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Everything posted by Alianza

  1. This!. Just found out this and I was coming here to post it haha. Excel is changing my format. Do you know how to stop it from changing it? EDIT: Solved!. Just put Text as format and also put 0. in the first cell and then paste the whole document onto it. That way it will keep the format you pasted it with. Thanks Sinister Smile, 'Hater and you, IpnotiC!
  2. Yup. How's that? EDIT: I have discovered that if I just copy paste the clean code from Fileedit to Excel and then from Excel WITHOUT any modifications back to Fileedit, the code is broken somehow and I cant save it. Maybe it has something to do with the version of Excel?
  3. Hello guys, me again. This time I'm trying to save some edited system lines back into the system, but everytime I try to save the new file I've edited, I get an error in the fileedit: =========================================== |-======= Save & Encode {14/07/2017 - 1:03:21} =======- | Сохранение файла: skillgrp.txt | Создание файла: decskillgrp.dat |- Не удалось создать файл: dec-skillgrp.dat =========================================== What I did was that I've copied the whole fileedit text into excel for editing an specific column. After editing that column, I've copied all the columns again with the new info, pasted it into the Fileedit but when I click "save", that error appears. Someone knows how to fix that or how should I copy/paste info? Thanks!
  4. Okay mate. I will try to do so and I'll keep you updated. Thank you! EDIT: hehe, I've solved it following your steps. Here's the code: private final static Map<Integer, Integer> MAP = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public void compareAndGenerate() { int i = 1; for (IntIntHolder aElement : listA) { if (!MAP.containsKey(aElement.getId())) i = 1; MAP.put(aElement.getId(), i++); } for (Entry<Integer, Integer> map : MAP.entrySet()) { int ii = map.getValue(); for (IntIntHolder bElement : listB) { if (bElement.getId() == map.getKey()) { while (ii > 0) { System.out.println(bElement.getValue()); ii--; } } } } } Thank you, very much. You disserve a cookie. Here ya' go
  5. I cant see the logic there, sorry (I'm half stupid). My logic is: when the ID of the A table and the ID of the B table are different, I just use iterB.next() to find the ID that matches the ID of the table A again and continue with the code. Am I wrong? For some reason I cant do it (maybe because I'm half stupid). Thanks again, Tryskell.
  6. Hello Tryskell, and thanks for replying! Well, I'm trying to parse some system data as I said before, so I need to maintain those values as they appear there. I need to copy something from a higher chronicle to Interlude, which has less data. For example: Those are both tables. I'm trying to copy the values from the B table to the A table. Sometimes, the B table has more repeated values which increment its size compared to A table. What I'm trying to do, its to past through those repeated values and keep copying the other values that are not repeated and match with the A table (original Interlude data). Is it clearer now? EDIT: I forgot to say that I need to maintain the size. I cannot use a Map<Integer, Integer> because that will affect its size. I just need to copy values from table B to the IDs of table A.
  7. Hello guys, I'm here with a new code I'm trying to make that I cannot get it out of my head :rage: So, here's my problem: I have two tables with information. Both of them have the same structure (ID, Value) but one of them has more repeated values than the other one. For example: |----------------------| |----------------------| | ID Val | | ID Val | |----------------------| |----------------------| | 1 0 | | 1 0 | | 1 0 | | 1 0 | | 2 5 | | 1 0 | | 2 5 | | 1 0 | | 2 5 | | 2 5 | | 2 5 | | 2 5 | | 3 1 | | 2 5 | | 3 1 | | 2 5 | ----------------------- | 3 1 | | 3 1 | ------------------------ Here you can see two tables with the same structure but one of them has more repeated values than the other one (as I said before). What I'm trying to make, is the following: take the ID from the first table (ID = 1) and copy the value from the second table (Val = 0), but just copy it as many times as the ID in the first table exists. For example: if the ID 1 in the first table exists 2 times, copy the Val from the second table 2 times, skip the other two, and go to the next ID by doing the same. I've tried to do it. The class I've made loads both tables and fills two ArrayLists with its information by putting them into an IntIntHolder class (thks aCis) in order to compare them later. So far, this is the code I've written, but it throws NoSuchElementException. And running it without the (see below), it prints some data but not all (if total data is 8, it prints 4). while (elementA.getId() != elementB.getId()) Here's my code: public void compareAndPrint() { Iterator<IntIntHolder> iterA = listA.iterator(); Iterator<IntIntHolder> iterB = listB.iterator(); while (listA.hasNext()) { IntIntHolder elementA = iterA.next(); IntIntHolder elementB = iterB.next(); if (elementA.getId() == elementB.getId()) System.out.println(elementB.getValue()); else { while (elementA.getId() != elementB.getId()) iterB.next(); } } } So ye... that's all. I'm trying to parse some data from the system so that's why I'm trying to do this. Thanks for reading, and I'm looking forward to your answers!
