this is a bug that works on few servers..but maybe there is someone that will enjoy it
first of all you can't get cought by an admin or gm if u use goes: u need to play on a server with goldbars traders, a goldbar should be less than 500kk to buy..say like 100kk to buy and 100kk to sell, u buy some goldbars and when u want adena u dont sell them to npcu use command .withdraw and instead of 100kk u will get 500kk adena
doesnt work on all servers
overpowering char ...but in a way only a gm can overpower it...i mean 100k+ p.atk and 20k def...cuz a normal low life donator has like 50-60k p.atk and 15k def ....4k atk speed and all this with bow...hes like a machinegun :|
is is metter of server...cuz i playd a server and with 20k p.atk hit donator with 87 dmg on dont think u can beat donators on every server
i think wow is like a fairy-tale and graphix are not evolved like in l2, l2 pourpose is clan/ally's and wars, and the way u get items for doing that, in wow pvp is nice but with all that skills and jumping and running is not so evolved. my oppinion l2 is better in some ways
hello cheaters,i'm Marius from romania :D and i play l2 for some time now...but i am stuck on a server with lost of donators so i need some exploits and cheates to make them cry and after that i can leave server in peace :D