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About Skutas

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  1. Hi. I'm trying to rewrite the Lineage 2 interlude interface so that the screen displays information that, for example, the “Curse Gloom” debuff has entered and that it displays what skill has been resisted (there is only general information). Is it possible to do this?
  2. I haven't spent a dime either, but there are those who lineage2 is their life and they must have a hero on a 1 lvl character.
  3. L2Wipe&L2WasteMoney. It made a mess on the server. Someone wants to play sometimes after making items and here again wipe and wipe.
  4. When next wipe?
  5. Close that LOLserver. And change name to L2Wipe&Money.
  6. Here is patch l2damage 1.1 where active anticheat is not yet uploaded. Only problem is that the login goes through but after selecting the server nothing happens, or there is a disconnect. Maybe someone will lean on this and do something to make it work with regular adrenaline. https://gofile.io/d/ckBdeW https://file.io/dbCPYBFKoUFJ https://www.mediafire.com/file/jqh1ftaj51bqm1a/L2Damage_system_V1.1.rar/file
  7. 1. Buy adrenaline 2. Install on virtual machine (virtualbox + windows 10) 3. Run adrenaline 4. Save state of vrtual machine. = license adrenaline 4ever.
  8. Is any interface for interlude where I can set random time for automatic enchant item?
  9. Hello. I have a little question. Is any way to crack latest l2adrenaline bot? Version 1.71 is very old. Thank You
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