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  1. I want my sticky topic back.
  2. First 200 characters created will receive 50 Farm Coins + Bonus. In the upcoming days I'll keep people updated on how things are going development through our forum/ community, facebook page and mxc forum. More and important news will be posted on the forum: http://forum.l2.world/index.php?/forum/3-faq-information/
  3. Now our server is fail? Beucase i rejected you? Take your shoes and get out from my topic. You lazy business whore.
  4. trolls what is the point to search the registrant of l2.world and l2mid? there is billions of peoples and domains using cloud and godaddy. stop comparing us to another servers because is not true.
  5. eglobal is populated with payments. 150$ weekly for big clans like 10 parties.
  6. leonardos Member Since 13 Jan 2011 2 post?
  7. Then we will attract more people to join us because i know l2mid is good serber.
  8. Tree people use this profile. Our greek support is currently offline. Sorry
  9. good morning.
  10. Hey there. This will be our first event on the server. Event begins on May 16 June and ends on 1 July 2017. The Clan who killed first Antharas will get some money 200€ Reward will receive only the clan leader! Simply info about Antharas: Antharas: ALIVE
  11. 1995 How can you talk like that? The website is created by artualstudio and we can use it because we have the rights. We are fresh new project which gonna open after 15 days. You can spend some time ingame and check. There is no fake or corrupted. Probably we will start with 800 players and it will continue more time.
  12. Test server start tomorrow 28.05. :bump:
  13. Dear players,Interlude x150 open beta will start this Sunday, May 28/05 at 17:00 GREEK time and will last for as much as needed.During the beta we will make fixes to player reports, and we will keep making changes as nessasry.A list of features will be released later on.
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