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About rocoder

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  1. I'm looking for another info: - on old chronicles you could set the buffs to be interlude like (buffs, dances and songs in same line) from Skillgrp.dat. in which file this info is stored now ? or is a new tag in same file ?
  2. which protocol ?
  3. Also now is integrated in l2jmobius https://youtu.be/s1y0jD_oYv8?si=TzMfWoUaK9-zxt91
  4. do anyone knows a solution for ALT key to not block the movement on newer clients/classic ? lot of players are useing the key for push to talk and is annoying and rly problematic in PVP
  5. did u find it?
  6. Thx for info man!!! Niiice.. thx for help this is for all clients or just for interlude?
  7. I would like to ask for some help if anyone knows which files contain - the startup logo (that small loading image before game client is started) - the background screen when you login / also for char creation/selection - the minimap not the radar - I saw some servers have maps for catacombs maybe if somebody has an idea how that is done all info are wellcome thx
  8. if somebody needs a similar engine send me a PM... current version is developed for L2jserver H5
  9. if anyone is interested in an similar engine but more stable and without so many bugs ... send me a PM.. for the right price you will get a working system for latest l2jserver H5 ... support and bugfixes for 1 month.. source files will not be shared! if somebody needs is for acis or whatever l2j version I will have to analyze the impact and most likely the price will be bigger if u dont have the source files of ur own server pls dont contact me .. nothing I can do there
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