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  1. Hey thanks! I will reach out. Sounds great! I will reach out to you in PM.
  2. Is anyone interested in working on a full custom L2 experience? I have experience building a l2 private server from the ground up but have taken a break. I am recently motivated to get back into creating some fun engaging content on L2 but I need help. I am not a techy guy so if any devs are interested in working on a new project, let me know! Some concepts I have developed in the past: - Completely new overhaul of items and drops - Overhaul on class skills and rotations - Edit the usage of MP - Added custom quests for new level experience - Custom boss skills/fights And more! What I need help most is someone who is knowledgeable on setting up L2 servers and can help me maintain the server. I would mostly focus on doing the redesigning and editing of the files. I have a partner who also enjoys working on the files to design content. We mostly need a strong techy dev to set up our content. But we welcome any motivated help.
  3. Hey all, I am getting this error: [22/12 12:01:25] Listening for GameServers on Exception in thread "main" java.net.BindException: Address already in use: bind I have nothing running on my device. This happened after restarting my device after a forced restart. I did nothing to change my ports or server/login configurations. What could possibly be using te address?
  4. Oof this topic is depressing to read. Well there are people out there who are trying to make some unique and custom projects. It's not completely dead. I think people need to be more open to new ideas and be more willing to help each other out. There are to many people who need to be right, rather than focus on the positive. Also, I agree that this L2 community has turned into one huge p2w money grabbing system meant to profit on nostalgia. It's definitely not how I operate my server. But then again I never worked on a l2 server before until my project. I can say that MANY people I have worked with turned out to be greedy jerks who did not really care about my goals, which is to provide a new fun l2 experience for the players and myself. Again... man these forums are super depressing. It's not just L2, but I think the whole gaming industry is like this. Most large game companies are corporate and become more about money than the players. Hello Blizzard? There are only a very few game companies I can think of that actually care about their players still.
  5. Hey guys, We are seeking a developer to help with a couple of major bug fixes that including mobs casting after death, doors that can be passed through by NPCs, players, and spells (geo-data issues), castles aren't allowing OL's cast their clan buffs, and more. I am interested in hiring help for these fixes. We have a budget and I will be interested in having a discussion with anyone interested. You can reach me on discord Badwatermagic#9500.
  6. When Orfen hits 50% she resets to your original position and heals up to full. Her adds also immediately respawn after kills. Does anyone have a properly working Orfen raid fight?
  7. Custom Rates: https://lineage2knight.com Opened 6/11/2020 Custom Armor, Weapon SAs, New Unique Classes heavily influenced by original classic classes A L2 custom server, lineage 2 knight brings a new playstyle never introduced to the lineage 2 world. I created a L2 that is geared towards Western style MMOs where the work you put in, you are rewarded. No terrible game mechanics based solely on RNG, p2w, and new leveling experiences. No more breaking weapons and armor on enchants that you worked so hard crafting. Crafting is completely re-made so any class/race can craft their gear through grinding, and dungeons are actually dungeons with Elite/Difficult monsters that greatly reward players. Everything is unique in a rewarding way. Try it out! Youtube video: See you in-game
  8. Hey guys, I have developed a l2 off server and I am trying to figure out Castle Sieges. So far I figured out how to start a set with //set_quick_siege and //attack castle clanname Now the problem is once in the throne room, and I try to use the Seal of Rules, my character runs up to the edge and acts like they cannot see the holy artifact. I can see it fine and click on it, but the game acts like there is an invisible wall blocking my character from casting the Seal of Ruler. Therefore no one can capture the castles yet....
  9. Hey guys, I downloaded l2farmbot because I want a free bot program to help me level on l2 classic skelth. When I try using the program it constantly loops the targeting but doesn't actually target anything. Is there some sort of protection against this program on sketlh? If so can I bypass it? If so how? I would really like to use this free bot service instead of paying for l2 Adrenaline. Thanks!
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