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Crest - L2OFF

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About Crest - L2OFF

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  1. @Maxtor this guys like @Designatix kill your site day by day my old friend maxtor!!!im not free to talk or wtf??they blame me for something i didnt do and i must close my mouth....??and this guy @Designatix try to help his friends?wtf this forum @Maxtor will die very soon if you dont throw out guys like this!!
  2. one friend just saw me the post....hahahaha i wanna cry for this boy from eola...he sell free acis files for moneys and i have vangath file since 2013!!!hahahaha who say to you this guy is the administrator of my server??i am the administrator of the server and i work with many advertisers around...also why i must pay shit acis files when i have official files for low - mid - pvp servers???hahahahahahahaha i will never spent my time for java files fake kid .
  3. Today event gatekeepers spawned in starting villages to help new players!!Don't miss the today mass reward for all players at 21:00 gmt +3 https://l2crest.com/
  4. are you blind?2000 online lol!
  5. Server is up with HUGE Online players!All big clans are here and prepare their army for Rune Castle event with 200 real euros!Don't miss this fight!!
  6. TOMORROW the Grand Opening of the best interlude OFFICIAL low rate server in the world!!2000 Game accounts already registered!!you??? https://acc.l2crest.com/register.php
  7. 2 days left for grand opening!don't loose more time around!we are the no1 official interlude server with professional team behind!we are the only server with unique features like auction house on official server!Register your account NOW : https://acc.l2crest.com/register.php
  8. We added Auction House to the game. It's the system allowing players to trade to each other via the NPC. You can find the NPC "Rossella in every township: Now you don't have to be online to sell items. Auction House is available 24/7 even if you character is offline. Selling items You can put up items for sale only for Crest Coin. There's no commission on sales. When the item is sold, the coins is delivered instantly to your inventory. Contents Selling, Purchasing Items only for Crest Coins. Adding full items D, C, B, A, and S Grade. Search engine for item name and enchanted items from +1 to +16.
  9. the first official interlude server in the world with auction house.read more here : https://forum.l2crest.com/index.php?/topic/788-auction-house/ 4 DAYS FOR OPENING!!
  10. after a successfull beta period and 2 days before the period of beta ends we hard work to adapt the auction house system on official files.the only sure is that if we finish this we will be the first server around the world with auction house on official interlude files...huge success is coming more than 300 players played on beta and find zero bugs!this is awesome for us and give us power to continue the hard work!!6 October the best official interlude server x5 will be online!Don't miss it!
  11. 2 hours for BETA start.Join all now and register your account to participate on BETA event!!
  12. sry my friend but many servers advertisement in my project thats why i do the same!cya!
  13. no you cant be my member you are a classic hater who try to ruin my success but is ok i have many guys like you,!!when u will understand the difference of l2 official servers with java servers we can speak again in private message.dont spent my time here anymore!!cya and good luck to your dead life kid!!
  14. i can see that u never check my server thats why u speak about unstable crap and customs! i ensure you that my server will be the best low rate server of 2018.Also i speak only for l2j low rate shits around,for mid rate and high rate maybe l2j is better ok,but for low rate pts platfom > l2j. you cant tell me nothing about what methods i will use to attract people because i didnt ask you.i already pay for advertisement many big sites like topzone,l2oops facebook etc.so if somewhere i can do advertisement for free why to pay... anyway i will not spent more time to you and your crappy opinion!cya!
  15. they do the same to me on other social media like (facebook - VK) so why i must dont do it in discord.who say to me that i cant use that option?you?let me laugh my server based on official pts platform and i advertise my server EVERYWHERE so i will wait more than 1500 online because people dont like anymore to play in servers with corruption and prepaid clans!!thats why i open this server with the best files around,to have one server fair for all with long time life!!i will kill all low rate java servers very soon!
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