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  1. its not the html. its the "calling" of it (like Salty said) and i cant figure it out...
  2. I think the post is pretty clear by itself coming together with a {HELP} prefix, didnt rl need someone to summarize... I'd have added a TL;DR myself if it was needed.
  3. Adapted YanBuffer and everything work fine until i try to talk to the npc. (no errors when building) i get the following: \game\data\scripts\custom\Buffer\Buffer.java java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.length()" because "html" is null at org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.serverpackets.AbstractHtmlPacket.setHtml(AbstractHtmlPacket.java:77) at org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.serverpackets.AbstractHtmlPacket.<init>(AbstractHtmlPacket.java:67) at org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage.<init>(NpcHtmlMessage.java:53) at custom.Buffer.Buffer.showAdvancedHtml(Buffer.java:279) at custom.Buffer.Buffer.htmlShowMain(Buffer.java:289) at custom.Buffer.Buffer.executeHtmlCommand(Buffer.java:366) at custom.Buffer.Buffer.executeCommand(Buffer.java:840) at custom.Buffer.Buffer.onFirstTalk(Buffer.java:126) at org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.quest.Quest.notifyFirstTalk(Quest.java:720) at org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.quest.Quest.lambda$addFirstTalkId$0(Quest.java:1826) at org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.events.listeners.ConsumerEventListener.executeEvent(ConsumerEventListener.java:44) at org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.events.EventDispatcher.notifyToListeners(EventDispatcher.java:289) at org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.events.EventDispatcher.notifyEventToSingleContainer(EventDispatcher.java:182) at org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.events.EventDispatcher.lambda$notifyEventAsync$0(EventDispatcher.java:144) at org.l2jmobius.commons.threads.RunnableWrapper.run(RunnableWrapper.java:35) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1136) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:635) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) and here is the actual code: /* * This file is part of YANModPack: https://github.com/HorridoJoho/YANModPack * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Buck * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package custom.Buffer; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.l2jmobius.Config; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.enums.HtmlActionScope; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.handler.BypassHandler; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.handler.ItemHandler; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.handler.VoicedCommandHandler; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.Creature; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.Npc; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.Playable; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.Player; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.skill.BuffInfo; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.zone.ZoneId; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ShowBoard; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.taskmanager.AttackStanceTaskManager; import ai.AbstractNpcAI; import custom.Buffer.util.ItemRequirement; import custom.Buffer.util.htmltmpls.HTMLTemplateParser; import custom.Buffer.util.htmltmpls.HTMLTemplatePlaceholder; import custom.Buffer.util.htmltmpls.funcs.ChildsCountFunc; import custom.Buffer.util.htmltmpls.funcs.ExistsFunc; import custom.Buffer.util.htmltmpls.funcs.ForeachFunc; import custom.Buffer.util.htmltmpls.funcs.IfChildsFunc; import custom.Buffer.util.htmltmpls.funcs.IfFunc; import custom.Buffer.util.htmltmpls.funcs.IncludeFunc; /** * @author HorridoJoho */ public final class Buffer extends AbstractNpcAI { private static final class SingletonHolder { protected static final Buffer INSTANCE = new Buffer(); } private static final int MINUTE_IN_SECONDS = 60; private