γνωστης του θεματος
  7. romeo xanalew pws ton server c3 ton kanw apo home gia na ton dimiourgisw etsi opws thelw ean itan apeutheias na ton sikwsw se dedicated server den tha rwtousa kan edw giauto eimai exw ena provlima to opoio den mou dinei kapoios tin lisi Exw allaxei to protocol Min 1 Max 999 kai to akrivws antitheto exw egkatastisi tin Java Yparxei allos tropos gia na liso to provlima ? auto einai to provlima opws vlepete kai stin fotografia mpenw sto client na dimiourgiso account kai m leei auto to minima kapoios na me boithisei re pedia exw ftasei toso konta !:)
  8. Xreiazomai to l2 file edit gia C3
  9. hey men,this server dont have balance without donation the simple player is nothing !
  10. Ta Configs pisteuw pws einai mia xara,mipws einai allou to provlima pantws na xereis milame gia Home Server
  11. Romeo Exw kanei install tin java opws episis to paketo einai l2J
  12. Bump! kapios na me boithisei ean ginetai kai me teamviewer i me skype please!
  13. παιδια παρακαλω βοηθηστε Client is not using the latest authentication method Πως μπορω να το ανοιξω χωρις αυτο το error εχω δοκιμασει το min/max protocol,configs(sure) με C3 server java
  14. Bump! An1 help me? ???
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