  8. Hello guys, I'm trying to do something here. I've created a new ScrollArea (without size) element where I've added new child elements of the type Window in it. Everything works fine till there, but the problem is that I have too many elements for the ScrollArea, so I need to increment its size by editing the .uc class of the window to make it dynamic (more elements = more ScrollArea size). There's any method or something to add size to a ScrollArea in the Interlude client? Thank you in advice!
  9. First problem solved: SetScrollbarPosition function. Secon problem not solved: cannot do this in Interlude client (at least not by modifying either the .xdat or .u). You have to be able to edit the NWindow.dll file. Thanks @SillverShadow for repliying ;D A moderator can close the topic.
  10. Thanks for your reply, SilverShadow. Well, first of all, I am currently editing my interface, as I said in my first post: The problem is, that I dont know how to reduce or make bigger the space between the two arrows (up and down). And in the second place, I'm using an Interlude client, as you can see in the pictures I've uploaded, and the post you shared with me says in its title "Editing Html Windows In H5". As far as I know, the High Five client has functions that the Interlude client hasnt. So, its not the same. But thanks anyways. The problem still up!
  11. Hello folks, I have two questions for you this time. The first one is related to interface edition. Here's an illustrative picture of what I want to do: How in the hell can I remove that blank space by setting a little bit lower the arrowDown? And then, my second and final question: It is possible to remove the arrows from the NpcHtmlMessage? I mean this: Once again, thanks for your help!
  12. Vouch for him. Great person and great modder.
  13. Dammit LightFusion. You're efficient as s**t. Thanks A LOT for that. Topic solved.
  14. Oh... I see. I wanted to get some information about something they did in their server. Just that. The file owner is L2GX.
  15. I forgot to tell the chronicle, sorry. Its a High Five file.
  16. That's a good tool for visualizing the NPC animations, but no the effects (correct me if I'm wrong). I've just tried it and its a good tool for visualizing animations, but no effects. By "effects" I mean: I want to know what effect to attach and where to choose it from. I think that link provided by @big man bill contains all the possible effects to attach to an NPC, so that's where I want to choose from, but first I want to be able to visualize them in order to choose one.
  17. Hello again, folks. Right now I'm getting into the interface edition and design, and I'm having troubles with the decompilation of a interface.u file. When I use L2EncDec for trying to decompile it, it says something like: "Unknown or corrupted header". What could be the problem? Could any of you guys decompile the interface.u which's link is in this post, and past it to me, please? Interface link: https://www.mediafire.com/?uk13lk0qk8wle87 Virus scan: https://www.virustotal.com/es/file/0aa80095baaee49deea3eee3a3d42ccf73146f4e15fd23f1af912456f2b47543/analysis/1497461780/ Thanks a lot.
  18. Hello guys, I'm kinda new in this "Lineage 2 client development" thing and as the title already says, I would like to preview the Lineage 2 avilable static meshes to attach one of it to an NPC, like @big man bill shows here, in his video: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/210923-creating-effects-and-attaching-it-to-a-npc/ (great guide btw, thanks a lot!) So, I was wondering if any of you guys know how to do it, could you explain me? Thanks for reading, waiting for answers!
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