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About jacek32

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  1. Problem will be when players play over router
  2. Good work and nice share THX
  3. Nice share BiggBoss i use it
  4. Work great but is one bug on WELCOME_MESSAGE_1 = l2roxSettings.getProperty("ScreenWelcomeMessage1", "Text1"); WELCOME_MESSAGE_2 = L2JModSettings.getProperty("ScreenWelcomeMessage2", "Text2"); WELCOME_MESSAGE_3 = L2JModSettings.getProperty("ScreenWelcomeMessage3", "Text3"); WELCOME_MESSAGE_4 = L2JModSettings.getProperty("ScreenWelcomeMessage4", "Text4"); SLEEP_TIME =Integer.parseInt(L2JModSettings.getProperty("SleepTime", "10")) * 1000;
  5. in my opinion better use l2jofficial they have kamaloka and other instances and many many skills
  6. Good work
  7. good pack gracia final
  8. What kind of distribution you are use on server?
  9. I use l2emu in my opinion is very good pack. I work witch l2emu 2 years
  10. This server need more players to develop, people come play with us
  11. You find enchant configuration in config files, like this # This controls the chance an item has to break if it is enchanted. # Default: 50 EnchantChanceElement = 50 # This is the enchant limit, if set to 0, there will be no limit. # Example: If this is set to 10, the maximum enchant will be 10. # Default: 0, 0, 0 EnchantMaxWeapon = 0 EnchantMaxArmor = 0 EnchantMaxJewelry = 0
  12. l2emu holding up well and make good progress in their work. Form me is good contribution and I start my own based on l2emu L2EmuProject links SVN: http://svn.l2emu.info/svn/L2Emu/ FishEye: http://trac.l2emu.info:8060/changelog/L2Emu/ Ohloh: https://www.ohloh.net/p/L2Emu-Ohloh/ Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L2EmuProject/
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