static final Logger _LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Buffer.class.getName()); public static final Path SCRIPTS_SUBFOLDER = Paths.get("custom"); public static final Path SCRIPT_TOP_FOLDER = Paths.get("Buffer"); public static final Path SCRIPT_SUBFOLDER = Paths.get(SCRIPTS_SUBFOLDER.toString(), SCRIPT_TOP_FOLDER.toString()); static Buffer getInstance() { return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE; } public static void main(String[] args) { try { BufferData.initInstance(); } catch (Exception ex) { _LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Buffer - Data: Exception while loading npc buffer data, not registering mod!", ex); return; } Buffer instance = getInstance(); for (Entry<Integer, BufferData.BufferNpc> npc : BufferData.getInstance().getBufferNpcs().entrySet()) { instance.addFirstTalkId(npc.getKey()); instance.addStartNpc(npc.getKey()); instance.addTalkId(npc.getKey()); } } private static final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Long> _LAST_PLAYABLES_HEAL_TIME = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private static final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String> _LAST_PLAYER_HTMLS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private static final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String> _ACTIVE_PLAYER_BUFFLISTS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); Buffer() { // super(-1, SCRIPT_TOP_FOLDER.toString(), SCRIPTS_SUBFOLDER.toString()); super(); BypassHandler.getInstance().registerHandler(BufferNpcBypassHandler.getInstance()); if (BufferData.getInstance().getVoicedBuffer().enabled) { VoicedCommandHandler.getInstance().registerHandler(BufferVoicedCommandHandler.getInstance()); ItemHandler.getInstance().registerHandler(BufferItemHandler.getInstance()); } } // //////////////////////////////////// // AI METHOD OVERRIDES // //////////////////////////////////// @Override public String onFirstTalk(Npc npc, Player player) { executeCommand(player, npc, null); return null; } // /////////////////////////////////// // UTILITY METHODS // /////////////////////////////////// private BufferData.Buffer determineBuffer(Npc npc, Player player) { if (npc == null) { BufferData.VoicedBuffer buffer = BufferData.getInstance().getVoicedBuffer(); if (!buffer.enabled || ((buffer.requiredItem > 0) && (player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(buffer.requiredItem) == null))) { return null; } return buffer; } return BufferData.getInstance().getBufferNpc(npc.getId()); } private String generateAdvancedHtml(Player player, String path, Map<String, HTMLTemplatePlaceholder> placeholders, BufferData.HtmlType dialogType) { return HTMLTemplateParser.fromCache(Path.of("/data/scripts/" + SCRIPT_SUBFOLDER + "/data/html/" + dialogType.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + "/" + path).toString(), player, placeholders, IncludeFunc.INSTANCE, IfFunc.INSTANCE, ForeachFunc.INSTANCE, ExistsFunc.INSTANCE, IfChildsFunc.INSTANCE, ChildsCountFunc.INSTANCE); } /** * Copy from {@link NpcHtmlMessage} * @param activeChar the player * @param html the html to check */ private void buildBypassCache(Player activeChar, String html) { if (activeChar == null) { return; } activeChar.clearHtmlActions(HtmlActionScope.NPC_HTML); int len = html.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int start = html.indexOf("\"bypass ", i); int finish = html.indexOf("\"", start + 1); if ((start < 0) || (finish < 0)) { break; } if (html.substring(start + 8, start + 10).equals("-h")) { start += 11; } else { start += 8; } i = finish; int finish2 = html.indexOf("$", start); if ((finish2 < finish) && (finish2 > 0)) { activeChar.addHtmlAction(HtmlActionScope.NPC_HTML, html.substring(start, finish2).trim()); } else { activeChar.addHtmlAction(HtmlActionScope.NPC_HTML, html.substring(start, finish).trim()); } } } /** * Copy from {@link org.l2jmobius.gameserver.communitybbs.Manager.BaseBBSManager}. Modified to allow larger community board htmls. * @param player the player to send to * @param html the html text */ private void sendBBSHtml(Player player, String html) { buildBypassCache(player, html); if (html.length() < 16250) { player.