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  1. Works on all L2J. It only takes a few adjustments that are made on the spot ^^ Não uso H5, mas a parte do código é adaptável facilmente em qualquer L2J.
  2. I added the mod on 382, 399 and 401. In all of them it worked perfectly, but when the player restarts, the gameserver warns with a WARNING! It may not work, but that's not cool and I couldn't remove the alert.
  3. I don't have any source from lucera to add the mod, can you tell me one for me to test?
  4. WTS MOD DressMe Discord: André Zilio#2988 Price: $40 Payment: PayPal For Brazilians: PIX
  5. Someone who has frintezza's MOD and is 100% functional, no problem. Paid $15. I need it on rev aCis 382, installed and tested. Ty
  6. Before, I couldn't connect at all. Now on my mobile internet (mobile) it is possible to access. But on the wifi provider I still can't.
  7. Can anyone get me out of this doubt? I've been trying to access the aCis website for several days and I have no results. Did something happen there? https://acis.i-live.eu
  8. damm... You were right. I tested it on another computer and it worked perfectly. Thanks for the tip, sorry for the inconvenience. ^^ I managed to make it work also running through an external hard drive (pendrive) on this same computer that was a problem before...
  9. but I tested it on miko's version and normal version =/
  10. why I can't ediiiiiit? :´( Fuuuuuc.... https://imgur.com/a/nXD7fbz
  11. Share your file edit pls? Another file edit... https://imgur.com/a/oHdVCyx
  12. So why is it wrong with me? I first select the client (interlude-413 in this case), then choose the file, then it gives a warning saying that the file is possibly unencrypted, I continue and it only shows an L on the screen... https://imgur.com/a/HVuDbXB
  13. https://mega.nz/file/4DpEiZZR#q7pH7K-ixl-51OqoNT2iP4TfAw_lYo9TDZ110aNw_Nw your file has the "a," tags while mine doesn't... i think my questname is in trouble. "1 611 1 Alliance with Varka Silenos Form an Alliance! In order to obtain the Mark of Varka's Alliance..."
  14. This is interlude?
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