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  1. All of this... RATES SERVER - Experience multiplier: 5x - Skill points multiplier: 5x - Experience multiplier (Party): 1.5x - Skill points multiplier (Party): 1.5x - Rate Drop Manor: 5x - Drop/Spoil chance multiplier: 5x - Herb drop chance multiplier: 2.5x - Raid drop chance multiplier: 5x - Adena amount multiplier: 5x - Epic Raid boss drop jewelry: 1x - Hellbound trust increase/decrease multipliers: 5x - Quest item drop multiplier: 5x - Quest EXP/SP reward multipliers: 5x - Quest Adena reward multiplier: 5x - Quest Default reward multiplier: 5x - Additional quest-reward multipliers based on item type: - Rate quest reward Potion: 5x - Rate quest reward Scroll: 5x - Rate quest reward Recipe: 5x - Rate quest reward Material: 5x ENCHANT RATES - Safe Enchant Full Armors (Mage or Fighter): +4 - Safe Enchant No Full Armors (Mage or Fighter): +3 - Max Enchant Full Armors: +20 - Safe Enchant Weapons (Mage or Fighter): +4 - Max Enchant Weapons: +20 - Safe Enchant Jewels: +3 - Max Enchant Jewels: +20 - Safe Enchant Olf's Shirt: +3 - Max Enchant Olf's Shirt: +10 - Element Stone 50% chance success - Element Crystal Enchant 30% chance success - Element Jewel Enchant 20% chance success - Element Energy Enchant 10% chance success - Max Attack element: 300 - Max Defence Element: 120 per armor item - Enchant normal start in 66.6667% chance success. Failure breaks the item in crystals of item grade - Blessed Enchant start in 66.6667% chance success. Failure does NOT break the item, it stays as it was and you consume the scroll only ADDITIONAL FEATURES & CHANGES - Autolearn skills until level 85 - Weight Limit increased x3 - Subclass NO requires Quest - Max Subclass Level: 80 - Autolearn Forgotten skills - Autolearn Divine Inspiration - Server Host NA/EU - Inventory Slots: - Dwarf: 140 - No Dwarf: 120 - Quest Items all: 100 - Shift+Click to see the droplist and chance that applies with your level on monsters - First class change (level 20) FREE - Second class change (level 40) FREE - Third class change (level 76) need 10kk adena and 1kk ancient adena and player will be rewarded with 1 Book of Giants - Sellbuff system working - Buffs Max 20+4 buffs, 12 dances, 12 song slots OLYMPIADS - Olympiad starts at 18:00 GMT - Max Buffs: 5 - Olympiad Competition Period: 6 hours - Olympiad Battle Period: 5 minutes - Olympiad Weekly Period, Used for adding points to nobles: 1 Week - Olympiad Validation Period: 24 Hours - Required number of participants for the class based games: 11 - Required number of participants for the non-class based games: 11 - Required number of participants for the 3x3 teams games: 6 - Enchant limit for items during Olympiad battles. No limit EPIC BOSSES - VALAKAS. Wait time 30 minutes. Respawn 11 days + 72 hours random - ANTHARAS. Wait time 20 minutes. Respawn 11 days + 72 hours random - BAIUM. Respawn 7 days + 48 hours random - ANT QUEEN. Respawn 36 hours + 17 hours random - ORFEN. Respawn 48 hours + 20 hours random - CORE. Respawn 60 hours + 24 hours random - BELETH. Respawn 8 days + 148 hours random. Min players 36 Available in: https://jpszone.com
  2. https://jpszone.com/features/ Come and try it and you will stay
  3. [L2-H5] NEW High Five 10x ALL LAG RELATED ISSUES WERE TOTALLY FIXED MY FRIENDS!!! The server is a public emulation server for a famous MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), in its latest update (update 3) of the Chronicle High Five, which will allow the player enjoyment, comfort and playability. Is an INTERNATIONAL server. No discriminations. We have anti-DoS protection. Services recently checked. Staff with a ton of demonstrable experience in development and management of this type High Five servers!!!. We invite you to join the server and enjoy it. Invite your friends for play also. We have made things simple for our clients, use our Updater and avoid problems to play FREE. https://www.jpszone.com/download/L2Updater.zip ---------------------------------------------- .:. Links.:. ---------------------------------------------- Main Secure Website: https://www.jpszone.com Everything is ready for the grand opening... https://www.jpszone.com
  4. The Eternia server is a public emulation server for a famous MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), in its latest update (update 3) of High Five, which will allow the player enjoyment, comfort and playability. Eternia is a multilanguage server between players Eternia server is updated regularly. Eternia has anti-DoS protection from a prestigious and recognized external company, which, we consider to be effective and efficient enough to mitigate the attacks that may occur from unwanted attacks that could try to interrupt the service. We invite you to join the server, that you enjoy it ;-) and that you also invite your friends for play. Check all of our settings and features in https://www.jpszone.com/information/ ---------------------------------------------- .:. Links.:. ---------------------------------------------- Main Secure Website: https://www.jpszone.com Discord: https://discord.gg/qr8zUKvvzx
