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  1. Grand Opening July 08 at 20:00 (UTC +3) Web site - www.L2MAD.WS OLD X100 SCREENSHOTS: CLICK SERVER FEATUES: Main information: Classic Interlude server. Rates: EXP/SP x100, Drop x200, Spoil x200, Adena x1, Raid Boss x30, Seal Stones x20, Quest x1 (except for some quests x15-x40) The duration of the buffs: 2 hours, number of slots under the buff: 36 Implemented automatic use CP/HP and MP cans. To activate ACP, you need to take the potion to the skills panel and press CTRL + left mouse button on it. The chance of getting skill from Top Life Stone - 10%, High Life Stone - 5%, Mid Life Stone - 2%, Life Stone - 1% Implemented a handy Alt + B that repeats all the NPC functions. Profession: 1 profession - free 2 profession - free 3 profession - 3.000.000 Adena Gm Shop: Sale Weapons, Armors, Jewelry only for B-Grade. Available Blacksmith, exchange Seal Stone, recipes/x100 resource recipes. Quests with increased rates (x15-x40 Spoiler Hide The Zero Hour x40 Alliance With Varka Silenos x20 Alliance With Ketra Orcs x20 War with Varka Silenos x20 War with Ketra orcs x20 Relics of the Old Empire x20 Gather The Flames x20 In Search of Dimensional Fragments x20 Hunt of the Golden Ram Mercenary Force x20 Whisper of Dreams - Part 1 x20 Whisper of Dreams - Part 2 x20 The Finest Food x15 Seekers of the Holy Grail x15 Guardians of the Holy Grail x15 Into the Flame x10 Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 1 x5 Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 2 x5 Enchant: Maximum enchantment for weapons +16, Armor and Jewelry +12. Chance of enchant Weapon: 4,67; 5,44; 6,29; 7,25; 8,20; 9,20; 10,20; 11,20; 12,20; 13,20; 14,20; 15,20; 16,20 Chance of enchant Armor/Jewelry: 4,67; 5,44; 6,29; 7,25; 8,20; 9,20; 10,20; 11,20; 12,20 Noblesse and Sub-Class: To obtain Noblesse, you must kill the Raid Boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel with a sub-class 75+ level. RB and Guard 80 level, Boss respawn: from 3 hours to 4 hours. Sub-class is taken without a quest, maximum is 5 sub-classes. Olympiad: Olympics period: 7 days, battles take place everyday, from 18:00 to 00:00, the issuance takes place every Monday. To begin non-class battle must be 5 people, fighting class 6 people. You can join olympiad with enchanted gear, but it will give you like +6. Raid Bosses: Varka’s Hero Shadith (Alliance with Varka Sileno's - Level 4) - from 12 to 14 hours. Varka’s Commander Mos (Alliance with Varka Sileno's - Level 5) - from 12 to 14 hours. Ketra’s Hero Hekaton (Alliance with Ketra Orcs - Level 4) - from 12 to 14 hours. Ketra Commander Tayr (Alliance with Ketra Orcs - Level 5) - from 12 to 14 hours. From all Raid Bosses 75+ drops: Top-Grade Life Stone: from 2 to 4, chance 70% High-Grade Life Stone: from 4 to 8, chance 70% Giant's Codex: from 1 to 2, chance 70% Greater CP Potion: from 400 to 600, chance 70% Respawn from 8 to 12 hours, Announcement 15 minutes before the respawn. Restore boss's is prohibited. You can teleport to them using Global-GK. Epic Bosses: From server start all the epic bosses are dead, implemented AOE/PVP zone. To view information about respawning bosses in the game, .epic command is available Restore epic bosses (except Core, Orfen) is allowed, the chance of dropping epic jewelry is 100%. Frintezza – Every 2 days, Time: From 22:45 to 23:45. Valakas – Every 6 days, Time: From 20:00 to 22:00. Antharas – Every 5 days, Time: From 22:00 to 23:00. Baium – Every 4 days, Time: From 21:30 to 22:30. Zaken (80 lvl) – Every 2 days, Time: From 22:00 to 22:30. Queen Ant (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 20:00 to 21:00. Core (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 18:00 to 19:00. Orfen (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 21:00 to 22:00. Drop from Core, Orfen was changed: The time of appearance is indicated by MSK (UTC +3). Passage to Zaken opens at 22:00 for 10 minutes. L2MAD Boss: Respawn from 5 to 6 hours. Announcement 15 minutes before the respawn. Restore boss's is prohibited. Noblesse status for the group that has dealed the last hit. Top-Grade Life Stone: from 10 to 15, chance 70% High-Grade Life Stone: from 20 to 30, chance 70% Giant's Codex: from 5 to 10, chance 70% Coin of Luck: from 5 to 10, chance 70% You can teleport to them using Global-GK. Clans: When clan is created, it immediately receives the 8th level. The maximum number of people in the clan = 120. The maximum number of clans in the alliance is 1. All members of the clan receive all clan skills (regardless of rank). For killing a player from a hostile clan, present 5 clan-reputation. Castles: For capture of the castle Giran, Goddard, Rune, Aden clan leader gets 50 Coin of Luck, other castles 30 Coin of Luck. Other information: Automatic events: TvT, DeathMatch. For killing other players in PvP, you will receive 3 Greater CP Potion. Flames of Invincibility = 5 seconds - Static cast. Flames of Invincibility = 60 minutes - static reuse. Purification Field = 10 minutes - static reuse. Apella sets are analogues of Dark Crystal, Draconic and Imperial.
  2. Grand Opening February 25th - 20:00 (GMT+3) Web Site - L2MAD.WS ONLINE ON THE SERVER: CLICK SERVER FEATUES: Information about the Olympic and heroes: Olympics period: 7 days, the issuance takes place every Monday at 12:00 (GMT +3). To begin non-class battle must be 4 people, fighting class is off. All weapons and skills of the hero have been significantly strengthened, Hero crown gives more features than the Gladiator Helmet. Olympiad takes place in a classic outfit! On it: 1) Available all uniform until S grade (banned all new things) 2) You can join olympiad with enchanted gear, but it will give you like +7 3) Completely disabled all new passive skills 4) At your first registration you can choose one set of the dyes During the combat dyes are disabled on the character The main currency of the server: Rubles: This item drops from all monsters in the farm zone. Euro: Issued for victory in automatically events passing the Quest: Euro. Donate Coin: This item can be obtained by donations to server. L2MAD Coin: Using this coin you can buy Legendary armor. Tugrik: Drops for the victory in PvP. L2TOP Coin: This item drops for a vote in L2TOP rating. Event Coin: Issued for victory in automatically events. Enchant: Safe enchant +15, maximum enchant +65, breaks at +66. When fail on enchanting, thing becomes +15. Chance of enchant usual scrolls - 85% (on sale in Gm Shop for Adena). Chance of enchant L2MAD scrolls - 95% (on sale in Gm Shop for Euro and Rubles). How to farm Euro? There are 2 ways to farm Euro : 1) For the victory in one of the automatic Event You will receive 2 Event Coin (3 with premium), you can exchange Event Coin to Euro. 2) Passing Quest: Euro, will reward you 200 Euro (350 with premium) and L2MAD Chest. How to farm Armor? There are 4 types of ammunition on the server: Dynasty: Sold for Rubles from NPC Coin Shop. Vesper Freya: Sold for Euro from NPC Coin Shop. Epic Dark Knight: Sold for Euro and Event Coin from NPC Coin Shop. Legendary: can be improved for L2MAD Coin, Euro and Event Coin at NPC Coin Shop. How to farm Weapon? Dynasty: sold for Rubles at NPC Coin Shop. Icarus: sold for Rubles and Euro at NPC Coin Shop. Tera: sold for L2MAD Coin and Euro at NPC Coin Shop. Beer and Tauti Ring: Beer: For 2 hour increases CP, HP, MP +3000, P.Atk +10%, M.Atk +10%, P.Def +10%, M.Def +10% and Speed +15. Provides for the victory at the automatic events, and also on sale in Coin Shop for 150 Euro. In order to balance the players with the Lord Ring, and Improved Epic Jewelry and without it, we have added: Tauti Necklace: on sale for Euro and Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Earring: on sale for Euro and Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Ring: on sale for Euro and Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Earring: on sale for Euro and Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Ring: on sale for Euro and Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Also, apart from Gladiator Helmet for PC Points, you can buy Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76 and Greater CP Potion. L2MAD Random Rune, Helmet Gladiator, PC points and more: On the server we have system of presents for the spending time in the game - PC Bang Points. Every 10 minutes your character will receive 50 points. To purchase Gladiator Helmet You need to have: 7200 PC Bang Points (need to spend 24 hours in a game) 2000 Euro 6 Event Coin Also, apart from Gladiator Helmet for PC Points, you can buy Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76 and Greater CP Potion. Which bosses are present on the server? • L2MAD Clan Boss Drop from 1 L2MAD Clan Skill and 3.000 clan reputation. It appears every day at 18:30, 20:30and 22:30 (GMT +3, with the