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Everything posted by sτrίkε-

  1. you said for l2jserver, for others?the others have big differences from l2jserver?
  2. i have start 1 week ago to learn the java language. cause of no free time i dont have read many guides in order to be IN the java climate. so i'm here to ask you (java experienced guys) which chapters are the most importand in order to make by self things in your server. I mean addons/fixes/avoid errors - hackers. I know it's a programming lagnuage so you have to read and learn all the chapters and i'm not saying that i wont but i want to have in my mind the chapters which i must to check better than the others.
  3. i dont call it this guide but guiding. if you want to make a guide just teach things and you must be able to avoid questions/suggestions. i think that the tag must change it to [guiding] or [links to learn]
  4. voted for retail. the reason is just for better gaming. i dont think that custom make the server better. cause if you have your attention in custom features you will lose the ball. they will find bugs about retail gaming and then they f*** you wiht your custom's bugs. some customs are good i dont say no but stay on retail.
  5. TheNewBoston is one from the best sites for java learning. anyway gj ;)
  6. dont think so. the pack, yes, has lot of customs but shyla and nefer work for about 2 month in core side to patch the serious holes. you can check everything on forum and if you will give a try, you will be sure that the custom things are in the 2nd case for now.
  7. this is an addaption from l2j to l2jfrozen. @Author coyote. in com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler. open ItemHandler.java find this import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.itemhandlers.ChristmasTree; and add below this import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.itemhandlers.ClanRepsItem; then find this registerItemHandler(new ChestKey()); and add bellow this registerItemHandler(new ClanRepsItem()); save it and close it. in com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.itemhandlers create new file Called ClanRepsItem.java open it and add this /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.itemhandlers; /** * * * @author Coyote * Adapted by Strike */ import com.l2jfrozen.Config; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.IItemHandler; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2ItemInstance; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PlayableInstance; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.MagicSkillUser; public class ClanRepsItem implements IItemHandler { private static final int ITEM_IDS[] = { Config.CR_ITEM_REPS_ITEM_ID }; public void useItem(L2PlayableInstance playable, L2ItemInstance item) { if (!(playable instanceof L2PcInstance)) { return; } L2PcInstance activeChar = (L2PcInstance)playable; if (!activeChar.isClanLeader()) { activeChar.sendMessage("This can be used only by Clan Leaders!"); return; } else if (!(activeChar.getClan().getLevel() >= Config.CR_ITEM_MIN_CLAN_LVL)) { activeChar.sendMessage("Your Clan Level is not big enough to use this item!"); return; } else { activeChar.getClan().setReputationScore(activeChar.getClan().getReputationScore()+Config.CR_ITEM_REPS_TO_BE_AWARDED, true); activeChar.sendMessage("Your clan has earned "+ Config.CR_ITEM_REPS_TO_BE_AWARDED +" rep points!"); MagicSkillUser MSU = new MagicSkillUser(activeChar, activeChar, 2024, 1, 1, 0); activeChar.broadcastPacket(MSU); playable.destroyItem("Consume", item.getObjectId(), 1, null, false); } } public int[] getItemIds() { return ITEM_IDS; } } save it and close it. then in com.l2jfrozen open Config.java and find this public static String PVP2_CUSTOM_MESSAGE; add bellow this /** * Clan Reputation Item * Adapted By Strike */ public static boolean USE_CR_ITEM; public static int CR_ITEM_MIN_CLAN_LVL; public static int CR_ITEM_REPS_TO_BE_AWARDED; public static int CR_ITEM_REPS_ITEM_ID; then find this PVP2_CUSTOM_MESSAGE = L2ScoriaSettings.getProperty("PvP2CustomMeesage", "You have been teleported to PvP Zone 2!"); and add bellow this /** Clan reputation Item**/ USE_CR_ITEM = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2ScoriaSettings.getProperty("EnableTheClanRepPointsItem", "False")); CR_ITEM_MIN_CLAN_LVL = Integer.parseInt(L2ScoriaSettings.getProperty("ClanLevelNeededForCR", "5")); CR_ITEM_REPS_TO_BE_AWARDED = Integer.parseInt(L2ScoriaSettings.getProperty("HowManyClanRepsToGive", "500")); CR_ITEM_REPS_ITEM_ID = Integer.parseInt(L2ScoriaSettings.getProperty("CRItemID", "6673")); save it and close it. then to config/fuctions/l2jfrozen.prop find # ----------------------------------------------------- # Hero Custom Item Configuration - # ----------------------------------------------------- # When ActiveChar will use this item will gain Hero Status. EnableHeroCustomItem = False # Id Itemn Need's HeroCustomItemId = 3481 # Hero for X days, 0 forever. HeroCustomDay = 0 and add below this # ------------------------------------------------------- # Clan Reputation Custom Item Configuration # ------------------------------------------------------- # Would you like to enable the Clan Reputation points item? # Default: False EnableTheClanRepPointsItem = False # What's the Min Level in which clan leaders will be able to use the item? # Default 5 MinClanLevelNeededForCR = 5 # How many rep points will be rewarded to the clan? # Default 500 HowManyClanRepsToGive = 500 # Set the ID of the Clan Rep Points Item # Default = 6673 (Festival Adena) CRItemID = 6673 end of story :D PS. Versus or any mod, i think you must add to section rules the [ADDAPTION] tag in order to help more the members with any serverpack addaptions.
