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Posts posted by N0K3

  1. 20 hours ago, Anarchy said:

    bro we're talking about a BR guy who wants 3-4 year old smartguard cuz he won't pay for real one, you think he's gonna actually have the skills to do that? or the money to pay someone to do that?

    I would like to know why the free hate, I just want a file, the fact that you say or really know more than I do not mean anything, the topic is simply a purchase, is not a topic to discuss who knows more or who has a file , I am here with more respect, the fact that if I am Brazilian does not diminish me or this would be xenophobia?
    To those who are interested to take the topic seriously thank you.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Anarchy said:

    at absolutely no point in this topic is that clear lol you should upload the old dsetup.dll and dsetup.u, there's at least a couple people on here who'd probably take a stab at it just for the lulz (or it might just be me, actually yeah it's probably just me, but still)

    The goal of the topic is very clear friend, "SmartGuard 2015/2016 with dsetup.u" I paid for anyone selling me the smartguard running in these versions with the dsetup compiler where I can add the ip of my server for me to use.


    Obs: Maybe it's a little out of context because I'm using google translate.

  3. 1 minute ago, Anarchy said:

    you still havent said why you actually want it :D it sounds like you want this old shit cuz you think you can use it but it's gonna be bound to someone else's ip it would be useless to you

    The old thing I have what I want is someone who takes the ip from the other person and gives me the dsetup compiler so I can tie it to my ip.

  4. 1 hour ago, SGuard said:

    You probably don't quite understand, when he says he forces everybody out of the old version that means he's closing it.

    But goodluck with the schemes to make it working. :)

    I understand what you mean, however, we are talking about old codes, old codes are missing like any code that is updated daily and this may have a flaw that allows you not to be forced to update and stay in the same version forever.

  5. 12 hours ago, SGuard said:

    What does it good for? 

    It won't startup + nobody's using smartguard in Brazil nomore.

    It has a lot of Brazilian server using this same version of SmartGuard only with changes in dsetup.dll and dsetup.u.
    This version: https://imgur.com/a/Ii22QT8
    Since the original version is already in 3.0


    One observation, servers that have not been online for years have this active protection still for ip, and any server practically that neither capacity to protect itself with mods and etc has that same protection directed towards their ip, servers that open and close in 4 or 5 days.
    So it is impossible that they are paying for a version of SmartGuard that does not update, that is never without key and that never changes.


    Dsetup.dll e dsetup.u

    2017 and still work.



    I'm just behind this version.


  6. Good night friends, I'm having a recent problem when trying to add UTX Logo to any NPC, the problem is every time I add the UTX in the npc gatekeeper for example from the // reload html and I see the UTX it's all blurry or blurry as you can see in the link the front -> https://imgur.com/a/BlWcn53 , I follow step by step do the PNG of the logo in photoshop, saved in .DDS I open the unreal engine import the dds and saved in utx and cryptograph it and put in the folder systexture and change the html from npc, and even then it stays the way you saw the link, can anyone help?

    Generate for Google Translate

  7. Hello friends, as always I come to doubt that I really could not find a solution and always someone here from the forum helps me, I would like to leave my gratitude here.
    Today I'm trying to cause elfocrash mod fakesplayers to start at a specified amount in a specified location by an .ini file, however, I've been having problems since I'm surrounding this code below and not how to make it work when I start server much less put amount to spawn, see below the code in which spawna the fakes.

    # AdminFakePlayers.java#
    if (command.startsWith("admin_fakepvp"))
    			FakePlayer fakePlayer = FakePlayerManager.spawnPlayer(activeChar.getX(), activeChar.getY(), activeChar.getZ());
    			if (command.contains(" "))
    				String arg = command.split(" ")[1];
    				if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("htm"))
    			return true;
    # FakePlayerManager.java # 
    public static FakePlayer spawnPlayer(int x, int y, int z)
    		final L2GameClient client = new L2GameClient(null);
    		final FakePlayer activeChar = FakeHelpers.createRandomFakePlayer();
    		activeChar.setOnlineStatus(true, false);
    		if (Config.PLAYER_SPAWN_PROTECTION > 0)
    			activeChar.getAppearance().setNameColor(Integer.decode("0x" + getNameColor()));
    			activeChar.getAppearance().setTitleColor(Integer.decode("0x" + getTitleColor()));
    		if (Config.FAKE_TITLE_PHANTOM_ATK)
    			if (Rnd.get(100) < Config.FAKE_CHANCE_TITLE)
    		activeChar.addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(9901, 1), true);
    		if (!activeChar.isGM() && (!activeChar.isInSiege() || (activeChar.getSiegeState() < 2)) && activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneId.SIEGE))
    		return activeChar;

    I imagine I should create a public void spawnfake ();
    Somewhere make a code using some of these spawn codes, put some amount of it and use that spawnfake (); no gameserver.java to start, but I made a few attempts and failed, if anyone can help I'll be grateful.