  5. The Eternia server is a public emulation server for a famous MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), in its latest update (update 3) of High Five, which will allow the player enjoyment, comfort and playability. We also do not have unbalanced classes, proffessions or skills. Eternia is a multilanguage server between players Eternia server is updated regularly. Eternia has anti-DoS protection from a prestigious and recognized external company, which, we consider to be effective and efficient enough to mitigate the attacks that may occur from unwanted attacks that could try to interrupt the service. We invite you to join the server, that you enjoy it and that you also invite your friends for play. Check all of our settings and features in https://www.jpszone.com/information/ ---------------------------------------------- .:. Links.:. ---------------------------------------------- Main Secure Website: https://www.jpszone.com Main Secure Shop: https://www.jpszone.com/shop Secure Forum: https://www.jpszone.com/forum ---------------------------------------------- .:. Other Links.:. ---------------------------------------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/qr8zUKvvzx Tweeter: https://twitter.com/JPSZone_Eternia
  6. The Eternia server belongs to the JPSZone project. JPSZone is a project with a long history over time, totally developed in private, using the Java programming language (from Java 7 to the current Java 17) to perform the necessary server functions. The beginnings of the project date back around the year 2009 ~ 2010. The Eternia server is a public emulation server for a famous MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), in its latest update (update 3) of High Five, fully RETAIL and only equipped with some minimal assists/functionalities, which will allow the player enjoyment, comfort and playability. The Eternia server was created with the intention of not making the player lose the "essence and emotion" that the chronicle possesses previously. In Eternia, we do not edit or alter any setting that has to do with the RETAIL operation of the different functionalities that the chronicle brings by default. We also do not have unbalanced classes, multiskills, or cumulative skills or customizations of any kind. You will be able to find functionalities that you have probably never seen, or if you have seen them, you may check that they are repaired and/or improved. In the Eternia server, we do not want to discriminate against anyone based on language, therefore, Eternia is a multilanguage server between players, with a single exception, communication with the Staff, which depending on the case, will have to be in the Spanish language of Spain or in the English language of the United Kingdom. We inform that the Eternia server is updated regularly (Main Core and Data Pack). At the security level, Eternia has anti-DoS protection from a prestigious and recognized external company, which, we consider to be effective and efficient enough to mitigate the attacks that may occur from unwanted attacks that could try to interrupt the service. We invite you to join the best server, ours, that you enjoy it and that you also invite your friends to share it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:. Links.:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website: https://www.jpszone.com Forum: https://www.jpszone.com/forum
  7. The Eternia server belongs to the JPSZone project, that is, it is not any other server that has to do with another project, nor is it related. JPSZone is a project with a long history over time, totally developed in private, using the Java programming language (from Java 7 to the current Java 16) to perform the necessary server functions. The beginnings of the project date back around the year 2009 ~ 2010. The Eternia server is a public emulation server for a famous MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), in its latest update (update 3) of High Five, fully RETAIL and only equipped with some minimal assists / functionalities, which will allow the player enjoyment, comfort and playability. The Eternia server was created with the intention of not making the player lose the essence and emotion that the chronicle possesses against previous and later chronicles. In Eternia, we do not edit or alter any setting that has to do with the RETAIL operation of the different functionalities that the chronicle brings by default. We also do not have unbalanced classes, multiskills, or cumulative skills or customizations of any kind. You will be able to find functionalities that you have probably never seen, or if you have seen them, you may check that they are repaired and / or improved. We insist that the server is oriented to RETAIL, NOT CUSTOM. In the Eternia server, we do not want to discriminate against anyone based on language, therefore, Eternia is a multilanguage server between players, with a single exception, communication with the Staff, which depending on the case, will have to be in the Spanish language of Spain or in the English language of the United Kingdom. We inform that the Eternia