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Everything posted by ronynounet

  1. Update : after one month, he finally refund the total amount. He is not a scammer but i dont recommend this guy for your transaction.
  2. Ive been waiting since 12/19/2020... He is probably not a scammer but if you cant afford the service dont accept money then
  3. Update: he finally refund me 30€. He said he gonna refund me the rest (20€) later. I dont recommend transaction with him, coz you will wait a lot!
  4. His profile: Gladdie I was suppose to have a powerlvl service but he cannot afford that service and he said that i'll be fully refund. Its been almost 1 month ago and im still waiting for my refund but still nothing.... I was really patient with him but its over now!
  5. Selling chars on Club: Grand Khatavari 76 Phantom Summoner 61 Prophet 60 Bladedancer 59 PM for more info
  6. Ive got a GK lvl 76 and some adenas to trade for Reborn server. Pm me
  7. NVM everything is fine now
  8. Pm with price
  9. Hello, Give me your discord so we can talk. See ya
  10. hello, i cant pm you. Im interested about this trade. Pm me back plz
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