announcement). • Scarlet van Halisha (Donate Raid Boss) Drop from 1 to 3 Donate Coin. It appears every day at 18:45, 20:45 and 22:45 (GMT +3, with the announcement). • L2MAD Boss (PvP). Drop: 1 L2MAD Coin, respawn: 1 hour. This boss appears in PvP zone (Dion, with the announcement). • L2MAD Boss (Balanced). Drop: 1 L2MAD Coin, respawn everyday at 01:30; 03:30; 05:30; 07:30; 09:30; 11:30; 13:30; 15:30; 17:30; 19:30; 21:30; 23:30 (with the announcement). • Longhorn Golkonda. Drop: 1 of 8 Skill Books, respawn 1 hour 30 minutes (with the announcement). • Behemoth Dragon. Drop: Behemoth Coin, respawn from 1 hour 50 minutes to 2 hours. All the characters are automatically flagged in this area. • Scarlet van Halisha. Drop: Halisha Coin, respawn from 1 hour 50 minutes to 2 hours. All the characters are automatically flagged in this area. • Lilith. Drop: Lilth Coin, which can be exchanged for Behemoth/Halisha Coin or 3 L2MAD Coin, respawn 4 hours (with the announcement). • Valakas. Drop: Necklace of Valakas, respawn: 12 hours. • Antharas. Drop: Earring of Antharas, respawn: 9 hours. • Zaken. Drop: Earring of Zaken, respawn: 9 hours. • Baium. Drop: Ring of Baium, respawn: 6 hours. • Queent Ant. Drop: Ring of Queent Ant, respawn: 6 hours. How to farm Epic jewelry and Lord Rings? Epic jewelry falls from proper epic bosses. To get Lord Rings you need to collect Behemoth/Halisha Coin, you can get them from killing two raid bosses Behemoth Dragon and Scarlet van Halisha. Objects fall from the boss to the player which killed it, as well you should have Tauti Ring. It is also possible to improve the Lord Rings, thus increasing characteristics of your character. To get Improved Lord Ring You need to have: Lord Ring Ring of Baium Ring of Queen Ant 2500 Euro To obtain an Improved Necklace of Valakas, Improved Earring of Antharas or Improved Zaken's Earring You need to have: Relevant part of the regular Epic Jewellery Relevant part of the regular Tauti Jewellery 1500 Euro U can also buy and improve Lord Rings from NPC Ring pluralist (found in the Town of Giran, near NPC Mavra). Information about the new passive skills: To explore new passive skills you need relevant book, it can be knocked out from raid boss Longhorn Golkonda. Also, for 450 tugriks (PvP Coin) you can buy the Random Book of Skill. Passive skills are acting on all sub-classes. P. Atk. Each level increases P. Atk by 5% M. Atk. Each level increases M. Atk by 5% P. Atk Speed. Each level increases P. Atk Speed by 5% M. Atk Speed. Each level increases M. Atk Speed by 5% P. Def. Each level increases P. Def by 5% M. Def. Each level increases M. Def by 5% CP/HP/MP. Each level increases CP/HP/MP by 2500 Run speed. Each level increases Speed by 10 Castles, awards for capture: The siege of castles are disabled On the server, except Aden (siege every Saturday at 20:00 GMT +3), Giran (siege every Sunday at 20:00 GMT +3) For capture of the castle clan leader gets 30 Donate Coin, and leader crown of the castle (is an analogue of the Hero crown), which gives more features than the Gladiator Helmet. Life Stone farm and the chance of getting skill: Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76 sold in the Coin Shop for Euro. The chance of getting skill from Life Stone - 10%. Events of the Server: 1) TvT: all members are divided into 2 teams. The objective of the event: make kills more than the enemy team. The event happens everyday at 2:00, 6:00, 10:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00 (GMT +3) 2) Capture of the base: all members are divided into 2 teams. The objective of the event: to destroy the enemy base. Event happens everyday at 4:00, 8:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00, 20:00 After returning from event you will automatically recive all your buffs.
  3. Grand Opening January 02 at 20:00 (UTC +3) Web site - www.L2MAD.WS OLD X100 SCREENSHOTS: CLICK SERVER FEATUES: Main information: Classic Interlude server. Rates: EXP/SP x100, Drop x200, Spoil x200, Adena x1, Raid Boss x30, Seal Stones x20, Quest x1 (except for some quests x15-x40) The duration of the buffs: 2 hours, number of slots under the buff: 36 Implemented automatic use CP/HP and MP cans. To activate ACP, you need to take the potion to the skills panel and press CTRL + left mouse button on it. The chance of getting skill from Top Life Stone - 10%, High Life Stone - 5%, Mid Life Stone - 2%, Life Stone - 1% Implemented a handy Alt + B that repeats all the NPC functions. Profession: 1 profession - free 2 profession - free 3 profession - 3.000.000 Adena Gm Shop: Sale Weapons, Armors, Jewelry only for B-Grade. Available Blacksmith, exchange Seal Stone, recipes/x100 resource recipes. Quests with increased rates (x15-x40 Spoiler Hide The Zero Hour x40 Alliance With Varka Silenos x20 Alliance With Ketra Orcs x20 War with Varka Silenos x20 War with Ketra orcs x20 Relics of the Old Empire x20 Gather The Flames x20 In Search of Dimensional Fragments x20 Hunt of the Golden Ram Mercenary Force x20 Whisper of Dreams - Part 1 x20 Whisper of Dreams - Part 2 x20 The Finest Food x15 Seekers of the Holy Grail x15 Guardians of the Holy Grail x15 Into the Flame x10 Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 1 x5 Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 2 x5 Enchant: Maximum enchantment for weapons +16, Armor and Jewelry +12. Chance of enchant Weapon: 4,67; 5,44; 6,29; 7,25; 8,20; 9,20; 10,20; 11,20; 12,20; 13,20; 14,20; 15,20; 16,20 Chance of enchant Armor/Jewelry: 4,67; 5,44; 6,29; 7,25; 8,20; 9,20; 10,20; 11,20; 12,20 Noblesse and Sub-Class: To obtain Noblesse, you must kill the Raid Boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel with a sub-class 75+ level. RB and Guard 80 level, Boss respawn: from 3 hours to 4 hours. Sub-class is taken without a quest, maximum is 5 sub-classes. Olympiad: Olympics period: 7 days, battles take place everyday, from 18:00 to 00:00, the issuance takes place every Monday. To begin non-class battle must be 5 people, fighting class 6 people. You can join olympiad with enchanted gear, but it will give you like +6. Raid Bosses: Varka’s Hero Shadith (Alliance with Varka Sileno's - Level 4) - from 12 to 14 hours. Varka’s Commander Mos (Alliance with Varka Sileno's - Level 5) - from 12 to 14 hours. Ketra’s Hero Hekaton (Alliance with Ketra Orcs - Level 4) - from 12 to 14 hours. Ketra Commander Tayr (Alliance with Ketra Orcs - Level 5) - from 12 to 14 hours. From all Raid Bosses 75+ drops: Top-Grade Life Stone: from 2 to 4, chance 70% High-Grade Life Stone: from 4 to 8, chance 70% Giant's Codex: from 1 to 2, chance 70% Greater CP Potion: from 400 to 600, chance 70% Respawn from 8 to 12 hours, Announcement 15 minutes before the respawn. Restore boss's is prohibited. You can teleport to them using Global-GK. Epic Bosses: From server start all the epic bosses are dead, implemented AOE/PVP zone. To view information about respawning bosses in the game, .epic command is available Restore epic bosses (except Core, Orfen) is allowed, the chance of dropping epic jewelry is 100%. Frintezza – Every 2 days, Time: From 22:45 to 23:45. Valakas – Every 6 days, Time: From 20:00 to 22:00. Antharas – Every 5 days, Time: From 22:00 to 23:00. Baium – Every 4 days, Time: From 21:30 to 22:30. Zaken (80 lvl) – Every 2 days, Time: From 22:00 to 22:30. Queen Ant (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 20:00 to 21:00. Core (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 18:00 to 19:00. Orfen (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 21:00 to 22:00. Drop from Core, Orfen was changed: The time of appearance is indicated by MSK (UTC +3). Passage to Zaken opens at 22:00 for 10 minutes. L2MAD Boss: Respawn from 5 to 6 hours. Announcement 15 minutes before the respawn. Restore boss's is prohibited. Noblesse status for the group that has dealed the last hit. Top-Grade Life Stone: from 10 to 15, chance 70% High-Grade Life Stone: from 20 to 30, chance 70% Giant's Codex: from 5 to 10, chance 70% Coin of Luck: from 5 to 10, chance 70% You can teleport to them using Global-GK. Clans: When clan is created, it immediately receives the 8th level. The maximum number of people in the clan = 120. The maximum number of clans in the alliance is 1. All members of the clan receive all clan skills (regardless of rank). For killing a player from a hostile clan, present 5 clan-reputation. Castles: For capture of the castle Giran, Goddard, Rune, Aden clan leader gets 50 Coin of Luck, other castles 30 Coin of Luck. Other information: Automatic events: TvT, DeathMatch. For killing other players in PvP, you will receive 3 Greater CP Potion. Flames of Invincibility = 5 seconds - Static cast. Flames of Invincibility = 60 minutes - static reuse. Purification Field = 10 minutes - static reuse. Apella sets are analogues of Dark Crystal, Draconic and Imperial.
