Hello, i search someone who know to run l2j from ubuntu (l2jfrozen)
the vps is clean (no java/sql etc) need to make it all from 0.
if someone can make l2jfrozen to run in ubuntu sent pm with your price.
Hi, i search for help (by paymed) to apply some codes in l2jfrozen interlude 1004 rev
1) Sell Buffs (players make private store to sell buffs)
2) Auto drop an item event (example to drop 1000 adena in giran town every 3h)
Also you can make patch and i add it with eclipse alone.
Pm me with your offer.
το έκανα κ αυτό και έχω error .... μπορείς να μου στείλεις εσύ το δικό σου zone.xml αν το έχεις? να το βάλω κατευθείαν και να βρω που είναι το λάθος ...
Καλημέρα παιδιά,έχω ένα θέμα (πέρα από όλα τα άλλα :P)
θέλω πχ στην Giran να μην κάθονται παντού για private store αλλά μόνο στο κέντρο της πόλης,όπως πρέπει δηλαδή ...
μπορεί να με καθοδηγήσει κάποιος πως μπορώ να το κάνω αυτό?
Come on CriticalError there is 0 seeders,how can download it? like i say i have check at google and is a lot torrents,with 0 seeders or fake torrents....
anyway thanks for your time but i need other link or torrent with seeders :)
( CriticalError i am here after a true Big Search)
TopTrade we have one java c3 server,and is only for private use,not online,just to have fun with some friends,but we cant find c3 client,and all torrents is fake....
:( for that i ask here,maybe anyone have the client and give a little help
Hello,i am search at google for c3 client but...... only fake torrents is out there :)
So i am ask here if enyone have Anything from c3 client (l2.ini or any file from c3 folder)
Anything from c3 client is welcome :)
(wy i need c3 client? we are 15 people and want to make up one c3 server,no online for other,but just for fun)