server is updated monthly. Every Wednesday morning, automatically, by means of a reboot of the system, the addons, corrections, improvements that the staff have processed up to that moment that do not affect the core of the emulator are entered into execution. Players who are online will be warned of the restart, with a countdown message on the screen and in the chat window, informing them in the different intervals of the remaining time. During the reboot process, the static data of the emulator is stored until the reboot moment. At the security level, Eternia has anti-DoS protection from a prestigious and recognized external company, which, we consider to be effective and efficient enough to mitigate the attacks that may occur from unwanted attacks that could interrupt the service. We invite you to join the best server, ours, that you enjoy it and that you also invite your friends to share it. Here are the main features of the Eternia server: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:. Server Rates .:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Experience (EXP): 5x > Skill Points (SP): 5x > Adena: 5x > Items Drop: 5x > Spoil: 5x > Quest Experience (EXP): 5x > Quest Skill Points (SP): 5x > Quest Drop Items: 5x > Quest Adena: 5x > Additional Quest Multipliers: 5x > Weight Limit: 1x > Party Multiplier (EXP and SP): 1.5x > Manor: 5x > Raid Drop: 5x (Grand RaidBosses jewelry amount 1x) > Hellbound Increase/Decrease: 5x > Pets Experience (EXP): 5x > Sin Eater Experience (EXP): 5x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:. Basic Configurations (Retail-Like) .:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Buff Slots: 20 | Dance and Songs Slots: 12 and 12 > Auto Learn Skills: No; Forgotten and/or Divine Inspiration Autolearn: No > Sell and craft offline mode enabled > Vitality System > Nevit’s Blessing System, Nevit’s Hourglass and Nevit’s Herald System > Champions System DISABLED > Wedding System > PcBang Points System | Lucky Pigs System > High Five Treasure Chests System > All Seven Signs Quest (12 Quests) > Spawn Return System > Pailaka Working > Kamaloka Working > Rim Kamaloka Working > Elpies, Rabbits, Race events scheduled > Fishing King Championship Tournament Event > Kratei’s Cube Event > Aerial Cleft Event > Enhanced Players Security with Secondary Auth Password > Planned Maintenance Reboot (Every Wednesday at 10:00 AM server local time, warning the players online 10 minutes before) > Full Geodata & Pathnodes > Raid Informer NPC with Raidboss status and date > NPC Delevel Manager in Giran Town > Shift + Click Droplist on Monsters > Global Shout & Trade Chat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:. Commands .:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > .expon and .expoff – Enable and disable EXP gain > .teletocl – Teleports you near your clan leader > .online – Show you in-game players > .changepassword – Change the actual password by another one > .changeemail – Change the actual email by another one > .repair character name – Repair broken players > .store – Update player data (in case of emergency) > .premium – Check your premium status > .loot – Check your actual Loot settings > .autoloot – Loot all item(s) > .raidloot – Loot all item(s) from raids or raid minions > .itemloot – Loot all better item(s) > .herbloot – Loot recovery(s) herb(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:. Scheduled Events Calendar .:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Angel Cat Event. Available from October 26 to October 30 > Catch a Tiger Event. Available from October 12 to October 26 > Coffer Of Shadows Event. Available from October 24 to November 07 > Freya Celebration Event. Available from August 24 to September 14 > Gift Of Vitality Event. Available from July 13 to July 20 > Halloween Event. Available from October 20 to November 01 > Heavy Medal Event. Available from August 31 to September 19 > L2Day Event. Available from November 21 to November 26 > Lovers' Jubilee Event. Available from February 09 to February 23 > Love Your Gatekeeper Event. Available from January 20 to January 27 > Master of Enchanting Event. Available from February 21 to March 07 > Playing with Fire Event. Available from July 03 to July 11 > Save the Cow. Available from October 12 to December 26 > Saving Santa Event. Available from December 16 to December 30 > Squash Event. Available from June 09 to June 23 > Valentine Event. Available from February 10 to February 17 > Wintermelon Woes. Available from December 14 to December 28 > Zaken's Curse Event. Available from September 23 to October 07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:. Dedicated Machine Information .:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chassis: 19 inch 4U rack-mountable chassis > Server: Intel - 2,33 GHz - 4 cores > Memory: 8 GB > Masive storage: 500 GB > Operating system: Linux Server 64 bits > Connection: 300 Mbps > Connection type: Optical fiber > Power supply: Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:. Links.:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website: https://www.jpszone.com Forum: https://www.jpszone.com/forum GRAND OPENING: 02/01/22
