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Everything posted by mgbhard

  1. Personally I entered the world of l2j by looking at someone else code, call it l2j, mxc shares, etc. Why shouldn't I share something if i'm "in debt" to others for helping me at some point?. Altough this is (and pretty much all l2j community) a leeching forum, but once in a while there are cool shares. And it's nice to see when you share something to the community that at least 3 or 4 guys, really appreciate your work. Also as Issle says, and couldn't agree more, it's not the features that keep players on a server, is the staff and the hole sense of community. Sorry about my english, i hope that someone can understand my point.
  2. Fake players AI, it will be interesting see how complex it is.
  3. One minor fix, you need to remove GM's from the stats page, or stats will show crazy values (gmspeed), same for enchant. Sorry about my english, it sucks :(
  4. Working like a charm on freya. Thx
  5. They aren't bugged at all, all events working fine.
  6. hitman_target sql is missing EDIT: my error, it's working. Thx for sharing!
  7. Check the titile vs title
  8. No... the problem it's not only on the event, when u apply the core patch, you can't use most skills, in any place, if you don't use shift + clic. it's a core issue. Marcelo
  9. Toogle skills and those, only works if you are pressing the shift + clic. Any fix for that? Rest of the event seems to work well. Thx Marcelo
  10. Thx 4 share I've got a question: In KOTH , when u die u have to go to the city (fantasy island), is there any way to res a dead char an teleport it to his team spot? I try this but it didn't worked: def onDeath(self, npc, pc, st) : if rr == 0: if st.getPlayer() in self.Team1: SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1016,9).getEffects(st.getPlayer(),st.getPlayer()) st.getPlayer.teleToLocation(MNPCX,MNPCY,MNPCZ)#tele to top of mountain else: SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1016,9).getEffects(st.getPlayer(),st.getPlayer()) st.getPlayer.teleToLocation(144428,161151,-2460)#tele to location A I've never did something like this so i'm a newby. Any clues? Thx Marcelo
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