  4. Grand Opening 26 November at 20:00 (UTC +3) 4.200$ for the best clans of the week! Rebalance all classes! Web site - www.L2MAD.WS OLD X1200 SCREENSHOTS: CLICK SERVER FEATUES: Main information: Classic Interlude server. Rates: EXP/SP x1200, Adena x500 (At the main locations Ketra/Varka and Dino x1000). All characters appear on level 20 with top D-Grade equipment and receive 15 million Adena, the profession is taken for free. Conversion skills Adena/Gold Bar, as well as Noblesse Blessing and Block Buff are given while creating a character. The duration of the buffs: 2 hours, number of slots under the buff: 40 Implemented automatic use CP/HP and MP cans. To activate ACP, you need to take the potion to the skills panel and press CTRL + left mouse button on it. The chance of getting skill from Top Life Stone - 10%, High Life Stone - 5% Implemented a handy Alt + B that repeats all the NPC functions. Enchant: Maximum enchantment for weapons +18, Armor and Jewelry +16. Chance of enchant Weapon: 4,95; 5,90; 6,85; 7,80; 8,75; 9,70; 10,65; 11,60; 12,55; 13,50; 14,45; 15,35; 16,30; 17,25; 18,20 Chance of enchant Armor/Jewelry: 4,85; 5,80; 6,75; 7,70; 8,65; 9,60; 10,55; 11,50; 12,45; 13,35; 14,30; 15,25; 16,20 Main locations [Ketra/Varka, Dino]: In locations Ketra/Varka and Dino drop Adena x2 and from all monsters drops: Gold Bar: Ketra/Varka - 5%; Dino - 2% High-Grade Life Stone: Ketra/Varka - 0.2%; Dino - 0.12% Respawn Tyrannosaurus - 5 minutes Chance of drop Top-Grade Life Stone: 50% Noblesse and Sub-Class: To obtain Noblesse, you must kill the Raid Boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel with a sub-class 75+ level. RB and Guard 80 level, Boss respawn: from 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours. Sub-class is taken without a quest, maximum is 5 sub-classes. Olympiad: Olympics period: 7 days, battles take place everyday, from 18:00 to 00:00, the issuance takes place every Monday. To begin non-class battle must be 5 people, fighting class 6 people. You can join olympiad with enchanted gear, but it will give you like +6. Raid Bosses: From all Raid Bosses 76+ drops: Gold Bar: from 40 to 60, chance 70% Top-Grade Life Stone: from 2 to 4, chance 70% High-Grade Life Stone: from 4 to 8, chance 70% Giant's Codex: from 1 to 2, chance 70% Greater CP Potion: from 400 to 600, chance 70% Respawn from 8 to 12 hours, Announcement 15 minutes before the respawn. Restore boss's is prohibited. You can teleport to them using Global-GK. Epic Bosses: From server start all the epic bosses are dead, implemented AOE/PVP zone. Frintezza – Every 2 days, Time: From 22:45 to 23:45. Valakas – Every 6 days, Time: From 20:00 to 22:00. Antharas – Every 5 days, Time: From 22:00 to 23:00. Baium – Every 4 days, Time: From 21:30 to 22:30. Zaken (80 lvl) – Every 2 days, Time: From 22:00 to 22:30. Queen Ant (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 20:00 to 21:00. Core (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 18:00 to 19:00. Orfen (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 21:00 to 22:00. Drop from Core, Orfen was changed: The time of appearance is indicated by MSK (UTC +3). Passage to Zaken opens at 22:00 for 10 minutes. L2MAD Boss: Boss respawn: from 3 hours to 4 hours. 15 minutes before the respawn. Top-Grade Life Stone: from 5 to 10, chance 70% High-Grade Life Stone: from 10 to 20, chance 70% Giant's Codex: from 3 to 6, chance 70% Coin of Luck: from 3 to 6, chance 70% You can teleport to them using Global-GK. Clans: When clan is created, it immediately receives the 8th level. The maximum number of people in the clan = 36. The maximum number of clans in the alliance is 1. Guard and knights - disabled All members of the clan receive all clan skills (regardless of rank). For killing a player from a hostile clan, present 5 clan-reputation. Castles: For capture of the castle Giran, Goddard, Rune, Aden clan leader gets 50 Coin of Luck, other castles 30 Coin of Luck. Other information: Automatic events: TvT, DeathMatch. For killing other players in PvP, you will receive 3 Greater CP Potion. Flames of Invincibility = 5 seconds - Static cast. Flames of Invincibility = 60 minutes - static reuse. Purification Field = 10 minutes - static reuse. Apella sets are analogues of Dark Crystal, Draconic and Imperial.
  5. Grand open August 20 at 20:00 (GMT+3) Web site - www.L2MAD.WS ONLINE ON THE SERVER: CLICK SERVER FEATUES: Information about the Olympic and heroes: Olympics period: 7 days, the issuance takes place every Monday at 12:00 (GMT +3). To begin non-class battle must be 4 people, fighting class is off. All weapons and skills of the hero have been significantly strengthened, Hero crown gives more features than the Gladiator Helmet. Olympiad takes place in a classic outfit! On it: 1) Available all uniform until S grade (banned all new things) 2) You can join olympiad with enchanted gear, but it will give you like +7 3) Completely disabled all new passive skills 4) At your first registration you can choose one set of the dyes During the combat dyes are disabled on the character The main currency of the server: Rubles: This item drops from all monsters in the farm zone. Euro: Issued for victory in automatically events passing the Quest: Euro. Donate Coin: This item can be obtained by donations to server. L2MAD Coin: Using this coin you can buy Legendary armor. Tugrik: Drops for the victory in PvP. L2TOP Coin: This item drops for a vote in L2TOP rating. Event Coin: Issued for victory in automatically events. Enchant: Safe enchant +15, maximum enchant +65, breaks at +66. When fail on enchanting, thing becomes +15. Chance of enchant usual scrolls - 85% (on sale in Gm Shop for Adena). Chance of enchant L2MAD scrolls - 95% (on sale in Gm Shop for Euro and Rubles). How to farm http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg Euro? There are 2 ways to farm Euro : 1) For the victory in one of the automatic Event You will receive 2 Event Coin (3 with premium), you can exchange Event Coin to Euro. 2) Passing Quest: Euro, will reward you 200 Euro (350 with premium) and L2MAD Chest. How to farm Armor? There are 4 types of ammunition on the server: Dynasty: Sold for Rubles from NPC Coin Shop. Vesper Freya: Sold for Euro from NPC Coin Shop. Epic Dark Knight: Sold for Euro and Event Coin from NPC Coin Shop. Legendary: can be improved for L2MAD Coin, Euro and Event Coin at NPC Coin Shop. How to farm Weapon? Dynasty: sold for Rubles at NPC Coin Shop. Icarus: sold for Rubles and Euro at NPC Coin Shop. Tera: sold for L2MAD Coin and Euro at NPC Coin Shop. Beer and Tauti Ring: Beer: For 2 hour increases CP, HP, MP +3000, P.Atk +10%, M.Atk +10%, P.Def +10%, M.Def +10% and Speed +15. Provides for the victory at the automatic events, and also on sale in Coin Shop for 150 Euro. In order to balance the players with the Lord Ring, and Improved Epic Jewelry and without it, we have added: Tauti Necklace: on sale for Euro and Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Earring: on sale for Euro and Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Ring: on sale for Euro and Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Earring: on sale for Euro and Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Ring: on sale for Euro and Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Also, apart from Gladiator Helmet for PC Points, you can buy Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76 and Greater CP Potion. L2MAD Random Rune, Helmet Gladiator, PC points and more: On the server we have system of presents for the spending time in the game - PC Bang Points. Every 10 minutes your character will receive 50 points. To purchase Gladiator Helmet You need to have: 7200 PC Bang Points (need to spend 24 hours in a game) 2000 Euro 6 Event Coin Also, apart from Gladiator Helmet for PC Points, you can buy Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76 and Greater CP Potion. Which bosses are present on the server? • L2MAD Clan Boss Drop from 1 L2MAD Clan Skill and 3.000 clan reputation. It appears every day at 18:30, 20:30and 22:30 (GMT +3, with the announcement). • Scarlet van Halisha (Donate Raid Boss) Drop from 1 to 3 Donate Coin. It appears every day at 18:45, 20:45 and 22:45 (GMT +3, with the announcement). • L2MAD Boss (PvP). Drop: 1 L2MAD Coin, respawn: 1 hour. This boss appears in PvP zone (Dion, with the announcement). • L2MAD Boss (Balanced). Drop: 1 L2MAD Coin, respawn everyday at 01:30; 03:30; 05:30; 07:30; 09:30; 11:30; 13:30; 15:30; 17:30; 19:30; 21:30; 23:30 (with the announcement). • Longhorn Golkonda. Drop: 1 of 8 Skill Books, respawn 1 hour 30 minutes (with the announcement). • Behemoth Dragon. Drop: Behemoth Coin, respawn from 1 hour 50 minutes to 2 hours. All the characters are automatically flagged in this area. • Scarlet van Halisha. Drop: Halisha Coin, respawn from 1 hour 50 minutes to 2 hours. All the characters are automatically flagged in this area. • Lilith. Drop: Lilth Coin, which can be exchanged for Behemoth/Halisha Coin or 3 L2MAD Coin, respawn 4 hours (with the announcement). • Valakas. Drop: Necklace of Valakas, respawn: 12 hours. • Antharas. Drop: Earring of Antharas, respawn: 9 hours. • Zaken. Drop: Earring of Zaken, respawn: 9 hours. • Baium. Drop: Ring of Baium, respawn: 6 hours. • Queent Ant. Drop: Ring of Queent Ant, respawn: 6 hours. How to farm Epic jewelry and Lord Rings? Epic jewelry falls from proper epic bosses. To get Lord Rings you need to collect Behemoth/Halisha Coin, you can get them from killing two raid bosses Behemoth Dragon and Scarlet van Halisha. Objects fall from the boss to the player which killed it, as well you should have Tauti Ring. It is also possible to improve the Lord Rings, thus increasing characteristics of your character. To get Improved Lord Ring You need to have: Lord Ring Ring of Baium Ring of Queen Ant 2500 Euro To obtain an Improved Necklace of Valakas, Improved Earring of Antharas or Improved Zaken's Earring You need to have: Relevant part of the regular Epic Jewellery Relevant part of the regular Tauti Jewellery 1500 Euro U can also buy and improve Lord Rings from NPC Ring pluralist (found in the Town of Giran, near NPC Mavra). Information about the new passive skills: To explore new passive skills you need relevant book, it can be knocked out from raid boss Longhorn Golkonda. Also, for 450 tugriks (PvP Coin) you can buy the Random Book of Skill. Passive skills are acting on all sub-classes. P. Atk. Each level increases P. Atk by 5% M. Atk. Each level increases M. Atk by 5% P. Atk Speed. Each level increases P. Atk Speed by 5% M. Atk Speed. Each level increases M. Atk Speed by 5% P. Def. Each level increases P. Def by 5% M. Def. Each level increases M. Def by 5% CP/HP/MP. Each level increases CP/HP/MP by 2500 Run speed. Each level increases Speed by 10 Castles, awards for capture: The siege of castles are disabled On the server, except Aden (siege every Saturday at 20:00 GMT +3), Giran (siege every Sunday at 20:00 GMT +3) For capture of the castle clan leader gets 30 Donate Coin, and leader crown of the castle (is an analogue of the Hero crown), which gives more features than the Gladiator Helmet. Life Stone farm and the chance of getting skill: Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76 sold in the Coin Shop for Euro. The chance of getting skill from Life Stone - 10%. Events of the Server: 1) TvT: all members are divided into 2 teams. The objective of the event: make kills more than the enemy team. The event happens everyday at 2:00, 6:00, 10:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00 (GMT +3) 2) Capture of the base: all members are divided into 2 teams. The objective of the event: to destroy the enemy base. Event happens everyday at 4:00, 8:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00, 20:00 After returning from event you will automatically recive all your buffs.
  6. Grand Opening 16 July at 20:00 (UTC +3) Top 3 best clans - Prize fund: 2700$! MANY UPDATES! Web site - www.L2MAD.WS OLD X1200 SCREENSHOTS: CLICK SERVER FEATUES: Main information: Classic Interlude server. Rates: EXP/SP x1200, Adena x500 (At the main locations Ketra/Varka and Dino x1000). All characters appear on level 20 with top D-Grade equipment and receive 15 million Adena, the profession is taken for free. Conversion skills Adena/Gold Bar, as well as Noblesse Blessing and Block Buff are given while creating a character. The duration of the buffs: 2 hours, number of slots under the buff: 40 Implemented automatic use CP/HP and MP cans. To activate ACP, you need to take the potion to the skills panel and press CTRL + left mouse button on it. The chance of getting skill from Top Life Stone - 10%, High Life Stone - 5% Implemented a handy Alt + B that repeats all the NPC functions. Enchant: Maximum enchantment for weapons +18, Armor and Jewelry +16. Chance of enchant Weapon: 4,95; 5,90; 6,85; 7,80; 8,75; 9,70; 10,65; 11,60; 12,55; 13,50; 14,45; 15,35; 16,30; 17,25; 18,20 Chance of enchant Armor/Jewelry: 4,85; 5,80; 6,75; 7,70; 8,65; 9,60; 10,55; 11,50; 12,45; 13,35; 14,30; 15,25; 16,20 Main locations [Ketra/Varka, Dino]: In locations Ketra/Varka and Dino drop Adena x2 and from all monsters drops: Gold Bar: Ketra/Varka - 5%; Dino - 2% High-Grade Life Stone: Ketra/Varka - 0.2%; Dino - 0.12% Respawn Tyrannosaurus - 5 minutes Chance of drop Top-Grade Life Stone: 50% Noblesse and Sub-Class: To obtain Noblesse, you must kill the Raid Boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel with a sub-class 75+ level. RB and Guard 80 level, Boss respawn: from 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours. Sub-class is taken without a quest, maximum is 5 sub-classes. Olympiad: Olympics period: 7 days, battles take place everyday, from 18:00 to 00:00, the issuance takes place every Monday. To begin non-class battle must be 5 people, fighting class 6 people. You can join olympiad with enchanted gear, but it will give you like +6. Raid Bosses: From all Raid Bosses 76+ drops: Gold Bar: from 40 to 60, chance 70% Top-Grade Life Stone: from 2 to 4, chance 70% High-Grade Life Stone: from 4 to 8, chance 70% Giant's Codex: from 1 to 2, chance 70% Greater CP Potion: from 400 to 600, chance 70% Respawn from 8 to 12 hours, Announcement 15 minutes before the respawn. Restore boss's is prohibited. You can teleport to them using Global-GK. Epic Bosses: From server start all the epic bosses are dead, implemented AOE/PVP zone. Frintezza – Every 2 days, Time: From 22:45 to 23:45. Valakas – Every 6 days, Time: From 20:00 to 22:00. Antharas – Every 5 days, Time: From 22:00 to 23:00. Baium – Every 4 days, Time: From 21:30 to 22:30. Zaken (80 lvl) – Every 2 days, Time: From 22:00 to 22:30. Queen Ant (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 20:00 to 21:00. Core (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 18:00 to 19:00. Orfen (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 21:00 to 22:00. Drop from Core, Orfen was changed: The time of appearance is indicated by MSK (UTC +3). Passage to Zaken opens at 22:00 for 10 minutes. L2MAD Boss: Boss respawn: from 3 hours to 4 hours. 15 minutes before the respawn. Top-Grade Life Stone: from 5 to 10, chance 70% High-Grade Life Stone: from 10 to 20, chance 70% Giant's Codex: from 3 to 6, chance 70% Coin of Luck: from 3 to 6, chance 70% You can teleport to them using Global-GK. Clans: When clan is created, it immediately receives the 8th level. The maximum number of people in the clan = 36. The maximum number of clans in the alliance is 1. Guard and knights - disabled All members of the clan receive all clan skills (regardless of rank). For killing a player from a hostile clan, present 5 clan-reputation. Castles: For capture of the castle Giran, Goddard, Rune, Aden clan leader gets 50 Coin of Luck, other castles 30 Coin of Luck. Other information: Automatic events: TvT, DeathMatch. For killing other players in PvP, you will receive 3 Greater CP Potion. Flames of Invincibility = 5 seconds - Static cast. Flames of Invincibility = 60 minutes - static reuse. Purification Field = 10 minutes - static reuse. Apella sets are analogues of Dark Crystal, Draconic and Imperial.