  8. The Eternia server belongs to the JPSZone project, that is, it is not any other server that has to do with another project, nor is it related. JPSZone is a project with a long history over time, totally developed in private, using the Java programming language (from Java 7 to the current Java 16) to perform the necessary server functions. The beginnings of the project date back around the year 2009 ~ 2010. The Eternia server is a public emulation server for a famous MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), in its latest update (update 3) of High Five, fully RETAIL and only equipped with some minimal assists / functionalities, which will allow the player enjoyment, comfort and playability. The Eternia server was created with the intention of not making the player lose the essence and emotion that the chronicle possesses against previous and later chronicles. In Eternia, we do not edit or alter any setting that has to do with the RETAIL operation of the different functionalities that the chronicle brings by default. We also do not have unbalanced classes, multiskills, or cumulative skills or customizations of any kind. You will be able to find functionalities that you have probably never seen, or if you have seen them, you may check that they are repaired and / or improved. We insist that the server is oriented to RETAIL, NOT CUSTOM. In the Eternia server, we do not want to discriminate against anyone based on language, therefore, Eternia is a multilanguage server between players, with a single exception, communication with the Staff, which depending on the case, will have to be in the Spanish language of Spain or in the English language of the United Kingdom. We inform that the Eternia server is updated monthly. Every Wednesday morning, automatically, by means of a reboot of the system, the addons, corrections, improvements that the staff have processed up to that moment that do not affect the core of the emulator are entered into execution. Players who are online will be warned of the restart, with a countdown message on the screen and in the chat window, informing them in the different intervals of the remaining time. During the reboot process, the static data of the emulator is stored until the reboot moment. At the security level, Eternia has anti-DoS protection from a prestigious and recognized external company, which, we consider to be effective and efficient enough to mitigate the attacks that may occur from unwanted attacks that could interrupt the service. We invite you to join the best server, ours, that you enjoy it and that you also invite your friends to share it. Here are the main features of the Eternia server: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:. Server Rates .:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Experience (EXP): 5x > Skill Points (SP): 5x > Adena: 5x > Items Drop: 5x > Spoil: 5x > Quest Experience (EXP): 5x > Quest Skill Points (SP): 5x > Quest Drop Items: 5x > Quest Adena: 5x > Additional Quest Multipliers: 5x > Weight Limit: 1x > Party Multiplier (EXP and SP): 1.5x > Manor: 5x > Raid Drop: 5x (Grand RaidBosses jewelry amount 1x) > Hellbound Increase/Decrease: 5x > Pets Experience (EXP): 5x > Sin Eater Experience (EXP): 5x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:. Basic Configurations (Retail-Like) .:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Buff Slots: 20 | Dance and Songs Slots: 12 and 12 > Auto Learn Skills: No; Forgotten and/or Divine Inspiration Autolearn: No > Sell and craft offline mode enabled > Vitality System > Nevit’s Blessing System, Nevit’s Hourglass and Nevit’s Herald System > Champions System DISABLED > Wedding System > PcBang Points System | Lucky Pigs System > High Five Treasure Chests System > All Seven Signs Quest (12 Quests) > Spawn Return System > Pailaka Working > Kamaloka Working > Rim Kamaloka Working > Elpies, Rabbits, Race events scheduled > Fishing King Championship Tournament Event > Kratei’s Cube Event > Aerial Cleft Event > Enhanced Players Security with Secondary Auth Password > Planned Maintenance Reboot (Every Wednesday at 10:00 AM server local time, warning the players online 10 minutes before) > Full Geodata & Pathnodes > Raid Informer NPC with Raidboss status and date > NPC Delevel Manager in Giran Town > Shift + Click Droplist on Monsters > Global Shout & Trade Chat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:. Commands .:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > .expon and .expoff – Enable and disable EXP gain > .teletocl – Teleports you near your clan leader > .online – Show you in-game players > .changepassword – Change the actual password by another one > .changeemail – Change the actual email by another one > .repair character name – Repair broken players > .store – Update player data (in case of emergency) > .premium – Check your premium status > .loot – Check your actual Loot settings > .autoloot – Loot all item(s) > .raidloot – Loot all item(s) from raids or raid minions > .itemloot – Loot all better item(s) > .herbloot – Loot