    Translated by google translate

  8. Hello friends, I'm converting a code made in IXMLReader to XMLDocument because my entire source uses XMLDocument, I'm halfway through but I'm getting error with forEach and I would like to ask for help from you friends, I'll put the code without any changes of mine and with change Anyone who can help is grateful.

    No change:

    package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.data.xml;
    import java.nio.file.Path;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import net.sf.l2j.commons.data.xml.IXmlReader;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.event.BossEvent;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.StatsSet;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
     * @author StinkyMadness
    public class BossEventData implements IXmlReader
       private static final List<StatsSet> data = new ArrayList<>();
       protected BossEventData()
       public void load()
       public void parseDocument(Document doc, Path path)
           forEach(doc, "list", listNode -> forEach(listNode, "Boss", bossNode ->
               final StatsSet set = parseAttributes(bossNode);
               forEach(bossNode, "announce", messageNode -> set.set("announceOnSpawn", parseString(messageNode.getAttributes(), "onSpawn")));
               forEach(bossNode, "spawnLoc", positionNode ->
                   final NamedNodeMap attrs = positionNode.getAttributes();
                   set.set("posX", parseInteger(attrs, "x"));
                   set.set("posY", parseInteger(attrs, "y"));
                   set.set("posZ", parseInteger(attrs, "z"));
               forEach(bossNode, "despawn", messageNode -> set.set("despawnTime", parseInteger(messageNode.getAttributes(), "after")));
               forEach(bossNode, "scheduleSpawnTime", spawnTimeNode -> set.set("spawnDateData", parseString(spawnTimeNode.getAttributes(), "val")));
       public static BossEventData getInstance()
           return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE;
       private static class SingletonHolder
           protected static final BossEventData INSTANCE = new BossEventData();

    With change:

    package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.data.xml;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Path;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import net.sf.l2j.commons.data.xml.XMLDocument;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.events.BossEvent;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.StatsSet;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
     * @author StinkyMadness
    public class BossEventData extends XMLDocument
       private static final List<StatsSet> data = new ArrayList<>();
       protected BossEventData()
       public void load()
       public void parseDocument(Document doc, Path path)
           forEach(doc, "list", listNode -> forEach(listNode, "Boss", bossNode ->
               final StatsSet set = parseAttributes(bossNode);
               forEach(bossNode, "announce", messageNode -> set.set("announceOnSpawn", parseString(messageNode.getAttributes(), "onSpawn")));
               forEach(bossNode, "spawnLoc", positionNode ->
                   final NamedNodeMap attrs = positionNode.getAttributes();
                   set.set("posX", parseInteger(attrs, "x"));
                   set.set("posY", parseInteger(attrs, "y"));
                   set.set("posZ", parseInteger(attrs, "z"));
               forEach(bossNode, "despawn", messageNode -> set.set("despawnTime", parseInteger(messageNode.getAttributes(), "after")));
               forEach(bossNode, "scheduleSpawnTime", spawnTimeNode -> set.set("spawnDateData", parseString(spawnTimeNode.getAttributes(), "val")));
       public static BossEventData getInstance()
           return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE;
       private static class SingletonHolder
           protected static final BossEventData INSTANCE = new BossEventData();
    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see net.sf.l2j.commons.data.xml.XMLDocument#parseDocument(org.w3c.dom.Document, java.io.File)
    protected void parseDocument(Document doc, File f)
    	// TODO Auto-generated method stub

    Errors after change:

    [javac] Compiling 1858 source files to C:\workspace\L2jMega_gameserver2\build\classes
        [javac] C:\workspace\L2jMega_gameserver2\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\data\xml\BossEventData.java:37: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac]        forEach(doc, "list", listNode -> forEach(listNode, "Boss", bossNode ->
        [javac]        ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method forEach(Document,String,(listNode)[...]); }))
        [javac]   location: class BossEventData
        [javac] C:\workspace\L2jMega_gameserver2\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\data\xml\BossEventData.java:44: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac]                set.set("posX", parseInteger(attrs, "x"));
        [javac]                                ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method parseInteger(NamedNodeMap,String)
        [javac]   location: class BossEventData
        [javac] C:\workspace\L2jMega_gameserver2\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\data\xml\BossEventData.java:45: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac]                set.set("posY", parseInteger(attrs, "y"));
        [javac]                                ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method parseInteger(NamedNodeMap,String)
        [javac]   location: class BossEventData
        [javac] C:\workspace\L2jMega_gameserver2\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\data\xml\BossEventData.java:46: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac]                set.set("posZ", parseInteger(attrs, "z"));
        [javac]                                ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method parseInteger(NamedNodeMap,String)
        [javac]   location: class BossEventData
        [javac] 4 errors


  9. Hello again stinky, I'm trying to get your mod from acis 377 to 375 and I'm trying to make it difficult to read in XML, since your mod was done with IXMLReader and my source used XMLDocument, because of that I can not compile, I was looking for forms of convert the code to XMLDocument and would like to know if there are options to help me.
    This document was not found. "The XMLDocument type can not be a superinterface of BossEventData; a superinterface must be an interface".

