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About CheesePuff

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Out of all 4, i say Ghost Hunter, really good dagger class in Gracia final
  2. Thanks, been looking for a great buffer, great share :D
  3. WOW thats an amazing share, really nice, thanks for the share :)
  4. Really nice looking shield, thanks for the share :D
  5. Thanks alot, really Appreciate it ;D ;D
  6. I need help, on how to use a .psc file on navicat, to restore a database file , for example i have -NiGhTiMaRe-.psc and i keep getting an error when i try to execute batch file. The error is: [Err] [Err] [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully If you can send a guide link or just tell me it would be really appreciated Thanks :)
  7. Thanks for taking ur time and making this list, its really helpful hope to see some more added soon ;D ;D ;D ;D
  8. Nice Share, Thanks alot, keep them coming, hope to see more from you ;D ;D
  9. Thanks for the share, been looking for these ;D
  10. Can't wait to test it and steal a castle with it :P
  11. seems like a great server, cant wait to try it out :D
  12. From personal experience i say Destroyer is the best in oly cuz u can lion heart on majority of the classes and if u land 1 stun is almost practically over
  13. carnage, faster atk speed and more crit in my opinion
  14. I use none, it blinds my sensitive eyes 8)
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