recovery(s) herb(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:. Scheduled Events Calendar .:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Angel Cat Event. Available from October 26 to October 30 > Catch a Tiger Event. Available from October 12 to October 26 > Coffer Of Shadows Event. Available from October 24 to November 07 > Freya Celebration Event. Available from August 24 to September 14 > Gift Of Vitality Event. Available from July 13 to July 20 > Halloween Event. Available from October 20 to November 01 > Heavy Medal Event. Available from August 31 to September 19 > L2Day Event. Available from November 21 to November 26 > Lovers' Jubilee Event. Available from February 09 to February 23 > Love Your Gatekeeper Event. Available from January 20 to January 27 > Master of Enchanting Event. Available from February 21 to March 07 > Playing with Fire Event. Available from July 03 to July 11 > Save the Cow. Available from October 12 to December 26 > Saving Santa Event. Available from December 16 to December 30 > Squash Event. Available from June 09 to June 23 > Valentine Event. Available from February 10 to February 17 > Wintermelon Woes. Available from December 14 to December 28 > Zaken's Curse Event. Available from September 23 to October 07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:. Dedicated Machine Information .:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chassis: 19 inch 4U rack-mountable chassis > Server: Intel - 2,33 GHz - 4 cores > Memory: 8 GB > Masive storage: 500 GB > Operating system: Linux Server 64 bits > Connection: 600 Mbps symmetric > Connection type: Optical fiber > Power supply: Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:. Links.:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website: https://www.jpszone.com Forum: https://www.jpszone.com/forum
  9. ---::: Introduction :::--- Master the advanced combat system and harness the power of real-time tactical decisions while fighting. Choose your path by creating unique characters from six different races: <+> Human <+> Elf <+> Dark Elf <+> Orc <+> Dwarf <+> Kamael Form a clan and unite your powers to defeat enemies and achieve common goals. Take part in colossal player-versus-player siege warfare battles, defending your castle or fortress whatever the cost. Level up a baby pet into a superior companion, or travel in style with a rideable wolf or strider pet. The game has siege warfare, raid bosses, clans, arenas, multi class systems, and a ton of extra features that have managed to keep this game relevant for over a decade. The game has various classes, and depending on which race you choose, you gain access to certain class trees. Players start with a basic class, which can be upgraded at different level intervals (Level 20 first class, Level 40 second class, Level 76 third class). Once a player reaches Level 85, they can add a subclass, which starts at Level 40. Once the subclass has reached Level 75, the player can choose another one, and level that as well. There are also dual classes which can be added after completing a quest at Level 80. <<<::: Key Features :::>>> <+> Insane Variety of Classes – choose from over thirty different classes which can be upgraded multiple times. You can even have a sub class or a dual class upon reaching the end-game. <+> Tried and True – with over ten years of development and updates under its belt, game is still well-played and relevant. <+> Tons of Content – with new patches being added and the development team constantly working to improve the game, the game won’t leave you bored. <+> Throw a Glove – with open world PvP, players can choose to duel or PK with ease. Various PvP and PvE options are available, with the best stages available in the endgame. <+> Unique Skill Tree System – instead of gaining skill points with each level, players gain SP (independently of XP) which can be invested in the skill tree for new abilities and such. <<<::: High Five delivers the following updates requested by players from around the world: :::>>> <+> 7 new raid bosses and nearly 20 new high-level quests <+> New skills and items, plus revamped hunting zones <+> Grand Olympiad enhancements and improved clan leveling <+> Nevit’s Advent Blessing, a new Vitality-related boost system Welcome to Retail gameplay again! Feel the game again as it was in its origins! Have fun! ---::: Server Rates :::--- > Experience (EXP): 3x | Skill Points (SP): 3x > Adena: 3x | Items Drop: 3x | Spoil: 3x > Quest Experience (EXP): 3x > Quest Skill Points (SP): 3x > Quest Drop Items: 3x > Quest Adena: 3x > Additional Quest Multipliers: 3x > Weight Limit: 1x > Extractable items and skills rate: 3x > Party Multiplier (EXP and SP): 1.5x > Manor: 3x > Raid Drop: 3x (Grand RaidBosses jewelry amount 1x) > Hellbound Increase/Decrease: 3x > Pets Experience (EXP): 3x > Sin Eater Experience (EXP): 3x ---::: Basic Configurations (Retail-Like) :::--- > Buff Slots: 20 | Dance and Songs Slots: 12 and 12 > Auto Learn Skills: No; Forgotten and/or Divine Inspiration Autolearn: No > Autoloot: No; Autoloot RaidBoss: No > Sell and craft offline mode > Vitality System > Nevit’s Blessing