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Posts posted by smeli

  1. GC is really essential chronicle

    just read it grand crusade.... well, there's no grand at all

    and there's no crusade too

    but now admin with guts can start crusade 


    well, admin with guts could start crusade on interlude chronicle too

    but on interlude there is big resistance against crusades and really big force needed to crush this resistance


    now only guts needed




    i think that no other chronicle will reach the heights of GC


    crusade is related to Jesus Christ, and He is the highest value in the whole universe

  2. no, character in l2 not comes from clones vessel

    character have parents, grandparents, house where he or she spent childhood, ask player about his character's past,

    meals he liked, songs, field games. anything about l2 - you will not get any answer

    ask for characters name which is given by loving mother



    many so called player characters even do not have name, they bear nicknames of players

    this not playing l2, this is counter strike game in the l2 world

    i like counter strike too, but i play counter strike with counter strike client only

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