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Everything posted by Vagelis1988

  1. Wtb am +15 in warland. Only good seller. No scammers. I prefer trade with guy from Greece.
  2. I buy epics Valakas Antharas Baium And am +14 / +15 Dc set +13/14/15 Tate set +12/13 Only good offers and packs and only from trusted sellers guaranted from admin in maxcheaters. Scammers don pm me. I buy hand by hand if anybody is from Athens Greece.
  3. Interesting in baium zaken valakas dc set +14 am +14/15 tate set +12
  4. Up dc set +14 baium valakas am 14/15 . Onlu good prices and trusted.
  5. Nαι φιλε μου. ΑΘΗΝΑ. κανε με pm.
  6. Wtb baium - tezza Am 14/15 Or 400k gold Only trusted seller with good comments. Only paypal or hand by hand( αν ειναι ελληνες)
  7. Trusted seller!!! The best!!
  8. Today i made one more trade with one of the sellers we have in our foroum and im so dissapointed ... i send him 40 euro with paypal and never went back in game to give me the items... im so sorry i a weak i loose more money from scammers... His profile https://maxcheaters.com/profile/225723-deadlydeaddeath/ I put pics to see this scammer.... admin help. Thanks https://ibb.co/5xpgYNh https://ibb.co/MVfc7kS https://ibb.co/4pnykCH https://ibb.co/Ny5LWk9 https://ibb.co/3FSPjnh https://ibb.co/M9zCkKj https://ibb.co/16HFMDB
  9. Wtb am +15 or tezza or baium. Only good prices and with paypal. If somebody is greek i can trade hand by hand. Pm me here. No scammers. Only reccomended players.
  10. Today i send 100 euro in skrill to Alinboss for an am+15 for l2 warland server. He said that he saw the money in his account and he told me log in game and wait in giran gk. He never came to give me the am ... Unfortunately he seems to be a scammer although he had very good reputation in his profile and in his topic.... I dont want what to say.... its an old member and he is not good at all... please speak with him to give the am or ban him.... https://imgur.com/a/tEgDH6t
  11. New prices for the iems. Dc set +12/11/11/11 price 40 euro Tate set +11/10/10/10/10 60 euro Only reccomeded buyers.
  12. 100 euroa for valakas or 150 for valakas and baium
  13. Wts in l2 warland : dc set : +12 (main) +11 +11 +11 tate set : +11 ( neck) +10 +10 +10 +10 price 70 for dc set and 90 for tate set paypal only. pm here. If anybody is greece i can make trade hand by hand .
  14. Up αγοραζω tate ear +10 x2 κσι tate ring +10 x2 . Aμεσα. Pm me.
  15. Up για mage items και valakas
  16. Up ! Only from greece! Am +10 Dc set +10 Tate set +6
  17. Up guys!!! Χρειαζομαι απο items. 1. Am +10/ +11 / +12 2. Dc set +10 3. Tate set +8 / +10 Χερι με χερι.
  18. Up!!! Κανενας ελληνας για itrms η char?
  19. https://ibb.co/2SKxjGf sellthemfreakin stole me before one hour. I send him money in paypal and never answered me back. I hope admin block him and ban his account. He is a thief.
  20. Θα ηθελα να μαθω αν υπαρχει τροπος να μπορω να ψηφιζω με διαφορετικες ip συνεχεια ετσι ωστε να παιρνω συνεχεια vote points στον l2 warland με διαφορετικα accounts.
  21. I need Am +13 or +14 Dc set +10 or more Rb jewels +++ Iam from Greece. I prefer somebody to meet in greece (internet cafe) and make the trade . Pm me for offers. If you dont have these items i buy 500k gold.
  22. I need 500 k gold
  23. I need mage items in warland. Im from Greece. Am +13 or better dc set +10 rb jewels. Pm me if you know nobody that sell.
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