System, Nevit’s Hourglass and Nevit’s Herald System > Champions System | Wedding System > PcBang Points System | Lucky Pigs System > High Five Treasure Chests System > All Seven Signs Quest (12 Quests) > Spawn Return System > Pailaka Working > Kamaloka Working > Rim Kamaloka Working > Elpies, Rabbits, Race events scheduled > Fishing King Championship Tournament Event > Kratei’s Cube Event > Aerial Cleft Event > Enhanced Players Security with Secondary Auth Password > Planned Maintenance Reboot (Every Wednesday at 10:00 AM server local time, warning the players online 10 minutes before) > High Ping Protection System > Full Geodata & Pathnodes ---::: Commands :::--- > .expon and .expoff – Enable and disable EXP gain > .teletocl – Teleports you near your clan leader > .online – Show you in-game players > .changepassword – Change the actual password by another one. > .changeemail – Change the actual email by another one. > .repair character name – Repair broken players. > .store – Update player data (in case of emergency). > .premium – Check your premium status. > .autoloot – Loot all item(s). > .itemloot – Loot all better item(s). > .herbloot – Loot recovery(s) herb(s). ---::: Dedicated Machine Information :::--- > Server: Intel – 2,33 GHz – 4 cores. > Operating System: Linux Server 64 bits > Connection: 100 Mbps Symmetrical > RAM Memory: 4 GB DDR2 asigned, 8GB DDR2 in total > Hard Disk Drive: 640 GB ---::: Links :::--- Website: https://www.jpszone.com Forum: https://www.jpszone.com/forum Tweeter: https://twitter.com/jpszone_
  10. Website: https://www.jpszone.com Forum: https://www.jpszone.com/forum Tweeter: https://twitter.com/jpszone_ ---::: Introduction :::--- Hi Adventurers of JPSZone, we wanted to communicate, that after several months and even years of literally breaking our heads solving errors (some of us and some from others, were not so much), we believe that it would be possible to start to play normally on the server. Of course, we recognize that we still have some technical details to polish, everything will never be finished, something can always be improved, but even so, we think that with the updates that we will make, over time, they can be corrected progressively all those details that could be missing, incomplete or simply that were poorly planned. That is why, all accounts created will remain with the same user/password/character PIN created during the beta phase. All characters will remain (to be fair and save me headaches) with all personalizations at the moment of the creation and in the same place where they were the last time they logged out of the server. ---::: Game Description :::--- Master the advanced combat system and harness the power of real-time tactical decisions while fighting. Choose your path by creating unique characters from six different races: Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Orc, Dwarf, and Kamael. Form a clan and unite your powers to defeat enemies and achieve common goals. Take part in colossal player-versus-player siege warfare battles, defending your castle or fortress whatever the cost. Level up a baby pet into a superior companion, or travel in style with a rideable wolf or strider pet. Welcome to Retail gameplay again! Feel the game again as it was in its origins! Have fun! ---::: Server Rates :::--- > Experience (EXP): 3x | Skill Points (SP): 3x > Adena: 3x | Items Drop: 3x | Spoil: 3x > Quest Experience (EXP): 3x > Quest Skill Points (SP): 3x > Quest Drop Items: 3x > Quest Adena: 3x > Additional Quest Multipliers: 3x > Weight Limit: 1x > Extractable items and skills rate: 3x > Party Multiplier (EXP and SP): 1.5x > Manor: 3x > Raid Drop: 3x (Grand RaidBosses jewelry amount 1x) > Hellbound Increase/Decrease: 3x > Pets Experience (EXP): 3x > Sin Eater Experience (EXP): 3x ---::: Basic Configurations (Retail-Like) :::--- > Buff Slots: 20 | Dance and Songs Slots: 12 and 12 > Auto Learn Skills: No; Forgotten and/or Divine Inspiration Autolearn: No > Autoloot: No; Autoloot RaidBoss: No > Sell and craft offline mode > Vitality System > Nevit's Blessing System, Nevit's Hourglass and Nevit's Herald System > Champions System | Wedding System > PcBang Points System | Lucky Pigs System > High Five Treasure Chests System > All Seven Signs Quest (12 Quests) > Spawn Return System > Pailaka Working > Kamaloka Working > Rim Kamaloka Working > Elpies, Rabbits, Race events scheduled > Fishing King Championship Tournament Event > Kratei's Cube Event > Aerial Cleft Event > Enhanced Players Security with Secondary Auth Password > Reboot by Maintenance (Begins Every Wed. at 10:00 AM Server Local Time, Announcing it to players online for 10 minutes > High Ping Protection System > Full Geodata & Pathnodes ---::: Commands :::--- > .expon and .expoff - Enable and disable EXP gain > .teletocl - Teleports you near your clan leader > .online - Show you in-game players > .changepassword - Change the actual password by another one. > .changeemail - Change the actual email by another one. > .repair character name - Repair broken players. > .store - Update player data (in case of emergency). > .premium - Check your premium status.
