Faster Firefox Trick
Just follow carefully the steps below:
1. Run Mozilla Firefox.
2. Type in the address: about:config
3. Now you have opened Firefox's settings. (Be Careful, change only what I tell you to change)
4. In the screen opened you can notice a new box under the address, named "Filter".
5. Type there: pipelining
6. now you have 3 or 4 lines, these should be : network.http.pipelining
7. Right click at the first one and change it from "false" to "true"
8. Right click the second one and change it's value to "25"
9. Right click the third one and change it from "false" to "true"
10. Right click anywhere in the screen and click New->Integer.
11. Now you should see a new box to type the name. Type the name:
12. Now a new box appears to type the value. Type the value 0 and press OK.
You just made your firefox faster!!!!
Now, if you want realy, Realy, REALY much more download speed, download a program named "Download Accelerator Plus". It boosts your download speed preety much, trust me.
If you have any questions reply here.