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Posts posted by lockerakos

  1. Ok i don't know if it is posted again.If yes a Moderator can remove it!


    Ok let's start.You have to be SoulTaker.Summon the big monster that can hide you (I can't remember his name xD)and put it in front of you.That's it that will take more time for the enemy to target you(ADVANTAGE).He has to come near you to see ur name!

  2. At some servers i have played which are at the top15 of hopzone that works.When you get into the stadium don't move just take the buffs u need.Stay there where u are,u will be behind the olympiad buffer.When the match starts u see that the buffer is hiding but ur enemy can see him.So if u r range class u have an advantage because it will become hard for your enemy to target you,and when he will finally target u you will have lose him a lot of hp and then u will have 80% chances to win!

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