    Translated by google translate.

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2jMega_gameserver2\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\data\xml\BossEventData.java:18: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac] public class BossEventData implements IXmlReader
        [javac]                                       ^
        [javac]   symbol: class IXmlReader
        [javac] C:\workspace\L2jMega_gameserver2\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\data\xml\BossEventData.java:27: error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
        [javac]    @Override
        [javac]    ^
        [javac] C:\workspace\L2jMega_gameserver2\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\data\xml\BossEventData.java:30: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac]        parseFile("./data/xml/BossEvent.xml");
        [javac]        ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method parseFile(String)
        [javac]   location: class BossEventData
        [javac] C:\workspace\L2jMega_gameserver2\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\data\xml\BossEventData.java:33: error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
        [javac]    @Override
        [javac]    ^
        [javac] C:\workspace\L2jMega_gameserver2\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\data\xml\BossEventData.java:37: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac]        forEach(doc, "list", listNode -> forEach(listNode, "Boss", bossNode ->
        [javac]        ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method forEach(Document,String,(listNode)[...]); }))
        [javac]   location: class BossEventData
        [javac] C:\workspace\L2jMega_gameserver2\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\data\xml\BossEventData.java:44: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac]                set.set("posX", parseInteger(attrs, "x"));
        [javac]                                ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method parseInteger(NamedNodeMap,String)
        [javac]   location: class BossEventData
        [javac] C:\workspace\L2jMega_gameserver2\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\data\xml\BossEventData.java:45: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac]                set.set("posY", parseInteger(attrs, "y"));
        [javac]                                ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method parseInteger(NamedNodeMap,String)
        [javac]   location: class BossEventData
        [javac] C:\workspace\L2jMega_gameserver2\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\data\xml\BossEventData.java:46: error: cannot find symbol
        [javac]                set.set("posZ", parseInteger(attrs, "z"));
        [javac]                                ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method parseInteger(NamedNodeMap,String)
        [javac]   location: class BossEventData
        [javac] 8 errors


  10. 1 hour ago, StinkyMadness said:

    Give a close view on your RandomZone.xml you did something wrong there.

    What's puzzling me is that things seem to be all right there.
    RandomZone.xml in the zone folder and inside it contains this, just like your example.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <zone shape="Cuboid" minZ="-3752" maxZ="-352"><!-- gludin_pvp -->
           <stat name="id" val="1" />
           <stat name="name" val="Gludin Arena" />
           <stat name="time" val="30" /><!-- time in seconds -->
           <stat name="locs" val="-88339,141802,-3649;-87894,142231,-3649" />
           <node X="-88411" Y="141732" />
           <node X="-87429" Y="142708" />
       <zone shape="Cuboid" minZ="-3850" maxZ="-350"><!-- giran_pvp_battle -->
           <stat name="id" val="2" />
           <stat name="name" val="Giran Arena" />
          <stat name="time" val="30" /><!-- time in seconds -->
           <stat name="locs" val="73306,142440,-3775;72646,142403,-3775" />
           <node X="72493" Y="142263" />
           <node X="73493" Y="143261" />


  11. 1 hour ago, `Sanctus said:

    like would anyone care about league of legends in this forum

    There is the League of Legends, Marketplace, I have an account, I need money and I want to sell it, so I think there is a place here where I can sell it, maybe people do not actually call the league of legends in this forum, but I think it's worth just trying to post, someone should be interested.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Kara` said:

    If you get an error in console the only "null" that can cause it is the getKnownType which might return a null list.

    Check your getKnownType method to see why it return null list.

    It returns the message that is intended "requestor.sendMessage (" This is incorrect target or is in refusal mode. "); however, I'd like it to go to the end of the code and send the party invite, I do not get null on the console.

  13. Hello friends, I have a problem about sending party to a fakeplayer, I am sending it and java recognizes the fake as target null "if (target == null)".
    However, fake receives trade normally, and the trade uses the same party code, I will make available the party and trade code below.


    I used the "+" to show where the code stops, identifying the target as nullo, however it should go to the end and send the invite to fake equal the trade.