  8. you remember wrong :) i had never became l2j-dev i had a little experience but 1 month ago i take all things from the start cause some things was null. anyway it's a new starting
  9. well this allow you to set a server name for time. what i mean? You can config the SVR time is 11:09 so it will became SERVERNAME Server Time Is : TIME (GMT+2) You can change the SERVERNAME And Greenwich Time Default is L2J-Frozen and (GMT+2) time to start. in head-src\com\l2jfrozen config.java find this public static boolean NEW_PLAYER_EFFECT; and add bellow this public static String SERVER_NAME_FOR_TIME; public static int GMT_TIME; then find this NEW_PLAYER_EFFECT = Boolean.parseBoolean(frozenSettings.getProperty("NewPlayerEffect", "True")); and add bellow this SERVER_NAME_FOR_TIME = frozenSettings.getProperty("ServerName", "L2J-Frozen"); GMT_TIME = Integer.parseInt(frozenSettings.getProperty("GreenwichTime", "2")); save it and close. in head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\network\clientpackets EnterWorld.java find this if(Config.SERVER_TIME_ON_START) { activeChar.sendMessage("SVR time is " + fmt.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))); } } and replace it with this if(Config.SERVER_TIME_ON_START) { activeChar.sendMessage(Config.SERVER_NAME_FOR_TIME + " Server Time Is: " + fmt.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())) + "(GMT +" + Config.GMT_TIME +")"); } } save it and close. go now to gameserver/config/frozen/frozen.prop find this # Show Server Time to player on start ShowServerTimeOnStart = true replace it with this # Show Server Time to player on start # Show Server Name to player on start , Default = L2J-Frozen # Show Greenwhich time to player on start , Default = 2 ShowServerTimeOnStart = true ServerName = L2J-Frozen GreenwichTime = 2 save it, close it, build and you are done. well it's a small config but usefull i think for l2jfrozen users i need feedbacks if something going wrong
  10. try to update your java version to the latest. many error appeared for this.
  11. i have already transfer money for dedicated server. so soon lag will be fixed.
  12. they have error with unstuck command. i'm trying to fix it but if you create new char you are okay
  13. @eunusumnt you have to take a new view there. @secret try with clear client. Server Running Normally from today!
  14. can you tell me where i said that is dedicated? one word or phrase.
  15. make your configs with attention http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=50068.0
  16. nope. nothing will be whiped. @mathimatikos. i dont need your opinion .
  17. yes. i'm alone into developement team and it's a bit difficult but okay i trust myself. anyway thanks :) edit : @secret Beta testing it's for 1 week.
  18. Hello folks, So here we go. L2 Apocalypse Team: ~Apocalypse~ Server's Owner, he provides the hardware's payment ~Strike~ Server's Developer & Web Master , he provides for server fixing, editing etc. ~Loretta~ Server's Game Master , he provides for the better gaming into our server Server Features : Server's Hardware Under Construction Rates - Xperience : 5000 - Skill Points : 5000 - Adena : 10000 - Spoil : 1 - Drop : 1 - Safe : 7 - Max : 25 - Normal Scrolls Enchant Rate : 70% - Blessed Scrolls Enchant Rate : 100% (1 Blessed Scroll = 10 Apiga) Voiced Commands .online (Shows you how many player are online) .away (Set your character in away system after 10 seconds) .back (Set your character back from away system after 10 seconds) .deposit (Trade your adena for gold bars. 1/2 Billion Adena = 1 Gold Bar) .withdraw (Trade your gold bars for adena. 1 Gold Bar = 1/2 Billion Adena) .stat (By targeting a player will show you the stats of him) Basement - L][Apocalypse Based On L2Java Interlude Server. - Full Chronicle 6 Skills - Full Chronicle 6 Monsters - Full Chronicle 6 Areas - Full Chronicle 6 Quests - Castle Sieges - Fortress Sieges (-Optional- If the community want fortress sieges we will open them) - Olympiad Retail Like 100% - Clan Halls Working 100% - Recommendations (Max 255) - Subclass Without Quests (max 3) - Heroes (Every 2 weeks) - Noblesse (200 Farm Coins Required) - Change Class (without quests) - Auto Learn Skills - Augmentation - Wedding System Working 100% - 72 Buff Cases - 4 Hours Buff Time - Clan Skills & Levels (Vote rewards required.) - Force Skills Protection - DDos Protecting System - MMOCORE System - Flood Protector To All Cases L2 Apocalypse Official Page L2 Apocalypse Forum Regards, sτrίkε-
  19. de3i click sto startgameserver.bat kai kane replace sto Xmx me tin memory p exeis dia8esimh. to xmx uparxei 2 fores prepei na t alla3eis kai stis 2
  20. just make a backup (via navicat) of your server database. then delete your l2jdb and make your new l2jdb. after finishing of the new l2jdb restore your backup file and you are ok. the only thing that you MUST make then is to transfer datapack files (html,multisell etc) into your new datapack. hope you helped
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