  7. Grand open 23rd April at 20:00 (UTC +3) Web site - www.L2MAD.WS OLD X100 SCREENSHOTS: CLICK SERVER FEATUES: Main information: Classic Interlude server. Rates: EXP/SP x100, Drop x200, Spoil x200, Adena x1, Raid Boss x30, Seal Stones x20, Quest x1 (except for some quests x15-x40) The duration of the buffs: 2 hours, number of slots under the buff: 36 Implemented automatic use CP/HP and MP cans. To activate ACP, you need to take the potion to the skills panel and press CTRL + left mouse button on it. The chance of getting skill from Top Life Stone - 10%, High Life Stone - 5%, Mid Life Stone - 2%, Life Stone - 1% Implemented a handy Alt + B that repeats all the NPC functions. Profession: 1 profession - free 2 profession - free 3 profession - 3.000.000 Adena Gm Shop: Sale Weapons, Armors, Jewelry only for B-Grade. Available Blacksmith, exchange Seal Stone, recipes/x100 resource recipes. Quests with increased rates (x15-x40 Spoiler Hide The Zero Hour x40 Alliance With Varka Silenos x20 Alliance With Ketra Orcs x20 War with Varka Silenos x20 War with Ketra orcs x20 Relics of the Old Empire x20 Gather The Flames x20 In Search of Dimensional Fragments x20 Hunt of the Golden Ram Mercenary Force x20 Whisper of Dreams - Part 1 x20 Whisper of Dreams - Part 2 x20 The Finest Food x15 Seekers of the Holy Grail x15 Guardians of the Holy Grail x15 Into the Flame x10 Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 1 x5 Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 2 x5 Enchant: Maximum enchantment for weapons +16, Armor and Jewelry +12. Chance of enchant Weapon: 4,67; 5,44; 6,29; 7,25; 8,20; 9,20; 10,20; 11,20; 12,20; 13,20; 14,20; 15,20; 16,20 Chance of enchant Armor/Jewelry: 4,67; 5,44; 6,29; 7,25; 8,20; 9,20; 10,20; 11,20; 12,20 Noblesse and Sub-Class: To obtain Noblesse, you must kill the Raid Boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel with a sub-class 75+ level. RB and Guard 80 level, Boss respawn: from 3 hours to 4 hours. Sub-class is taken without a quest, maximum is 5 sub-classes. Olympiad: Olympics period: 7 days, battles take place everyday, from 18:00 to 00:00, the issuance takes place every Monday. To begin non-class battle must be 5 people, fighting class 6 people. You can join olympiad with enchanted gear, but it will give you like +6. Raid Bosses: Varka’s Hero Shadith (Alliance with Varka Sileno's - Level 4) - from 12 to 14 hours. Varka’s Commander Mos (Alliance with Varka Sileno's - Level 5) - from 12 to 14 hours. Ketra’s Hero Hekaton (Alliance with Ketra Orcs - Level 4) - from 12 to 14 hours. Ketra Commander Tayr (Alliance with Ketra Orcs - Level 5) - from 12 to 14 hours. From all Raid Bosses 75+ drops: Top-Grade Life Stone: from 2 to 4, chance 70% High-Grade Life Stone: from 4 to 8, chance 70% Giant's Codex: from 1 to 2, chance 70% Greater CP Potion: from 400 to 600, chance 70% Respawn from 8 to 12 hours, Announcement 15 minutes before the respawn. Restore boss's is prohibited. You can teleport to them using Global-GK. Epic Bosses: From server start all the epic bosses are dead, implemented AOE/PVP zone. To view information about respawning bosses in the game, .epic command is available Restore epic bosses (except Core, Orfen) is allowed, the chance of dropping epic jewelry is 100%. Frintezza – Every 2 days, Time: From 22:45 to 23:45. Valakas – Every 6 days, Time: From 20:00 to 22:00. Antharas – Every 5 days, Time: From 22:00 to 23:00. Baium – Every 4 days, Time: From 21:30 to 22:30. Zaken (80 lvl) – Every 2 days, Time: From 22:00 to 22:30. Queen Ant (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 20:00 to 21:00. Core (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 18:00 to 19:00. Orfen (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 21:00 to 22:00. Drop from Core, Orfen was changed: The time of appearance is indicated by MSK (UTC +3). Passage to Zaken opens at 22:00 for 10 minutes. L2MAD Boss: Respawn from 5 to 6 hours. Announcement 15 minutes before the respawn. Restore boss's is prohibited. Noblesse status for the group that has dealed the last hit. Top-Grade Life Stone: from 10 to 15, chance 70% High-Grade Life Stone: from 20 to 30, chance 70% Giant's Codex: from 5 to 10, chance 70% Coin of Luck: from 5 to 10, chance 70% You can teleport to them using Global-GK. Clans: When clan is created, it immediately receives the 8th level. The maximum number of people in the clan = 120. The maximum number of clans in the alliance is 1. All members of the clan receive all clan skills (regardless of rank). For killing a player from a hostile clan, present 5 clan-reputation. Castles: For capture of the castle Giran, Goddard, Rune, Aden clan leader gets 50 Coin of Luck, other castles 30 Coin of Luck. Other information: Automatic events: TvT, DeathMatch. For killing other players in PvP, you will receive 3 Greater CP Potion. Flames of Invincibility = 5 seconds - Static cast. Flames of Invincibility = 60 minutes - static reuse. Purification Field = 10 minutes - static reuse. Apella sets are analogues of Dark Crystal, Draconic and Imperial.
  8. Grand open 5th March at 20:00 (UTC +3) Web site - www.L2MAD.WS ONLINE ON THE SERVER: CLICK http://s1.iconbird.com/ico/2013/10/464/w24h241380984675down9.png SERVER FEATUES: Information about the Olympic and heroes: Olympics period: 7 days, the issuance takes place every Monday at 12:00 (GMT +3). To begin non-class battle must be 4 people, fighting class is off. All weapons and skills of the hero have been significantly strengthened, Hero crown gives more features than the Gladiator Helmet. Olympiad takes place in a classic outfit! On it: 1) Available all uniform until S grade (banned all new things) 2) You can join olympiad with enchanted gear, but it will give you like +7 3) Completely disabled all new passive skills 4) At your first registration you can choose one set of the dyes During the combat dyes are disabled on the character The main currency of the server: http://forum.l2mad.net/img/rubl.jpg Rubles: This item drops from all monsters in the farm zone. http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg Euro: Issued for victory in automatically events passing the Quest: Euro. http://forum.l2mad.net/img/donate.jpg Donate Coin: This item can be obtained by donations to server. http://forum.l2mad.net/img/l2mad.jpg L2MAD Coin: Using this coin you can buy Legendary armor. http://forum.l2mad.net/img/tugrik.jpg Tugrik: Drops for the victory in PvP. http://forum.l2mad.net/img/l2topc.jpg L2TOP Coin: This item drops for a vote in L2TOP rating. http://forum.l2mad.net/img/eventcoin.png Event Coin: Issued for victory in automatically events. Enchant: Safe enchant +15, maximum enchant +65, breaks at +66. When fail on enchanting, thing becomes +15. Chance of enchant http://forum.l2mad.net/img/scrl85.jpg usual scrolls - 85% (on sale in Gm Shop for Adena). Chance of enchant http://forum.l2mad.net/img/scrl95.jpg L2MAD scrolls - 95% (on sale in Gm Shop for Euro and Rubles). How to farm http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg Euro? There are 2 ways to farm Euro : 1) For the victory in one of the automatic Event You will receive 2 Event Coin (3 with premium), you can exchange Event Coin to Euro. 2) Passing Quest: Euro, will reward you 200 Euro (350 with premium) and http://forum.l2mad.net/img/l2madchest.jpg L2MAD Chest. How to farm Armor? There are 4 types of ammunition on the server: http://forum.l2mad.net/img/dynasty.jpg Dynasty: Sold for http://forum.l2mad.net/img/rubl.jpg Rubles from NPC Coin Shop. http://forum.l2mad.net/img/heavy_12.jpg Vesper Freya: Sold for http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg Euro from NPC Coin Shop. http://forum.l2mad.net/img/epicdark.jpg Epic Dark Knight: Sold for http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg Euro and http://forum.l2mad.net/img/eventcoin.png Event Coin from NPC Coin Shop. http://forum.l2mad.net/img/topepicdark.png Improved Epic Dark Knight: can be improved for http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg Euro and http://forum.l2mad.net/img/eventcoin.png Event Coin at NPC Coin Shop. http://forum.l2mad.net/img/legendary.jpg Legendary: can be improved for http://forum.l2mad.net/img/l2mad.jpg L2MAD Coin, http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg Euro and http://forum.l2mad.net/img/eventcoin.png Event Coin at NPC Coin Shop. How to farm Weapon? http://forum.l2mad.net/img/dynweapon.jpg Dynasty: sold for http://forum.l2mad.net/img/rubl.jpg Rubles at NPC Coin Shop. http://forum.l2mad.net/img/icarweapon.jpg Icarus: sold for http://forum.l2mad.net/img/rubl.jpg Rubles and http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg Euro at NPC Coin Shop. http://forum.l2mad.net/img/aionweapon.jpg Tera: sold for http://forum.l2mad.net/img/l2mad.jpg L2MAD Coin and http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg Euro at NPC Coin Shop. Beer and Tauti Ring: http://forum.l2mad.net/img/piwo.png Beer: For 2 hour increases CP, HP, MP +3000, P.Atk +10%, M.Atk +10%, P.Def +10%, M.Def +10% and Speed +15. Provides for the victory at the automatic events, and also on sale in Coin Shop for 150 Euro. In order to balance the players with the Lord Ring, and Improved Epic Jewelry and without it, we have added: Tauti Necklace: on sale for http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg Euro and http://forum.l2mad.net/img/eventcoin.png Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Earring: on sale for http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg Euro and http://forum.l2mad.net/img/eventcoin.png Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Ring: on sale for http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg Euro and http://forum.l2mad.net/img/eventcoin.png Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Earring: on sale for http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg Euro and http://forum.l2mad.net/img/eventcoin.png Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Ring: on sale for http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg Euro and http://forum.l2mad.net/img/eventcoin.png Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Also, apart from Gladiator Helmet for PC Points, you can buy http://forum.l2mad.net/img/topls76.jpg Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76 and http://www.linedia.ru/w/images/9/9a/Etc_cp_potion_i01_0.jpg Greater CP Potion. L2MAD Random Rune, Helmet Gladiator, PC points and more: On the server we have system of presents for the spending time in the game - PC Bang Points. Every 10 minutes your character will receive 50 points. To purchase http://forum.l2mad.net/img/glad.jpg Gladiator Helmet You need to have: 7200 PC Bang Points (need to spend 24 hours in a game) 2000 Euro 6 Event Coin Also, apart from Gladiator Helmet for PC Points, you can buy http://forum.l2mad.net/img/topls76.jpg Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76 andhttp://www.linedia.ru/w/images/9/9a/Etc_cp_potion_i01_0.jpgGreater CP Potion. Which bosses are present on the server? • L2MAD Clan Boss Drop from 1 L2MAD Clan Skill and 3.000 clan reputation. It appears every day at 18:30, 20:30and 22:30(GMT +3, with the announcement). • Scarlet van Halisha (Donate Raid Boss) Drop from 1 to 3 Donate Coin. It appears every day at 18:45, 20:45 and 22:45 (GMT +3, with the announcement). • L2MAD Boss (PvP). Drop: 1 L2MAD Coin, respawn: 1 hour. This boss appears in PvP zone (Dion, with the announcement). • L2MAD Boss (Balanced). Drop: 1 L2MAD Coin, respawn everyday at 01:30; 03:30; 05:30; 07:30; 09:30; 11:30; 13:30; 15:30; 17:30; 19:30; 21:30; 23:30 (with the announcement). • Longhorn Golkonda. Drop: 1 of 8 Skill Books, respawn 1 hour 30 minutes (with the announcement). • Behemoth Dragon. Drop: Behemoth Coin, respawn from 1 hour 50 minutes to 2 hours. All the characters are automatically flagged in this area. • Scarlet van Halisha. Drop: Halisha Coin, respawn from 1 hour 50 minutes to 2 hours. All the characters are automatically flagged in this area. • Lilith. Drop: Lilth Coin, which can be exchanged for Behemoth/Halisha Coin or 3 L2MAD Coin, respawn 4 hours (with the announcement). • Valakas. Drop: Necklace of Valakas, respawn: 12 hours. • Antharas. Drop: Earring of Antharas, respawn: 9 hours. • Zaken. Drop: Earring of Zaken, respawn: 9 hours. • Baium. Drop: Ring of Baium, respawn: 6 hours. • Queent Ant. Drop: Ring of Queent Ant, respawn: 6 hours. How to farm Epic jewelry and Lord Rings? Epic jewelry falls from proper epic bosses. To get http://forum.l2mad.net/img/iconjewel.jpg Lord Rings you need to collect http://forum.l2mad.net/img/jewel1.jpg Behemoth/Halisha Coin, you can get them from killing two raid bosses Behemoth Dragon and Scarlet van Halisha. Objects fall from the boss to the player which killed it, as well you should have http://forum.l2mad.net/img/tauti2.png Tauti Ring. It is also possible to improve the Lord Rings, thus increasing characteristics of your character. To get http://forum.l2mad.net/img/iconj2.jpg Improved Lord Ring You need to have: http://forum.l2mad.net/img/iconjewel.jpg Lord Ring http://forum.l2mad.net/img/baium.jpg Ring of Baium http://forum.l2mad.net/img/queen.jpg Ring of Queen Ant http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg 2500 Euro To obtain an http://forum.l2mad.net/img/upvalakas.png Improved Necklace of Valakas, http://forum.l2mad.net/img/upantharas.png Improved Earring of Antharas or http://forum.l2mad.net/img/upzaken.png Improved Zaken's Earring You need to have: Relevant part of the regular Epic Jewellery Relevant part of the regular Tauti Jewellery http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg 1500 Euro U can also buy and improve Lord Rings from NPC Ring pluralist (found in the Town of Giran, near NPC Mavra). Information about the new passive skills: To explore new passive skills you need relevant book, it can be knocked out from raid boss Longhorn Golkonda. Also, for 450 tugriks (PvP Coin) you can buy the http://forum.l2mad.net/img/randombook.jpg Random Book of Skill. Passive skills are acting on all sub-classes. http://forum.l2mad.net/img/bpatk.jpg P. Atk. Each level increases P. Atk by 5% http://forum.l2mad.net/img/bmatk.jpg M. Atk. Each level increases M. Atk by 5% http://forum.l2mad.net/img/batkspd.jpg P. Atk Speed. Each level increases P. Atk Speed by 5% http://forum.l2mad.net/img/bcastspd.jpg M. Atk Speed. Each level increases M. Atk Speed by 5% http://forum.l2mad.net/img/bpdef.jpg P. Def. Each level increases P. Def by 5% http://forum.l2mad.net/img/bmdef.jpg M. Def. Each level increases M. Def by 5% http://forum.l2mad.net/img/bcphpmp.jpg CP/HP/MP. Each level increases CP/HP/MP by 2500 http://forum.l2mad.net/img/bspeed.jpg Run speed. Each level increases Speed by 10 Castles, awards for capture: The siege of castles are disabled On the server, except Aden (siege every Saturday at 20:00 GMT +3), Giran (siege every Sunday at 20:00 GMT +3) For capture of the castle clan leader gets 30 Donate Coin, and leader crown of the castle (is an analogue of the Hero crown), which gives more features than the Gladiator Helmet. Life Stone farm and the chance of getting skill: http://forum.l2mad.net/img/topls76.jpg Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76 sold in the Coin Shop for http://forum.l2mad.net/img/euro.jpg Euro. The chance of getting skill from Life Stone - 10%. Events of the Server: 1) TvT: all members are divided into 2 teams. The objective of the event: make kills more than the enemy team. The event happens everyday at 2:00, 6:00, 10:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00 (GMT +3) 2) Capture of the base: all members are divided into 2 teams. The objective of the event: to destroy the enemy base. Event happens everyday at 4:00, 8:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00, 20:00 After returning from event you will automatically recive all your buffs.