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html, "101")); player.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102")); player.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103")); } else if (html.length() < (16250 * 2)) { player.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(0, 16250), "101")); player.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(16250), "102")); player.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103")); } else if (html.length() < (16250 * 3)) { player.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(0, 16250), "101")); player.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(16250, 16250 * 2), "102")); player.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(16250 * 2), "103")); } else { player.sendPacket(new ShowBoard("<html><body><br><center>Error: HTML was too long!</center></body></html>", "101")); player.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102")); player.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103")); } } private void fillItemAmountMap(Map<Integer, Long> items, BufferData.Buff buff) { for (Entry<String, ItemRequirement> item : buff.items.entrySet()) { Long amount = items.get(item.getValue().item.getId()); if (amount == null) { amount = 0L; } items.put(item.getValue().item.getId(), amount + item.getValue().amount); } } private void castBuff(Playable playable, BufferData.Buff buff) { buff.skill.applyEffects(playable, playable, true, Config.BUFFER_CUSTOM_BUFF_DURATION * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS); } // ////////////////////////////////// // HTML COMMANDS // ////////////////////////////////// private void showAdvancedHtml(Player player, BufferData.Buffer buffer, Npc npc, String htmlPath, Map<String, HTMLTemplatePlaceholder> placeholders) { placeholders.put(buffer.placeholder.getName(), buffer.placeholder); HTMLTemplatePlaceholder ulistsPlaceholder = BufferData.getInstance().getPlayersUListsPlaceholder(player.getObjectId()); if (ulistsPlaceholder != null) { placeholders.put(ulistsPlaceholder.getName(), ulistsPlaceholder); } String activeUniqueName = _ACTIVE_PLAYER_BUFFLISTS.get(player.getObjectId()); if (activeUniqueName != null) { HTMLTemplatePlaceholder ulistPlaceholder = BufferData.getInstance().getPlayersUListPlaceholder(player.getObjectId(), activeUniqueName); if (ulistPlaceholder != null) { placeholders.put("active_unique", ulistPlaceholder); } } BufferData.HtmlType dialogType = BufferData.getInstance().getHtmlType(); String html = generateAdvancedHtml(player, htmlPath, placeholders, dialogType); switch (dialogType) { case NPC: player.sendPacket(new NpcHtmlMessage(npc == null ? 0 : npc.getObjectId(), html)); break; case COMMUNITY: sendBBSHtml(player, html); break; } } private void htmlShowMain(Player player, BufferData.Buffer buffer, Npc npc) { showAdvancedHtml(player, buffer, npc, "main.html", new HashMap<String, HTMLTemplatePlaceholder>()); } private void htmlShowCategory(Player player, BufferData.Buffer buffer, Npc npc, String categoryIdent) { BufferData.BuffCategory buffCat = buffer.getBuffCat(categoryIdent); if (buffCat == null) { return; } HashMap<String, HTMLTemplatePlaceholder> placeholders = new HashMap<>(); placeholders.put("category", buffCat.placeholder); showAdvancedHtml(player, buffer, npc, "category.html", placeholders); } private void htmlShowBuff(Player player, BufferData.Buffer buffer, Npc npc, String categoryIdent, String buffIdent) { BufferData.BuffCategory buffCat = buffer.getBuffCat(categoryIdent); if (buffCat == null) { return; } BufferData.Buff buff = buffCat.getBuff(buffIdent); if (buff == null) { return; } HashMap<String, HTMLTemplatePlaceholder> placeholders = new HashMap<>(); placeholders.put("category", buffCat.placeholder); placeholders.put("buff", buff.placeholder); showAdvancedHtml(player, buffer, npc, "buff.html", placeholders); } private void htmlShowPreset(Player player, BufferData.Buffer buffer, Npc npc, String presetBufflistIdent) { BufferData.BuffCategory presetBufflist = buffer.getPresetBufflist(presetBufflistIdent); if (presetBufflist == null) { return; } HashMap<String, HTMLTemplatePlaceholder> placeholders = new HashMap<>(); placeholders.put("preset", presetBufflist.placeholder); showAdvancedHtml(player, buffer, npc, "preset.html", placeholders); } private void htmlShowUnique(Player player, BufferData.Buffer buffer, Npc npc, String uniqueName) { HTMLTemplatePlaceholder uniquePlaceholder = BufferData.getInstance().getPlayersUListPlaceholder(player.getObjectId(), uniqueName); if (uniquePlaceholder == null) { // redirect to main html if uniqueName is not valid, will most likely happen when the player deletes a unique bufflist he is currently viewing executeHtmlCommand(player, buffer, npc, "main"); return; } HashMap<String, HTMLTemplatePlaceholder> placeholders = new HashMap<>(); placeholders.put(uniquePlaceholder.getName(), uniquePlaceholder); showAdvancedHtml(player, buffer, npc, "unique.html", placeholders); } private void executeHtmlCommand(Player player, BufferData.Buffer buffer, Npc npc, String command) { _LAST_PLAYER_HTMLS.put(player.getObjectId(), command); if ("main".equals(command)) { htmlShowMain(player, buffer, npc); } else if (command.startsWith("category ")) { htmlShowCategory(player, buffer, npc, command.substring(9)); } else if (command.startsWith("preset ")) { htmlShowPreset(player, buffer, npc, command.substring(7)); } else if (command.startsWith("buff ")) { String[] argsSplit = command.substring(5).split(" ", 2); if (argsSplit.length != 2) { return; } htmlShowBuff(player, buffer, npc, argsSplit[0], argsSplit[1]); } else if (command.startsWith("unique ")) { htmlShowUnique(player, buffer, npc, command.substring(7)); } else { // all other malformed bypasses htmlShowMain(player, buffer, npc); } } // // //////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////// // TARGET COMMANDS // ///////////////////////////////////////////// private void targetBuffBuff(Player player, Playable target, BufferData.Buffer buffer, String categoryIdent, String buffIdent) { BufferData.BuffCategory bCat = buffer.getBuffCat(categoryIdent); if (bCat == null) { return; } BufferData.Buff buff = bCat.getBuff(buffIdent); if (buff == null) { return; } if (!buff.items.isEmpty()) { HashMap<Integer, Long> items = new HashMap<>(); fillItemAmountMap(items, buff); for (Entry<Integer, Long> item : items.entrySet()) { if (player.getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(item.getKey(), 0, true) < item.getValue()) { player.sendMessage("Not enough items!"); return; } } for (Entry<Integer, Long> item : items.entrySet()) { player.destroyItemByItemId("Buffer", item.getKey(), item.getValue(), player, true); } } castBuff(target, buff); } private void targetBuffUnique(Player player, Playable target, BufferData.Buffer buffer, String uniqueName) { List<BufferData.Buff> buffs = BufferData.getInstance().getUniqueBufflist(player.getObjectId(), uniqueName); if (buffs != null) { HashMap<Integer, Long> items = null; for (BufferData.Buff buff : buffs) { if (!buff.items.isEmpty()) { if (items == null) { items = new HashMap<>(); } fillItemAmountMap(items, buff); } } if (items != null) { for (Entry<Integer, Long> item : items.entrySet()) { if (player.getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(item.getKey(), 0, true) < item.getValue()) { player.sendMessage("Not enough items!"); return; } } for (Entry<Integer, Long> item : items.entrySet()) { player.destroyItemByItemId("Buffer", item.getKey(), item.getValue(), player, true); } } for (BufferData.Buff buff : buffs) { castBuff(target, buff); } } } private void targetBuffPreset(Player player, Playable target, BufferData.Buffer buffer, String presetBufflistIdent) { BufferData.BuffCategory presetBufflist = buffer.getPresetBufflist(presetBufflistIdent); if (presetBufflist == null) { return; } Collection<BufferData.Buff> buffs = presetBufflist.buffs.values(); if (buffs != null) { HashMap<Integer, Long> items = null; for (BufferData.Buff buff : buffs) { if (!buff.items.isEmpty()) { if (items == null) { items = new HashMap<>(); } fillItemAmountMap(items, buff); } } if (items != null) { for (Entry<Integer, Long> item : items.entrySet()) { if (player.getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(item.getKey(), 0, true) < item.getValue()) { player.sendMessage("Not enough items!"); return; } } for (Entry<Integer, Long> item : items.entrySet()) { player.destroyItemByItemId("Buffer", item.getKey(), item.getValue(), player, true); } } for (BufferData.Buff buff : buffs) { castBuff(target, buff); } } } private void targetHeal(Player player, Playable target, BufferData.Buffer buffer) { if (!buffer.canHeal) { return; } // prevent heal spamming, process cooldown on heal target Long lastPlayableHealTime = _LAST_PLAYABLES_HEAL_TIME.get(target.getObjectId()); if (lastPlayableHealTime != null) { Long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPlayableHealTime; Long healCooldown = BufferData.getInstance().getHealCooldown(); if (elapsedTime < healCooldown) { Long remainingTime = healCooldown - elapsedTime; if (target == player) { player.sendMessage("You can heal yourself again in " + (remainingTime / 1000) + " seconds."); } else { player.sendMessage("You can heal your pet again in " + (remainingTime / 1000) + " seconds."); } return; } } _LAST_PLAYABLES_HEAL_TIME.put(target.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis()); if (player == target) { player.setCurrentCp(player.getMaxCp()); } target.setCurrentHp(target.getMaxHp()); target.setCurrentMp(target.getMaxMp()); target.broadcastStatusUpdate(); } private void targetCancel(Player player, Playable target, BufferData.Buffer buffer) { if (!buffer.canCancel) { return; } target.stopAllEffectsExceptThoseThatLastThroughDeath(); } private void executeTargetCommand(Player player, BufferData.Buffer buffer, String command) { // ///////////////////////////////// // first determine the target Playable target; if (command.startsWith("player ")) { target = player; command = command.substring(7); } else if (command.startsWith("summon ")) { target = player.getPet(); if (target == null) { return; } command = command.substring(7); } else { return; } // ////////////////////////////////////////// // run the choosen action on the target if (command.startsWith("buff ")) { String[] argsSplit = command.substring(5).split(" ", 2); if (argsSplit.length != 2) { return; } targetBuffBuff(player, target, buffer, argsSplit[0], argsSplit[1]); } else if (command.startsWith("unique ")) { targetBuffUnique(player, target, buffer, command.substring(7)); } else if (command.startsWith("preset ")) { targetBuffPreset(player, target, buffer, command.substring(7)); } else if ("heal".equals(command)) { targetHeal(player, target, buffer); } else if ("cancel".equals(command)) { targetCancel(player, target, buffer); } } // // //////////////////////////////// // //////////////////////////////// // UNIQUE COMMANDS // //////////////////////////////// private boolean uniqueCreate(Player player, String uniqueName) { if (!BufferData.getInstance().canHaveMoreBufflists(player)) { player.sendMessage("Maximum number of unique bufflists reached!"); return false; } // only allow alpha numeric names because we use this name on the htmls if (!uniqueName.matches("[A-Za-z0-9]+")) { return false; } return BufferData.getInstance().createUniqueBufflist(player.getObjectId(), uniqueName); } private void uniqueDelete(Player player, String uniqueName) { BufferData.getInstance().deleteUniqueBufflist(player.getObjectId(), uniqueName); // also remove from active bufflist when it's the deleted String activeUniqueName = _ACTIVE_PLAYER_BUFFLISTS.get(player.getObjectId()); if ((activeUniqueName != null) && activeUniqueName.equals(uniqueName)) { _ACTIVE_PLAYER_BUFFLISTS.remove(player.getObjectId()); } } private void uniqueAdd(Player player, BufferData.Buffer buffer, String uniqueName, String categoryIdent, String buffIdent) { BufferData.BuffCategory bCat = buffer.getBuffCat(categoryIdent); if (bCat == null) { return; } BufferData.Buff buff = bCat.getBuff(buffIdent); if (buff == null) { return; } BufferData.getInstance().addToUniqueBufflist(player.getObjectId(), uniqueName, buff); } private void uniqueRemove(Player player, String uniqueName, String buffIdent) { BufferData.Buff