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Posts posted by karma123

  1. Now first of all you have to know that this is a scam!So if your server dont allowed it you risk to get jailed or even worse - banned! In the server i am playing on theres no GM's and theres for - there is no rulles :)


    So lets start - for this scam trick you have to make dual box.

    Then you need some items to sell [ dont sell something that you can buy from a shop or enchants ..just forget about those ]

    You'll need a quest item that drops hard ..at first i started to use dimension fragmets from catacombs but anyone can make those..so i started to think and then went to Imperial Tomb..you know that theres a quest item called - Entrance for Sepulcher sage...you just need 1 item...then fast go to Aden and set a shop that you buy those items for 90k. When they sell you those quest items you are ready to make scam for money! Just log in with dual box in the 1 char put all you quest items for sell for like 25kk and give to your other char 100kk ...now listen carefully..the char with the 100kk will have to pretend to buy those quest items so he have to have a pet..summon your pet at some place close to the place you scam but now so close coz when everyone see it they gonna know how u make this fake shop...now open your pet's inventory and leave it open..then sit to buy the quest items make shop that you buy 1 item for 100kk..as fast as possible put 1 adena in your pets inventory!!! There you have it you have 99,999,999kk at your inventory and just 1 adena at your pet so if something happens like a disconnect you will loose just 1 adena :)


    P.S. i forgot to tell you that you will need a food for the pet you have ! I made crazy money this way! I wish you good luck!

  2. Rich family man and woman think how to make iconomy in the family budget:

    -Mary Ann if you learn how to cook we can fired the cooker girl !

    -Dear if you learn how to make love we can fired the driver !



    Woman is on the dentist chair and she is ready to go for operation when her phone start to ring...she gives signs to the dentist to dont pick it up..but the dentist pick up the phone and says:

    - Now her mouth is bussy when i am finish she is going to spill it out and ring to you!

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