  9. Grand open 10th July at 20:00 (UTC +3) Web site - www.L2MAD.WS OLD X100 SCREENSHOTS: CLICK SERVER FEATUES: Main information: Classic Interlude server. Rates: EXP/SP x100, Drop x200, Spoil x200, Adena x1, Raid Boss x30, Seal Stones x20, Quest x1 (except for some quests x15-x40) The duration of the buffs: 2 hours, number of slots under the buff: 36 Implemented automatic use CP/HP and MP cans. To activate ACP, you need to take the potion to the skills panel and press CTRL + left mouse button on it. The chance of getting skill from Top Life Stone - 10%, High Life Stone - 5%, Mid Life Stone - 2%, Life Stone - 1% Implemented a handy Alt + B that repeats all the NPC functions. Profession: 1 profession - free 2 profession - free 3 profession - 3.000.000 Adena Gm Shop: Sale Weapons, Armors, Jewelry only for B-Grade. Available Blacksmith, exchange Seal Stone, recipes/x100 resource recipes. Quests with increased rates (x15-x40): Spoiler Hide The Zero Hour x40 Alliance With Varka Silenos x20 Alliance With Ketra Orcs x20 War with Varka Silenos x20 War with Ketra orcs x20 Relics of the Old Empire x20 Gather The Flames x20 In Search of Dimensional Fragments x20 Hunt of the Golden Ram Mercenary Force x20 Whisper of Dreams - Part 1 x20 Whisper of Dreams - Part 2 x20 The Finest Food x15 Seekers of the Holy Grail x15 Guardians of the Holy Grail x15 Into the Flame x10 Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 1 x5 Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 2 x5 Enchant: Maximum enchantment for weapons +16, Armor and Jewelry +12. Chance of enchant Weapon: 4,67; 5,44; 6,29; 7,25; 8,20; 9,20; 10,20; 11,20; 12,20; 13,20; 14,20; 15,20; 16,20 Chance of enchant Armor/Jewelry: 4,67; 5,44; 6,29; 7,25; 8,20; 9,20; 10,20; 11,20; 12,20 Noblesse and Sub-Class: To obtain Noblesse, you must kill the Raid Boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel with a sub-class 75+ level. RB and Guard 80 level, Boss respawn: from 3 hours to 4 hours. Sub-class is taken without a quest, maximum is 5 sub-classes. Olympiad: Olympics period: 7 days, battles take place everyday, from 18:00 to 00:00, the issuance takes place every Monday. To begin non-class battle must be 5 people, fighting class 6 people. You can join olympiad with enchanted gear, but it will give you like +6. Raid Bosses: Varka’s Hero Shadith (Alliance with Varka Sileno's - Level 4) - from 12 to 14 hours. Varka’s Commander Mos (Alliance with Varka Sileno's - Level 5) - from 12 to 14 hours. Ketra’s Hero Hekaton (Alliance with Ketra Orcs - Level 4) - from 12 to 14 hours. Ketra Commander Tayr (Alliance with Ketra Orcs - Level 5) - from 12 to 14 hours. From all Raid Bosses 75+ drops: Top-Grade Life Stone: from 2 to 4, chance 70% High-Grade Life Stone: from 4 to 8, chance 70% Giant's Codex: from 1 to 2, chance 70% Greater CP Potion: from 400 to 600, chance 70% Respawn from 8 to 12 hours, Announcement 15 minutes before the respawn. Restore boss's is prohibited. You can teleport to them using Global-GK. Epic Bosses: From server start all the epic bosses are dead, implemented AOE/PVP zone. To view information about respawning bosses in the game, .epic command is available Restore epic bosses (except Core, Orfen) is allowed, the chance of dropping epic jewelry is 100%. Frintezza – Every 2 days, Time: From 22:45 to 23:45. Valakas – Every 11 days, Time: From 20:00 to 22:00. Antharas – Every 8 days, Time: From 22:00 to 23:00. Baium – Every 5 days, Time: From 21:30 to 22:30. Zaken (80 lvl) – Every 2 days, Time: From 22:00 to 22:30. Queen Ant (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 20:00 to 21:00. Core (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 18:00 to 19:00. Orfen (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 21:00 to 22:00. Drop from Core, Orfen was changed: The time of appearance is indicated by MSK (UTC +3). Passage to Zaken opens at 22:00 for 10 minutes. L2MAD Boss: Respawn from 5 to 6 hours. Announcement 15 minutes before the respawn. Restore boss's is prohibited. Noblesse status for the group that has dealed the last hit. Top-Grade Life Stone: from 10 to 15, chance 70% High-Grade Life Stone: from 20 to 30, chance 70% Giant's Codex: from 5 to 10, chance 70% Coin of Luck: from 5 to 10, chance 70% You can teleport to them using Global-GK. Clans: When clan is created, it immediately receives the 8th level. The maximum number of people in the clan = 45. The maximum number of clans in the alliance is 1. Guard and knights - disabled All members of the clan receive all clan skills (regardless of rank). For killing a player from a hostile clan, present 5 clan-reputation. Castles: For capture of the castle Giran, Goddard, Rune, Aden clan leader gets 50 Coin of Luck, other castles 30 Coin of Luck. Other information: Automatic events: TvT, DeathMatch. For killing other players in PvP, you will receive 3 Greater CP Potion. Flames of Invincibility = 5 seconds - Static cast. Flames of Invincibility = 60 minutes - static reuse. Purification Field = 10 minutes - static reuse. Apella sets are analogues of Dark Crystal, Draconic and Imperial.
  10. I wish you good luck in your development
  11. Grand open 22th May at 20:00 (UTC +3) Web site - www.L2MAD.WS ONLINE ON THE SERVER: CLICK SERVER FEATUES: Information about the Olympic and heroes: Olympics period: 7 days, the issuance takes place every Monday at 12:00 (GMT +3). To begin non-class battle must be 4 people, fighting class is off. All weapons and skills of the hero have been significantly strengthened, Hero crown gives more features than the Gladiator Helmet. Olympiad takes place in a classic outfit! On it: 1) Available all uniform until S grade (banned all new things) 2) You can join olympiad with enchanted gear, but it will give you like +7 3) Completely disabled all new passive skills 4) At your first registration you can choose one set of the dyes During the combat dyes are disabled on the character The main currency of the server: Rubles: This item drops from all monsters in the farm zone. Euro: Issued for victory in automatically events passing the Quest: Euro. Donate Coin: This item can be obtained by donations to server. L2MAD Coin: Using this coin you can buy Legendary armor. Tugrik: Drops for the victory in PvP. L2TOP Coin: This item drops for a vote in L2TOP rating. Event Coin: Issued for victory in automatically events. Enchant: Safe enchant +15, maximum enchant +65, breaks at +66. When fail on enchanting, thing becomes +15. Chance of enchant usual scrolls - 85% (on sale in Gm Shop for Adena). Chance of enchant L2MAD scrolls - 95% (on sale in Gm Shop for Euro and Rubles). How to farm Euro? There are 2 ways to farm Euro : 1) For the victory in one of the automatic Event You will receive 2 Event Coin (3 with premium), you can exchange Event Coin to Euro. 2) Passing Quest: Euro, will reward you 200 Euro (350 with premium) and L2MAD Chest. How to farm Armor? There are 4 types of ammunition on the server: Dynasty: Sold for Rubles from NPC Coin Shop. Vesper Freya: Sold for Euro from NPC Coin Shop. Epic Dark Knight: Sold for Euro and Event Coin from NPC Coin Shop. Improved Epic Dark Knight: can be improved for Euro and Event Coin at NPC Coin Shop. Legendary: can be improved for L2MAD Coin, Euro and Event Coin at NPC Coin Shop. How to farm Weapon? Dynasty: sold for Rubles at NPC Coin Shop. Icarus: sold for Rubles and Euro at NPC Coin Shop. Tera: sold for L2MAD Coin and Euro at NPC Coin Shop. Beer and Tauti Ring: Beer: For 2 hour increases CP, HP, MP +3000, P.Atk +10%, M.Atk +10%, P.Def +10%, M.Def +10% and Speed +15. Provides for the victory at the automatic events, and also on sale in Coin Shop for 150 Euro. In order to balance the players with the Lord Ring, and Improved Epic Jewelry and without it, we have added: Tauti Necklace: on sale for Euro and Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Earring: on sale for Euro and Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Ring: on sale for Euro and Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Earring: on sale for Euro and Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Tauti Ring: on sale for Euro and Event Coin at the NPC Coin Shop. Also, apart from Gladiator Helmet for PC Points, you can buy Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76 and Greater CP Potion. L2MAD Random Rune, Helmet Gladiator, PC points and more: On the server we have system of presents for the spending time in the game - PC Bang Points. Every 10 minutes your character will receive 50 points. To purchase Gladiator Helmet You need to have: 7200 PC Bang