buff = BufferData.getInstance().getBuff(buffIdent); if (buff == null) { return; } BufferData.getInstance().removeFromUniqueBufflist(player.getObjectId(), uniqueName, buff); } private void uniqueSelect(Player player, String uniqueName) { if (BufferData.getInstance().hasUniqueBufflist(player.getObjectId(), uniqueName)) { _ACTIVE_PLAYER_BUFFLISTS.put(player.getObjectId(), uniqueName); } } private void uniqueDeselect(Player player) { _ACTIVE_PLAYER_BUFFLISTS.remove(player.getObjectId()); } private void executeUniqueCommand(Player player, BufferData.Buffer buffer, String command) { if (command.startsWith("create ")) { uniqueCreate(player, command.substring(7)); } else if (command.startsWith("create_from_effects ")) { String uniqueName = command.substring(20); if (!uniqueCreate(player, uniqueName)) { return; } final Collection<BuffInfo> buffs = player.getEffectList().getEffects(); for (final BuffInfo effect : buffs) { for (Entry<String, BufferData.BuffCategory> buffCatEntry : buffer.buffCats.entrySet()) { boolean added = false; for (Entry<String, BufferData.Buff> buffEntry : buffCatEntry.getValue().buffs.entrySet()) { final BufferData.Buff buff = buffEntry.getValue(); if (buff.skill.getId() == effect.getSkill().getId()) { uniqueAdd(player, buffer, uniqueName, buffCatEntry.getKey(), buff.ident); added = true; break; } } if (added) { break; } } } } else if (command.startsWith("delete ")) { uniqueDelete(player, command.substring(7)); } else if (command.startsWith("add ")) { String[] argsSplit = command.substring(4).split(" ", 3); if (argsSplit.length != 3) { return; } uniqueAdd(player, buffer, argsSplit[0], argsSplit[1], argsSplit[2]); } else if (command.startsWith("remove ")) { String[] argsSplit = command.substring(7).split(" ", 2); if (argsSplit.length != 2) { return; } uniqueRemove(player, argsSplit[0], argsSplit[1]); } else if (command.startsWith("select ")) { uniqueSelect(player, command.substring(7)); } else if (command.startsWith("deselect")) { uniqueDeselect(player); } } // // //////////////////////////////// private static boolean isInsideAnyZoneOf(Creature character, ZoneId first, ZoneId... more) { if (character.isInsideZone(first)) { return true; } if (more != null) { for (ZoneId zone : more) { if (character.isInsideZone(zone)) { return true; } } } return false; } void executeCommand(Player player, Npc npc, String command) { if (isInsideAnyZoneOf(player, ZoneId.PVP, ZoneId.SIEGE, ZoneId.WATER, ZoneId.JAIL, ZoneId.DANGER_AREA)) { player.sendMessage("The buffer cannot be used here."); return; } else if (player.isOnEvent() || player.isInOlympiadMode()) { player.sendMessage("The buffer cannot be used in events."); return; } else if (player.isInDuel() || (player.getPvpFlag() == 1)) { player.sendMessage("The buffer cannot be used in duells or pvp."); return; } else if (AttackStanceTaskManager.getInstance().hasAttackStanceTask(player)) { player.sendMessage("The buffer cannot be used while in combat."); return; } BufferData.Buffer buffer = determineBuffer(npc, player); if (buffer == null) { // not an authorized npc or npc is null and voiced buffer is disabled return; } if ((command == null) || command.isEmpty()) { command = "html main"; } if (command.startsWith("html ")) { executeHtmlCommand(player, buffer, npc, command.substring(5)); } else { if (command.startsWith("target ")) { executeTargetCommand(player, buffer, command.substring(7)); } else if (command.startsWith("unique ")) { executeUniqueCommand(player, buffer, command.substring(7)); } // display last html again // since somebody could use the chat as a command line(eg.: .buffer target player heal), we check if the player has opened a html before String lastHtmlCommand = _LAST_PLAYER_HTMLS.get(player.getObjectId()); if (lastHtmlCommand != null) { executeHtmlCommand(player, buffer, npc, _LAST_PLAYER_HTMLS.get(player.getObjectId())); } } } } i searched and saw something about "Html length" that i can rl understand. I also noticed that it doesnt follow the path correctly. It is: \scripts\custom\Buffer\data\htmlpc\main.html and it should be \scripts\custom\Buffer\data\html\npc\main.html Thanks.
