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  1. Hi, please help to understand how to upload clan mark Manage window says that it must be 256x256 24 or 32 bit bmp file, so i made such file but when i trying to upload it i receive RequestExSetPledgeCrestLarge packet with file length = 0 (first four bytes in this packet indicates crest file length It seems like client send corrupted data, without any errors in system chat but why? How to make correct file for clan mark? 418 protocol
  2. This is one of kind of differences that I described in first reply. L2PcInstance in acis and Player in mobius https://bitbucket.org/MobiusDev/l2j_mobius/src/master/L2J_Mobius_CT_0_Interlude/java/org/l2jmobius/gameserver/model/actor/Player.java There could be a lot such diffs like class names, method names, variable names. This names could be very similar like sendClientPacket() in one sources and sendPacketToClient() in another, only understanding in lineage core logic and logical thinking could help to indicate how to adapt scripts between sources. Also don't forget to use IDE features like search, code analysis etc. this could help to understand which class method should be user to replace
  3. First of all you need to understand that there is no ultimate guide "how to", server sources has some similar things but it also has some differences that you will be hard to adapt without skills. Saying skills I mean not only java skills, the most required ones is understanding lineage 2 core processes task-scheduling and client-server networking communication. You need to: -learn some core information about Java language -learn some lessons about java programming to understand what is java classes, packages, imports etc. -learn how to edit java source code with some IDE (one of them eclipse) -learn how to compile java source code (with ant for example) Then for the best way you need to get most popular sources form thread above and try to integrate that scripts like for native, I mean as I can see that mostly provided scripts are for acis, so take acis sources and ty to integrate or find something directly for mobius etc. Doing all this you will need to understand three things First - How player communicates with server What is action bypasses (when player clicks some link in HTML) and where your server handles it (find RequestBypassToServer packet and learn how its working) What is user/voice/admin commands (when player writes some in chat with "." or "/" or "//") and where your server handles it (find VoiceCommandHandler and learn how its working) Second - How server doing core logic If addon has some logic that not depends on direct user action it will mostly required some scheduled task (some logic that will be runs periodically), so you need to find some ThreadPoolManager and Runnable usages and understand how its working Maybe you will need some data storage, so you will need to find how server working with database (try to find how server executes SQL requests, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE) Third - How server communicates back to player You need to find how server sends packets to player, find some sendPacket() method and its usages, for example Say2 packet (its when server sends some chat message to client) etc Unfortunately there is no easy way, some sources will be easier to adapt cuz of similarity between sources some will be harder
  4. The goal is to display character approximate location in some external map frame, for example in web page with map image So to do this I need to scale character location to target frame, to do correct scaling I need to calculate scale ratio, respectively to calculate ration I need to know source map frame width\height and then in theory I'll just need to multiply this ration to character's X and Y coordinates and then I'll receive approximate location in target frame
  5. Hello, looking for some information about client map size, height width in points and corner points in world coordinate system (x,y) when character location become visible in client map frame. Can somebody share useful information? Thanks in advance
  6. Thx for replies. Seems nothing to say more for this topic, might be closed
  7. Hello all. Looking info about team colors in high five client, as I know by default there are two colors: red and blue, so is there any way to add more colors? Thanks in advance for any info provided
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