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About snefight

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  1. Awsome! take a look at that ;D ;D ;D ;D
  2. poly kalo... m aresei... :D to eliwsa to game lol... olo prwtos bgainw :D
  3. Faster Firefox Trick Just follow carefully the steps below: 1. Run Mozilla Firefox. 2. Type in the address: about:config 3. Now you have opened Firefox's settings. (Be Careful, change only what I tell you to change) 4. In the screen opened you can notice a new box under the address, named "Filter". 5. Type there: pipelining 6. now you have 3 or 4 lines, these should be : network.http.pipelining network.http.pipelining.maxrequests network.http.proxy.pipelining 7. Right click at the first one and change it from "false" to "true" 8. Right click the second one and change it's value to "25" 9. Right click the third one and change it from "false" to "true" 10. Right click anywhere in the screen and click New->Integer. 11. Now you should see a new box to type the name. Type the name: nglayout.initialpaint.delay 12. Now a new box appears to type the value. Type the value 0 and press OK. You just made your firefox faster!!!! Now, if you want realy, Realy, REALY much more download speed, download a program named "Download Accelerator Plus". It boosts your download speed preety much, trust me. If you have any questions reply here.
  4. I have found many good things here about client modding. I have downloaded the best of them and uploaded them in a pack. I thought this would be helpfull so there is the link: http://www.4shared.com/file/48774663/dc63399/Lineage_Server__client_moddingBY_SNEFIGHT_.html EDIT: The pack includes: Many wings- INTELUDE Some Weapons-INTERLUDE Weapon Glows-INTERLUDE Armors-KAMAEL Black Duals: The epic wings: Black Draconic Bow: http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/774/blackdraconicbowtw7.jpg Final Form Wings: http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/1205/shot00006ue3lu2.jpg http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/9381/shot00007sn2jj6.jpg PLEASE DO NOT SPAM HERE WITH "THANKS", "NICE SHARE" ETC... THANK YOU =)
  5. 1835
  6. It's the best!!!!!!!!!!! I was looking for a site like this... Thank you microz
  7. It does very many things... Wallhack, autoaim, autoshoot, playerlight, knifespeed, runspeed, etc!!! P.S. I am sure it's not a virus i've ran it about 40-45 times. [VAC-PROOF]
  8. Oh i forgot... When you have ran cs 1.6 with the hack running press the INSERT button to see, enable/disable the hacks.
  9. I was looking for a good cs 1.6 hack and I found this!!! I think that it's the best hack ever. Download it and enjoy!!! And don't worry it's not a virus. Once you've downloaded it, extract, run the file and then run cs 1.6 so easy! LINK: http://rapidshare.com/files/115511963/ECC_CS_1.6_Hack.rar.html NotAbastard : SUSPICIOUS FILE
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