  4. solved. Its was Serverside.... kinda not used to this GOD+ changes with groups/sets and all that....
  5. Hello, ive added some customs and cant find the file that allows augmentation to finalize. i've added them on life stones but effects dont seem to apply. Animation plays fine but gets stuck as shown in the image. [Source of Flame-Aden Assassin protocol 418] Sry if its the wrong section but if im not wrong it should be clientside problem.
  6. id like to know how to enable/disable as well. after adding some custom gear i cant seem to find what triggers it. (sry for digging an old post)
  7. thanks dude. i would have never found it since ive only worked on C6/GF. -solved
  8. Can anyone tell me how to edit enchant effects in Source of flame? Protocol 418. many wapons have their own effects/glows and i can seem to find how to replicate those for my custom items. Thanks in advance. (didnt notice i wasnt on cliend mod section. move if posible)
  9. go for Mobius if you are going to subscribe cause the support is really good and he puts loads of work in the project. If you arent going to pay then try the free version to learn how to operate the server but dont start a server on free files cause the support will be terrible no matter where you ask. i tried both sunrise and Mobius and by far Mobius seemed superior (FOR ME!)
  10. player.decayMe(); player.spawnMe(); mobius c6 does use it. dunno if other c6 use it tho. but if im not wrong mobius is based on acis below u can see the code for the item im using. most likely can be improved since im a beginer. (note that this code is not from c6 but newer version so it needs changes but .decayMe and .spawnMe where used in c6). /* * This file is part of the L2J Mobius project. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package handlers.itemhandlers; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.handler.IItemHandler; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.Playable; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.Player; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.item.instance.Item; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.serverpackets.MagicSkillUse; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.util.Broadcast; /** * @author Drazeal */ public class SexChange implements IItemHandler { /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.l2jmobius.gameserver.handler.IItemHandler#useItem(org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.Playable, org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.items.instance.ItemInstance, boolean) */ @Override public boolean useItem(Playable playable, Item item, boolean forceUse) { if (!(playable instanceof Player)) { return true; } Player player = (Player) playable; MagicSkillUse msk; if (player.isInCombat()) { player.sendMessage("Cannot use while in combat."); return false; } if (player.isInOlympiadMode() || player.isInDuel() || player.isOnEvent()) { player.sendMessage("Cannot use while in Olympiad/Duel/Event."); return false; } if (player.getAppearance().isFemale()) { player.getAppearance().setMale(); } else { player.getAppearance().setFemale(); } msk = new MagicSkillUse(player, player, 837, 1, 1000, 0); Broadcast.toSelfAndKnownPlayersInRadius(player, msk, 1500); player.sendMessage("Your gender has been changed"); player.broadcastUserInfo(); player.decayMe(); player.spawnMe(); player.destroyItem("Consume", item.getObjectId(), 1, null, false); return false; } }
  11. i'd suggest the same as mobius. go DL his project, its clean and easy to get started trying out your luck on experimenting with core thingies. as smone with 0 knowledge on this i managed to create a lot of things that i wanted and now i can easily fix/adapt and pinpoint errors and fix them. fyi tho... unless u subscribe to him dont expect any support but your own luck and MxC willingness to help.
  12. just add an item as a requirment. check nobless quest "caradine's letter" for reference
  13. Uninstall all java versions. Open built.xml and check what version of java is needed and install. In case you need multiple java versions for w/e reason just select the one you need inside eclipse and in the project. Rd to go.
  14. 1.Try clean client 2.place hexid correctly(gameserver/config) 3.check if server is registered correctly in navicat.
  15. Iirc there is indeed a buffer included in l2j. Search the id in your npc SQL or custom npc. Fyi though it sucks. If you are experimenting try adapting an already shared buffer or find one that suits your server.
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