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Posts posted by karma123

  1. Ok listen! i dont like kamael i dont even like interlude..they made too much new stuff to it that sux ballssss!!! For example on interlude you cant drop your weapon coz you put lifestone to it ...maaaan tell me that doesnt suxxx!!! And on top of all when you get killed by mobs you cant drop nothing. I think that those stuff killed the game..i quit playing elixir just coz of those things and started to play c4...so i can say this stuff about interlude..for kamael i can say ---> No Comment!

  2. Ok here what i did to make berserker +17, Crystal dagger +17 and separator +10..

    First of all in your server you have to can hit the NPC!

    Second you have to be buffed!

    I made a prophet and songer [i need it for the critical song]

    Then i go to some place that theres not a lot of people coz when theres people u got lag.[i go in Heine coz its always like empty there].

    I pack some ewc also..

    Then i start to hit the npc full buffed i wait 2 minutes and enchant the weapon..then it is +4

    i drop it on floor and i picked it up and i begin to hit the npc again..for +5 i wait like 4 minutes so you see for each enchant you have to wait 2 minutes longer from before..for +6 its 6 minutes for +7 its 8minutes etc etc. and i got +17 weapons this way!

    Now for the Separator i make the same thing but i put EWA each day so i dont enchant it on 1 day like the C grade weapons i go and kill some mobs then when i wake up i do the same thing as i told you and put EWA to it...i think that this is the best way to enchant coz as you can see it works for me. Good luck to  all !!!

  3. i dont think its bad coz some people just have the money to afford he music they like..for example theres a lot of people that listen to diffrent styles theres people even listen to metal , rap,trance,rock and very diffrent and many styles ..so you see if they want the music and they have to pay for it its imposible..it is better to download it from the internet for free..thats what i think :)

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