    RequestJoinParty.java (acis374)

    package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.clientpackets;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.events.teamvsteam.TvTEvent;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.BlockList;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.World;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.group.Party;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.group.Party.LootRule;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.zone.ZoneId;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.AskJoinParty;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage;
    public final class RequestJoinParty extends L2GameClientPacket
    	private String _name;
    	private int _itemDistribution;
    	protected void readImpl()
    		_name = readS();
    		_itemDistribution = readD();
    	protected void runImpl()
    		final Player requestor = getClient().getActiveChar();
    		if (requestor == null)
    		final Player target = World.getInstance().getPlayer(_name);
    +		if (target == null || !requestor.getKnownType(Player.class).contains(target) || target.equals(requestor))
    +		{
    +			requestor.sendMessage("This is incorrect target or is in refusal mode.");
    +			return;
    +		}
    		if (BlockList.isBlocked(target, requestor))
    			requestor.sendMessage("This is incorrect target or is in refusal mode.");
    		if ((target.equals(requestor)) || (target.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) || (requestor.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) || ((target.getAppearance().getInvisible()) && (!target.isInsideZone(ZoneId.TOURNAMENT)) && (!target.isGM())))
    		if (target.isPartyInRefuse())
    			requestor.sendMessage("This is incorrect target or is in refusal mode.");
    		if (target.isInParty())
    		if (TvTEvent.isPlayerParticipant(target.getObjectId()))
    		if (target.getClient().isDetached())
    			requestor.sendMessage("The player you tried to invite is in offline mode.");
    		if (target.isInJail() || requestor.isInJail())
    			requestor.sendMessage("The player you tried to invite is currently jailed.");
    		if (target.isInOlympiadMode() || requestor.isInOlympiadMode())
    		if (requestor.isProcessingRequest())
    		if (target.isProcessingRequest())
    		final Party party = requestor.getParty();
    		if (party != null)
    			if (!party.isLeader(requestor))
    			if (party.getMembersCount() >= 9)
    			if (party.getPendingInvitation() && !party.isInvitationRequestExpired())
    		target.sendPacket(new AskJoinParty(requestor.getName(), (party != null) ? party.getLootRule().ordinal() : _itemDistribution));




    TradeRequest.java(acis 374)

    package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.clientpackets;
    import net.sf.l2j.commons.math.MathUtil;
    import net.sf.l2j.Config;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.BlockList;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.World;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Npc;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SendTradeRequest;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage;
    public final class TradeRequest extends L2GameClientPacket
    	private int _objectId;
    	protected void readImpl()
    		_objectId = readD();
    	protected void runImpl()
    		final Player player = getClient().getActiveChar();
    		if (player == null)
    		if (!player.getAccessLevel().allowTransaction())
    		final Player target = World.getInstance().getPlayer(_objectId);
    +		if (target == null || !player.getKnownType(Player.class).contains(target) || target.equals(player))
    +		{
    +			player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.TARGET_IS_INCORRECT);
    +			return;
    +		}
    		if (player.isSubmitingPin())
    			player.sendMessage("Unable to do any action while PIN is not submitted");
    		if (target.isInOlympiadMode() || player.isInOlympiadMode())
    			player.sendMessage("You or your target cannot trade during Olympiad.");
    		if (target.isInCombat() || player.isInCombat())
    			player.sendMessage("You or your target can't trade in Combat.");
    		if (target.isInCombat() || player.isInCombat())
    			player.sendMessage("You or your target can't trade in Combat.");
    		// Alt game - Karma punishment
    		if (!Config.KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_TRADE && (player.getKarma() > 0 || target.getKarma() > 0))
    			player.sendMessage("You cannot trade in a chaotic state.");
    		if (player.isInStoreMode() || target.isInStoreMode())
    		if (player.isProcessingTransaction())
    		if (target.isProcessingRequest() || target.isProcessingTransaction())
    			SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_IS_BUSY_TRY_LATER).addCharName(target);
    		if (target.getTradeRefusal())
    			player.sendMessage("This is incorrect target or is in refusal mode.");
    		if (BlockList.isBlocked(target, player))
    			SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_HAS_ADDED_YOU_TO_IGNORE_LIST).addCharName(target);
    		if (MathUtil.calculateDistance(player, target, true) > Npc.INTERACTION_DISTANCE)
    		target.sendPacket(new SendTradeRequest(player.getObjectId()));


    Text generated by google translate.

  14. Seeing the account of the Brazilian server, with 53 champions of 15k blue essences, platinum border,1 receive on remaining account to refund skins and champions, currently gold 1, 43 pdl, amount of skins and skins in the images below.
    I get in euro by paypal and in reals.

    Account : https://imgur.com/qxEbEJS


    The player will have to hold until the end of the year of expiration all the information of the account that there is no risk of ChargeBack!


    Skins links:




    Chroma DragonSlayer Vayne 



    Icons links:




    Price to match!

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