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Everything posted by greywolf

  1. first of all hi i started on this server ...my opinion is it is a good one and i like it i hope more will come and i wait for you now lemme say some things.. contagion i cannot know.. the guy that did +35 was with me...it is easy to make and rates re 90% with blessed he got lucky and did it one try :/ mine broke around 10 times but still managed to make it /agree about the buffs but u dont need to do all the time .deposit cause the tyrannosaurus at PI drop from 500-2k gb and they are pretty fast to kill...also the rb drops much more one time dropped 15k as well as many blessed scrolls.. sry but the server is new what did u expect 300 online???the server isnt even on hopzone yet...ppl will come just wait...i have seen more than 10-15 different chars in the 6 hours ive played so far log in so yeah it is going well sry if i said too much just telling my opinion :)
  2. eixa allo acc xrhsth kai den to ekane htane ola kala...twra den to kanei gt ekana format...den mporousa na brw allh lush...to hardware den nmz na ftaei to hardware mallon kati apo walker/tcptunnel htane ti na s pw den 3erw :/ pantws na peis oti den ta antexe to pc ta antexe..oti kai na htane elpizw na mhn tuxei se allona kai an tuxei kai to kanei edw na psa3oume ti eixame koino prokeimenou na broume ti ftaei...
  3. ok psaxnw ena server me ta e3hs xarakthristika gracia 2.2-2.3 me certi xwris polu peiragmena ta classes(m thn spaei auto) kai sxetika megala rates ths ta3ews x50 kai panw dioti dn exw kai polu eleu8ero xrono... an exete kapoion na proteinete 8a to ektimousa
  4. leptomeries...ekana oti edeixnes ston odhgo me ta links t tcp tunnel to walker kai tou system 83..mphka kanonika douleue alla se kapoia fash kana 2wro meta (gt tsekara to bot sunexeia san prwth xrhsh) m ekane rr to pc arxika den edwsa shmasia lew kalokairi einai anebhke h 8ermokrasia kai ekane rr..anoi3e to ekleisa kai meta apo kamia wra to anoi3a (me to aircondition auth th fora )anoi3a kai to everest na tsekarw 8ermokrasies...xamhlh cpu usage kapou 15-20% memory kana 20-30% tpt baru dld kai ekei arxise to olo 8ema arxise na kanei rr sta 3ekarfwta kai sxetika nwris afotou to anoi3a ..nmz htane o sklhros h kapoio allo kommati tou hardware arxika mphka me safe mode kai ekana epanafora se mia fash p eixa acc kai gia ton bro m sto pc mphka me to diko t ola kala oute rr oute tpt opote anagkasthka na kanw format kai ftiaxthke..apo thn wra p ekana auto me to walker den ekana tpt allo apla botara kai pio prin thn idia mera pali tpt oute install oute tpt..
  5. koita ama katafereis na pareis ta items ginete...allazeis mesw trade ta items meta pairneis mpolika pk ena bot s pefteis kai ta shkwneis apo ena allo pc t idiou net kai ama s pei tpt o gm t les"ti einai re file egw apo pk ta shkwsa p 8es na 3erw egw p ta brhke"...kai kanonika den mporei na s pei tpt ama strabwsei bebaia 8a banarei kai auton alla mporei kai na petuxei
  6. +1 necro oi katares tou lene asxhma...
  7. egw na s pw file m paizw l2 mono kai mono logo tou pvp system t mass pvp ktl ama h8ela na liwsw 8a epaiza kai wow official opou exw kai acc kiollas blepeis twra den exw kai to megalutero eleu8ero xrono kai etc paizw se enan x500 eukolo gia thn plaka m kai kanw mono pvp ka8ws kai oly gt me porwnei :)
  8. wraio topic bravo sou...kalo kai gia kainourgious paixtes kai gia autous p 8eloune na ma8oune ena class p den 3eroune..
  9. i have put up to 7 windows of ct 2.2 my pc maybe can support more my internet connection no:P
  10. hmmm 2 class mix if curses work necro/pala...with the curses necro has 1 silence or 1 anchor and u are done with the enemy and with the defences of pala u wont feel much dmg... 3 class mix thats more difficult...i would say necro/ol/bishop or if u want fighter pala/destro/saggi defence of pala with attack of destro and bow range of saggi
  11. thx a lot douleuei ...an kai na s pw prepei na koita3w mhpws allhlepidrase me kati kai kati phge straba to lew gt 3afnika enw douleue arxise na m kanei sunexeia rr to pc kai twra den mporw na to krathsw anoixto me to diko m logariasmo kai paizw me auton p ekana gia ton bro m...
  12. wraios +1 apo mena ...egw proswpika ta h3era ta perissotera alla apo th mia oso zw ma8ainw gia kapoia p den h3era kai pao thn allh kapoios kainourgios sto kolpo 8a boh8iotane polu apo to guide s:)
  13. kalo file m thx a lot :)
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