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Mr_Darky94 last won the day on January 23 2021

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  1. If there are any streamers here on maxcheaters, here’s a tool I’m building for a java course I’m following. It is completely free to use, no behind the walls payments. Livestreaming tools suite Quickly set up a full spectrum of livestreaming widgets including Livestreaming Countdowns, Youtube Like Counters, Youtube Subscribers Goal, Dynamic Giveaway System. Widgets that may be completely customized and used as browser sources in any of your favorite streaming sotwares, such as OBS or Streamlabs. In less than a minute, you'll have access to a completely free suite of interesting widgets that you can edit to fit your streaming overlay exactly. Intuitive user interface We employ a clean and basic UI that makes the platform simple to use for anyone; all you have to do is use your imagination to mix and match colors, sizes, and fonts (almost every Google font is available on our platform). https://streamcd.net
  2. If you post the piece of code that shows the status, I can help, or you can contact me on discord Darksoke#0206
  3. The system is under development curently, see some progress down here
  4. :)) thx but it's probably too early for that :)) once i'm done with my server website I'l start developing a CMS for L2 and incorporate all these plugins plus a lot more stuff like my donation panel
  5. Selling a standalone plugin for websites that allows streamers to embed their channels and list them on your website. Price: 60$ Features: - Allow/Deny channels listing on the website - Email notification, if enabled will send you an email when somebody subscribe his/her channel - Sessions to prevent spamming, if enabled will not allow the same client to resubscribe if a period of time did not passed - Configuration file controlling most of the plugin features - Safe mysqli connection class with prepared statements to prevent SQL injections Requirements: - Php version 5.6 or later (suggested 7.0) - Check if twitch allows requests coming from your domain by placing this piece of code anywhere on your website, if the vide frame show up that means you can install the plugin. <iframe src="https://player.twitch.tv/?channel=SOMECHANNELID&parent=yourdomain.com" height="100%" width="100%" allowfullscreen="true"> </iframe> Plugin installation is pretty much drag and drop, I'm offering install assistence on my discord or trough anydesk. ** ignore the missing videos on the left, twitch does not allow requests from localhost ** 1. Customisable form, the embed and form are wraped into a main div easy to style 2. Form validations 3. Easy to install with just copy/paste 3 lines of code 4. Fully configurable You can order by PM-ing me here or join my DISCORD
  6. I'm currently more focused on codeigniter but will probably start checking NodeJS soon as well. I'm currently codding this website
  7. Appreciate the /vouch guys I can also take various website script requests
  8. This script allow Clan leaders to subscribe their clans for various server usage. It is very easy to install and configure and the usage is very dynamic meaning the customer can update most of the visual features of the output. Price: 60$ Features: - Clan leaders to subscribe their clans for various server usage - Clan listing table - Sessions to prevent spamming, if enabled will not allow the same client to resubscribe if a period of time did not passed - Configuration file controlling most of the plugin features - Safe mysqli connection class with prepared statements to prevent SQL injections Requirements: - Php version 5.6 or later (suggested 7.0) because use/namespace were introduced in php5.3 and straight brackets arrays were introduced in php5.6 More informations on the pictures below. 1. Clean design(using bootstrap in example but plugin has it's own css style file that can be easy modified to fit your website) 2. Form validations based on config file and configurable session spam prevention, do not require captcha 3. Various configurations to fit your needs(config file protected to be read by server only, requires mod rewrite enable) 4. Copy/Paste installation just put the plugin directory in your website root(can be inside a document as well just need to make sure to edit the autoload to point the rict path) If you are interested in buying this scritp or you want more informations about it do not hesitate to contact me on DISCORD
  9. WTS 1 vote banner template with 5 different themes to chose from Width: 468px Height: 60px Resolution: 720 pixel/inch Font: Lato Files: 1 PSD Price: 10$(paypal payment) If you are interested add me on discord Darksoke#0206, i'm also accepting requests for different banners Preview: 1. Blank Theme 2. Deathwing Theme 3. Garrosh Theme 4. Lich King Theme 5. Ragnaros Theme
  10. well for database connection I use mysqli prepared statements but the script is made so you can easy adapt it to your current database connection class. As i stated in the main thread the system comes up with a custom design, you chose the colors and the structure. You can also set discounts and bonuses using a small config file or loading your own config file. donation log is a table to store all transactions so you can keep tracking them and generate statistics if you want. Is some kind of a backup so you won't have to login to paypal to verify old transactions. As i previously said is really complex but made to look simple.
  11. It does not have to look complex, you don't want that for your players/users you want it to be as specific as possible. Is the back End that counts
  12. Well it's a little more complicated because paypal listener does not pingback on localhost so all i can show is how i press a button that redirect the payer to paypal thank you :D
  13. it's a lineage server but they are launching in a few days and donation panel will not be revealed until then so the most i can do is asking him for a vouch
  14. buyer can chose the style and the colors as about a video i don't have one however there is a person who already bought this system but i wasn't sure if i'm allowed to post the link i don't want the topic to be considered as advertising
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