Points (need to spend 24 hours in a game) 2000 Euro 6 Event Coin Also, apart from Gladiator Helmet for PC Points, you can buy Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76 andGreater CP Potion. Which bosses are present on the server? • L2MAD Clan Boss Drop from 1 L2MAD Clan Skill and 3.000 clan reputation. It appears every day at 18:30, 20:30and 22:30(GMT +3, with the announcement). • Scarlet van Halisha (Donate Raid Boss) Drop from 1 to 3 Donate Coin. It appears every day at 18:45, 20:45 and 22:45 (GMT +3, with the announcement). • L2MAD Boss (PvP). Drop: 1 L2MAD Coin, respawn: 1 hour. This boss appears in PvP zone (Dion, with the announcement). • L2MAD Boss (Balanced). Drop: 1 L2MAD Coin, respawn everyday at 01:30; 03:30; 05:30; 07:30; 09:30; 11:30; 13:30; 15:30; 17:30; 19:30; 21:30; 23:30 (with the announcement). • Longhorn Golkonda. Drop: 1 of 8 Skill Books, respawn 1 hour 30 minutes (with the announcement). • Behemoth Dragon. Drop: Behemoth Coin, respawn from 1 hour 50 minutes to 2 hours. All the characters are automatically flagged in this area. • Scarlet van Halisha. Drop: Halisha Coin, respawn from 1 hour 50 minutes to 2 hours. All the characters are automatically flagged in this area. • Lilith. Drop: Lilth Coin, which can be exchanged for Behemoth/Halisha Coin or 3 L2MAD Coin, respawn 4 hours (with the announcement). • Valakas. Drop: Necklace of Valakas, respawn: 12 hours. • Antharas. Drop: Earring of Antharas, respawn: 9 hours. • Zaken. Drop: Earring of Zaken, respawn: 9 hours. • Baium. Drop: Ring of Baium, respawn: 6 hours. • Queent Ant. Drop: Ring of Queent Ant, respawn: 6 hours. How to farm Epic jewelry and Lord Rings? Epic jewelry falls from proper epic bosses. To get Lord Rings you need to collect Behemoth/Halisha Coin, you can get them from killing two raid bosses Behemoth Dragon and Scarlet van Halisha. Objects fall from the boss to the player which killed it, as well you should have Tauti Ring. It is also possible to improve the Lord Rings, thus increasing characteristics of your character. To get Improved Lord Ring You need to have: Lord Ring Ring of Baium Ring of Queen Ant 2500 Euro To obtain an Improved Necklace of Valakas, Improved Earring of Antharas or Improved Zaken's Earring You need to have: Relevant part of the regular Epic Jewellery Relevant part of the regular Tauti Jewellery 1500 Euro U can also buy and improve Lord Rings from NPC Ring pluralist (found in the Town of Giran, near NPC Mavra). Information about the new passive skills: To explore new passive skills you need relevant book, it can be knocked out from raid boss Longhorn Golkonda. Also, for 450 tugriks (PvP Coin) you can buy the Random Book of Skill. Passive skills are acting on all sub-classes. P. Atk. Each level increases P. Atk by 5% M. Atk. Each level increases M. Atk by 5% P. Atk Speed. Each level increases P. Atk Speed by 5% M. Atk Speed. Each level increases M. Atk Speed by 5% P. Def. Each level increases P. Def by 5% M. Def. Each level increases M. Def by 5% CP/HP/MP. Each level increases CP/HP/MP by 2500 Run speed. Each level increases Speed by 10 Castles, awards for capture: The siege of castles are disabled On the server, except Aden (siege every Saturday at 20:00 GMT +3), Giran (siege every Sunday at 20:00 GMT +3) For capture of the castle clan leader gets 30 Donate Coin, and leader crown of the castle (is an analogue of the Hero crown), which gives more features than the Gladiator Helmet. Life Stone farm and the chance of getting skill: Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76 sold in the Coin Shop for Euro. The chance of getting skill from Life Stone - 10%. Events of the Server: 1) TvT: all members are divided into 2 teams. The objective of the event: make kills more than the enemy team. The event happens everyday at 2:00, 6:00, 10:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00 (GMT +3) 2) Capture of the base: all members are divided into 2 teams. The objective of the event: to destroy the enemy base. Event happens everyday at 4:00, 8:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00, 20:00 After returning from event you will automatically recive all your buffs.
  12. Grand Opening 3th April at 20:00 (UTC +3) Top 3 best clans - Prize fund: 950$! Web site - www.L2MAD.WS OLD X1200 SCREENSHOTS: CLICK SERVER FEATUES: Main information: Classic Interlude server. Rates: EXP/SP x1200, Adena x500 (At the main locations Ketra/Varka and Dino x1000). All characters appear on level 20 with top D-Grade equipment and receive 15 million Adena, the profession is taken for free. Conversion skills Adena/Gold Bar, as well as Noblesse Blessing and Block Buff are given while creating a character. The duration of the buffs: 2 hours, number of slots under the buff: 40 Implemented automatic use CP/HP and MP cans. To activate ACP, you need to take the potion to the skills panel and press CTRL + left mouse button on it. The chance of getting skill from Top Life Stone - 10%, High Life Stone - 5% Implemented a handy Alt + B that repeats all the NPC functions. Enchant: Maximum enchantment for weapons +18, Armor and Jewelry +16. Chance of enchant Weapon: 4,95; 5,90; 6,85; 7,80; 8,75; 9,70; 10,65; 11,60; 12,55; 13,50; 14,45; 15,35; 16,30; 17,25; 18,20 Chance of enchant Armor/Jewelry: 4,85; 5,80; 6,75; 7,70; 8,65; 9,60; 10,55; 11,50; 12,45; 13,35; 14,30; 15,25; 16,20 Main locations [Ketra/Varka, Dino]: In locations Ketra/Varka and Dino drop Adena x2 and from all monsters drops: Gold Bar: Ketra/Varka - 5%; Dino - 2% High-Grade Life Stone: Ketra/Varka - 0.2%; Dino - 0.12% Respawn Tyrannosaurus - 5 minutes Chance of dropTop-Grade Life Stone: 50% Noblesse and Sub-Class: To obtain Noblesse, you must kill the Raid Boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel with a sub-class 75+ level. RB and Guard 80 level, Boss respawn: from 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours. Sub-class is taken without a quest, maximum is 5 sub-classes. Olympiad: Olympics period: 7 days, battles take place everyday, from 18:00 to 00:00, the issuance takes place every Monday. To begin non-class battle must be 5 people, fighting class 6 people. You can join olympiad with enchanted gear, but it will give you like +6. Raid Bosses: From all Raid Bosses 76+ drops: Gold Bar: from 40 to 60, chance 70% Top-Grade Life Stone: from 2 to 4, chance 70% High-Grade Life Stone: from 4 to 8, chance 70% Giant's Codex: from 1 to 2, chance 70% Greater CP Potion: from 400 to 600, chance 70% Respawn from 8 to 12 hours, Announcement 15 minutes before the respawn. Restore boss's is prohibited. You can teleport to them using Global-GK. Epic Bosses: From server start all the epic bosses are dead, implemented AOE/PVP zone. Frintezza – Every 2 days, Time: From 22:45 to 23:45. Valakas – Every 6 days, Time: From 20:00 to 22:00. Antharas – Every 5 days, Time: From 22:00 to 23:00. Baium – Every 4 days, Time: From 21:30 to 22:30. Zaken (80 lvl) – Every 2 days, Time: From 22:00 to 22:30. Queen Ant (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 20:00 to 21:00. Core (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 18:00 to 19:00. Orfen (80 lvl) – Everyday, Time: From 21:00 to 22:00. Drop from Core, Orfen was changed: The time of appearance is indicated by MSK (UTC +3). Passage to Zaken opens at 22:00 for 10 minutes. L2MAD Boss: Boss respawn: from 3 hours to 4 hours. 15 minutes before the respawn. Top-Grade Life Stone: from 5 to 10, chance 70% High-Grade Life Stone: from 10 to 20, chance 70% Giant's Codex: from 3 to 6, chance 70% Coin of Luck: from 3 to 6, chance 70% Ring of Queen Ant: from 1 to 1 chance 10% You can teleport to them using Global-GK. Clans: When clan is created, it immediately receives the 8th level. The maximum number of people in the clan = 36. The maximum number of clans in the alliance is 1. Guard and knights - disabled All members of the clan receive all clan skills (regardless of rank). For killing a player from a hostile clan, present 5 clan-reputation. Castles: For capture of the castle Giran, Goddard, Rune, Aden clan leader gets 50 Coin of Luck, other castles 30 Coin of Luck. Other information: Automatic events: TvT, DeathMatch. For killing other players in PvP, you will receive 3 Greater CP Potion. Flames of Invincibility = 5 seconds - Static cast. Flames of Invincibility = 60 minutes - static reuse. Purification Field = 10 minutes - static reuse. Apella sets are analogues of Dark Crystal, Draconic and Imperial.
  13. And again all the ads on this site are busy :D
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