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About Kuteako

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  1. wtb top S ornament MW robe parts 120+6 PP 83 archer 84+
  2. Wts ee 82lvl. 1. Nobless 2. 3 certy ud,celes,resist stun etc 3. Skills 10++ 4. Tu skills 13 5. Tully quest 6. Major setfull dark Safe enhant 7. AM+acu+ agu hydroblast 8. Kooka 69 pet 9. Dyna sigil. 10. Tts set + new mail and nick 450 euro or your offer
  3. Wts ee 82lvl. 1. Nobless 2. 3 certy ud,celes,resist stun etc 3. Skills 10++ 4. Tu skills 13 5. Tully quest 6. Major setfull dark Safe enhant 7. AM+acu+ agu hydroblast 8. Kooka 69 pet 9. Dyna sigil. 10. Tts set 450 Euro ( or your offer) new mail and nick pleas edelete topic wrong channel
  4. as in title looking for plvl ( paid full in eur/usd) for 79-82 or 74-75 or both pm me here
  5. Hi looking for plvl service on l2reborn x1 from 79 to 81+ lvl
  6. hi can u pm me when up ? i would like to take tezza#
  7. hi im looking for: tezza sk main or sub h lvl adena all with middleman
  8. Okey... Thanks a lot man ! I will leave it with these info which i changed already is enough . I will wait than till my server will get classic client there should be more informations (and i have already systemmsg for that client )
  9. Och so that's would be too hard and too much to do , i didn't see any information in file about "enemy"resisted your debuff etc , + If i have to put every buff and debuff separately it would get months Maybe can I copy the prepared lanes from another systemmsg (for classic client ) would it work or i had to change way more than only lanes in that one file? Ok thanks !
  10. Hi. I'm trying to change systemmsg to show me landed and resisted debufs /buffs but can't find the line of it someone can tell me whiche exactly it is ? I found only ss1 resisted your fear xxx but seems crazy if i have to put all extra lines manually for every debuff 2. I want have information on screen about war kills /dead from war Like clan member (name ) killed war And your clan mate (name of clan mate )died from war Is there something like that ? I have to use with h5 systemmsg
  11. Hi i want to sell my characters and items i have mail or access to mail to almost all if needed we can change mails too. In case when someone would like to buy all characters the characters without access to mails will be added as a bonus. Missions are almost all available for screen or smth pm. Tyrant and ol h lvl have zaken cloak Characters are Pp79(dlvl 80)- 200 (if no have access to mail 100) Wc 77/78(dlvl 79)- 200 Bd 78 100 (if no acces to mail 50) Destro 79 -200 Destro 71- 80 Tyr 72-80 Tyr 78(dlvl79)-140 Ps 64 -30 Craft 62-60 Spoil 62 -60 Ol 80-300 Ol 64 -60 SK 79(have sos 98%) Some Cameras and low lvl characters (ask if need some info ) Items Wts Doom hvy+6 11.4kkk Characters (access to mail can be changed) And more Preferably with MDM If you want something for less money write me yours offers Contact here or via discord @miscrogreen#8031
  12. I used many times MDM.... And after that he started to scam people... So now I don't know what else is better to use... But yes in future I will pm to one of MDM before transaction
  13. hi get scammed by member UNLEASHTHEBEAST - MaxCheaters.com | Lineage 2 Development Marketplace Bots and Cheats unde rim posting screens i hide my name etc . if needed can send to the admin https://imageupload.io/g/MBzBl1yLgj
  14. transaction done
  15. Is depends... Sometimes his soon /today/in 15 min is one week long sometimes one day.... A man is not able to send money back, you have to wait or report here maybe will be faster, all what I can say is looong... All is rly looong with him.
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