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L2Immortal PvP

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Everything posted by L2Immortal PvP

  1. i purcharsed smart guard a 2 weeks ago (i have purcharsded smart guard more times) and i had a problem with the new system has implemented and i dont received support for the problem i had, i trying to contact him but dont have response. So if u want purcharse smart-guard WITHOUT KNOW if it would works for your files, is stupid
  2. i dont know the best protection, BUT dont buy smart-guard.
  3. This is like... Please! enter to my server! no corruption! xD... if u want get money, do other things mate, this type of marketing is...
  4. This guy is fast and does things the way they should be done. Good developer.
  5. Looking for fully working event engine for L2JMobius (premium sources)
  6. Looking for client dev who can help me with disable the auto macro loop from 418 protocol system. https://imgur.com/m0ysbRb
  7. Server General Info Organized community board that includes every need of a player. Gatekeeper, service manager, buffer, free and easy certification system (for subclass too), donations, blacksmith included & more! Service Manager that provides all type of needs to every player. GMShop, warehouse, Augmenting,Symbol maker, Removal of Attribute and more! Safe enchant +6, Max +20 Blessed enchant rate: 90%(With Ancient Scrolls you have 10% to Enchant +18 to + 20 without destroy the item if the scroll fail) . Rank System Rank System with 42 different Ranks, allows you to be more competitive on the server and will make you get more PvP / Assist Coins depending on wich Rank you are. You can exchange the PvP / Assist Coin them in PvP Shop for Armor, Weapons, Ancient Scrolls, Dressme skins and many more items. PvP Zones Our PvP Zones has 3 modes : 1 . PvP Normal : Classic PvP zone 2 . Red vs Blue : In this team Red team fights the Blue team. It’s basically a TvT event but without party’s allowed. 3. Free for all (FFA): A mode where everyone attacks everyone ! NOTE : Each mode lasts for 1 hour. The order of the modes is like this : PvP Normal -> Free For all -> PvP Normal -> Red VS Blue. Then repeat. Other Info INSTANT Level 85 INSTANT GEAR +18 PvP Finder in Community Board Subclasses limit 10 Subclasses max level 85 Free Certifications NOTICE: You don’t need to level up any subs or something. Just click “Certifications” tab at service manager. Certifications allowed in subclasses NOTICE : All classes can sub to whatever class they like. (example : Dwarf can sub to Dominator subclass). Scheme buffer, enchanted +30/+15 buffs, 2 hours duration All buffs available (except Kamael and class specific) NOTE : When you JOIN in Event you will receive EXTRA RANK POINTS when you KILL/ASSIST other players! 44+4 buff slots, 20 dances You can create 10 Profile Schemes! Olympiad system (Enchant Limit to +6) Olympiad starts 17 : 00 (GMT+1). Ends 02 : 00 (GMT+1) Heroes selected every Sunday HWID protection (SMART-GUARD SYSTEM PROTECTION) VERY Active admin. Territory Wars every week (Saturday 20 : 00 server time) NOTE : Territory War protection. Increased casting range. Pervents players to hide inside outpost. In order to start casting you’ll need to go a bit more far from the outpost than usual. Otherwise the system won’t let you start casting. Wards limit : 3 Castle Siege every week (20 : 00 server time) NOTE: Use the command /time ingame to stay informed about server time. DRESSME SYSTEM with amazing Skins including Oddysey skins, GoD textures, Zariche,Akamanah,Baium Skins, Dragon skins. Assassins, and many other Skins NOTE: You can buy TOP/MID Rate Skins depending of your rank. Vote reward system VIP Augmenting system. (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIT/MEN + the actual augment). VIP augments are reworked to pervent disbalance between classes. Offline shops enabled. Master work armor items are already in the PvP shop. Autonoblesse system. This system is attached ONLY INSIDE PvP zones. Upon death your buffs will stay. Every other zone is retail like. Hero skills allowed in sub classes. COMMANDS .rankinfo for check your rank .getreward (used to get rewards from voting) .dressme .dressmeOn / .dressmeOff (Enable/Disable the skins of other players) .combinetalismans .pvp .rankinfo .changepassword .join / .leave (used to join / leave events. Once event start you can’t leave anymore.) .engage .divorce .gotolove .repair (repair your character with crash/shortcut problems) EVENT ENGINE Capture the flag Team vs Team Hunting Grounds Domination Mass domination Deathmatch Deathmatch Survival Zombie event 1v1-2v2-5v5 CUSTOM: Class cloaks / Castle cloaks / – each of these types gives different stats. Cancellation skills effect is reworked and upon cancellation of buffs, they’ll be returned in 10 seconds. Steal Divinity works only inside olympiad. Automatic use of HP, MP, CP, Bottle of Soul potions Rank Coins (PvP) Olf T-Shirt. Vote Bracelet Premium Bracelet GRAND OPENING: 09-09-2022 19:00 GMT +1 https://l2evolve.eu/
  8. Lf dev, my pack: l2jSunrise
  9. WTB l2autobots (from elfo) adapted for l2jsunrise
  10. Hi, i want java dev services for fix: all races/classes can subclass whatever other class and fix flag limit in territory wars. Discord: Evolve#4703
  11. Lf dev, my pack: l2jSunrise
  12. Hi, i need a l2j professional Launcher. Contact me in Skype: lineage2immortal or email: lineage2immortal@hotmail.com
  13. I need java programmer to adapt variables of the code for my server, i will pay good.
  14. Lf a java programmer for help me with one problem of my server. contact me: lineage2immortal@hotmail.com
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