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Posts posted by 911reg

  1. 3 hours ago, John Mouling said:

    I've had problems running or opening G3DEditor. Do you have any link to recommend that works? I don't know if it will be my PC or the program directly.
    Thanks for your reply.

    You need to set up JRE 1.8 (Java Runtime Env.) for both mapconv and g3d_ed, i think. And also set up proper environmental variables in your OS; or you could simply edit the .bat files from either mapconv or g3d_ed. (smth like path="c:\program files\java\jre-1.8\bin", you get the idea)

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, John Mouling said:

    Hi people! im stacked trying to create a basic geodata on a Event Map, i would like to ask if someone has experience that it could me give a hand i'll be gratefull.

    Hi. There are a few free geodata generation tools for l2j format out there (tho it can be converted to other formats afterwards). For example, l2mapconv (you can look it up on github).
    Problem is that generally the geodata that is generated is pretty bad; and needs plenty of manual fixes.
    You can use G3D Editor and other tools to fix em manually, but generally the results will be pretty bad, you'll rely mostly on a good geo engine on your server.

  3. 1 hour ago, Banshee Garnet said:

    Dont be unfair, he spend time and he almost made it... he should thank for some money that got back

    He gave a predetermined time frame for completion (2 weeks), he didn't deliver, he should refund the full amount, it's as simple as that.

    Honestly Ave has probably the best updater out there, the download speed is amazing since it has bz2 compression support, his designs are great, etc. I don't understand why he insists on taking so long to deliver every single time. His procrastination is bringing him down.

  4. 58 minutes ago, maxicroma said:

    yes maybe but i will be a lot of work to do .

    The normal thing would be that if I decompile something I should be able to compile it again if I didn't modify it, right?

    That's definitely not how decompilation of anything works; most of the stuff (if not everything) will be broken (function names, enum object calls, etc).
    If you want to make an interface from scratch; your best bet if to go for Akar0's compilers, as long as they are compatible with the client you're trying to edit; but if you're trying to decompile an existing interface then it'll be VERY difficult to fix it if you're unexperienced, and even more if it is a custom interface (which is the only somewhat 'valid' reason i can see if you want to decompile an interface instead of using akar0's).

    but as ratchet said; the error is pretty self explanatory:

    struct Xarray
        var int Id;
        var bool ;

    needs to be

    struct Xarray
        var int Id;

  5. 6 hours ago, Hadriel said:

    thx for answer, i tried and woks encrypting, but i still having crashes 😞
    i changed the icon in skillgrp.dat from "icon.skill0003" to "Myicons.misil" as i saved the file before endec and nothing. this is the report i got


    Instead of using encedc on it, try renaming it to "Icon.u" instead of "Icon.utx", and put it in your System folder. If it still crashes, the problem might be with your unrealed.

  6. Just now, L2Dark said:

    The Hype is real. It's time for L2Dark!

    It's rare to find a decent project these days, and even rarer to find one with competent developers and administrators who aren't just hungry for money. I highly recommend what's about to come from this server! Hopefully, H5 will be revived after having such a low bar for so many years. Glad to be working with you guys, and good luck! 👍

  7. 1 hour ago, Finn said:

    Sadly nobody has the time to introduce people who are interested into l2 map editing ^^

    Yeah man, there's just too much to cover, especially if you only have access to freeshared tools
    Need to figure out a bunch of very niche things, such as map geometry, lighting, movers, using bsp brushes without fucking up the map, then moving onto generating geodata, and a long etc.


    6 hours ago, Starfire868686 said:

    So this was my 20 year of l2, gaming and server managing in a nutshell 😄

    If you have questions ask away and I'll try to answer through DMs or something, so this doesnt get too big

  8. 1 hour ago, Starfire868686 said:

    well this far i was able to get 😄
    Nincs elérhető leírás.

    Sadly, that map will most likely crash overtime, not to mention that there's no day/night cycle, and staticmeshes aren't projecting shadows, if you tell me exactly what you want to add, and where, i might be able to help you

  9. 1 hour ago, Starfire868686 said:

    I got an error at elven zone file not found Oren_DEV_T_ from textures.
    And after saving map, there is no shadow of the static mashes, the grass is missing, and a number of sound effects. Anyone have this file? I have a similiar named in the textures map Oren_DEV_T but somthing not right. I tried other editors, but they miss this file as well.

    Mising lighting, ground and sounds have nothing to do with that utx file; you'll get those problems regardless of whether you have the file or not. This editor is not complete, it has a bunch of errors, it can't handle map lighting at all.
    You can try the Interlude and Prelude versions, those can handle lighting, but will break map geometry completely if you rebuild the map and it has bsp brushes.

  10. 6 minutes ago, zigor said:

    i make it this bat no crashes no dc no error  posibly take this error from bot program adrenaline?

    try to use google translate please, can't understand what you mean half of the time xD
    no, it's 100% not related to adrenaline, it's probably the custom NPCs

  11. 23 minutes ago, zigor said:

    high five  yes i have custom maps and npc

    most likely an error related to bad emitters on an NPC. Try logging in, and type ///show actors in the chat, then walk around and teleport between cities for a while, to see if the client crashes.

    If it still does, try removing the custom npcs momentarily, and repeat, walk around and teleport between cities.

  12. 10 hours ago, WilliamFS said:

    Thanks for the share, looks much better now!

    it would be possible do the same with the UT2004?

    If you mean the RGBA8 fixes, + Split9/stretch/mirror changes then yes, it's easily doable. Though I don't think anyone should use that for interface textures; probably only the RGBA8 fixes would be necessary since it's used to port NPCs. I'll think about it 😛

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Image.nik said:

    Grettings 911reg!
    Thank you for your work!
    Wanted to ask if you maybe know why I getting Error 
    "'Core' is not DLL package; can't find export 'intUObjectexeclsSoaking'"
    What am I doing wrong? Will be very grateful for any answer! 

    Hey there. When do you get this error? When launching UnrealED.exe? or are you trying to use ucc.exe to compile something?

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