  11. Website: https://www.jpszone.com Forum: https://www.jpszone.com/forum Tweeter: https://twitter.com/jpszone_ ---::: Introduction :::--- Hi Adventurers of JPSZone, we wanted to communicate, that after several months and even years of literally breaking our heads solving errors (some of us and some from others, were not so much), we believe that it would be possible to start to play normally on the server. Of course, we recognize that we still have some technical details to polish, everything will never be finished, something can always be improved, but even so, we think that with the updates that we will make, over time, they can be corrected progressively all those details that could be missing, incomplete or simply that were poorly planned. That is why, all accounts created will remain with the same user/password/character PIN created during the beta phase. All characters will remain (to be fair and save me headaches) with all personalizations at the moment of the creation and in the same place where they were the last time they logged out of the server. ---::: Game Description :::--- Master the advanced combat system and harness the power of real-time tactical decisions while fighting. Choose your path by creating unique characters from six different races: Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Orc, Dwarf, and Kamael. Form a clan and unite your powers to defeat enemies and achieve common goals. Take part in colossal player-versus-player siege warfare battles, defending your castle or fortress whatever the cost. Level up a baby pet into a superior companion, or travel in style with a rideable wolf or strider pet. Welcome to Retail gameplay again! Feel the game again as it was in its origins! Have fun! Server Rates > Experience (EXP): 3x | Skill Points (SP): 3x > Adena: 3x | Items Drop: 3x | Spoil: 3x > Quest Experience (EXP): 3x > Quest Skill Points (SP): 3x > Quest Drop Items: 3x > Quest Adena: 3x > Additional Quest Multipliers: 3x > Weight Limit: 1x > Extractable items and skills rate: 3x > Party Multiplier (EXP and SP): 1.5x > Manor: 3x > Raid Drop: 3x (Grand RaidBosses jewelry amount 1x) > Hellbound Increase/Decrease: 3x > Pets Experience (EXP): 3x > Sin Eater Experience (EXP): 3x Basic Configurations (Retail-Like) > Buff Slots: 20 | Dance and Songs Slots: 12 and 12 > Auto Learn Skills: No; Forgotten and/or Divine Inspiration Autolearn: No > Autoloot: No; Autoloot RaidBoss: No > Sell and craft offline mode > Vitality System > Nevit's Blessing System, Nevit's Hourglass and Nevit's Herald System > Champions System | Wedding System > PcBang Points System | Lucky Pigs System > High Five Treasure Chests System > All Seven Signs Quest (12 Quests) > Spawn Return System > Pailaka Working > Kamaloka Working > Rim Kamaloka Working > Elpies, Rabbits, Race events scheduled > Fishing King Championship Tournament Event > Kratei's Cube Event > Aerial Cleft Event > Enhanced Players Security with Secondary Auth Password > Reboot by Maintenance (Begins Every Wed. at 10:00 AM Server Local Time, Announcing it to players online for 10 minutes > High Ping Protection System > Full Geodata & Pathnodes Commands > .expon and .expoff - Enable and disable EXP gain > .teletocl - Teleports you near your clan leader > .online - Show you in-game players > .changepassword - Change the actual password by another one. > .changeemail - Change the actual email by another one. > .repair character name - Repair broken players. > .store - Update player data (in case of emergency). > .premium - Check your premium status.
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