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About kutawah

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  1. Anything on my last question Celestine? I'm pretty lost on this fórum... my searchs on searchbar is not returning anything relevant to me :\
  2. This is so bad. I'm actually playing L2E-Global and i'm looking for a good Gracia cliente. Maybe you can recommend me some other UI's? Playing as Overlord with only one Action Bar (i found another ui that add me another action bar but that removed me my ingame e-mail) is a true pain.
  3. Do you know if it's possible to use that client on Gracia Final / Epilogue? I tried to contact it's owner on discord but no sucess at the moment.
  4. Selling adena (verified paypal only) for 1.35$ and BW H set for 12kk or 16$ 44kk on stock
  5. i give you my sexy body. btw, i know this guy, 100% trusted.
  6. PM me here with informations about weapon. Mostly interested to pay in adena but i can pay in cash as well.
  7. Thanks for answering here. I read all your topic about how your services Works and i see some ways people were trying to scam others with your nick on report area - i'm pretty aware now - . In case someone want's to use you as middleman, i'll contact you to send/get informations ;)
  8. SOLD PP 63 - PM WITH OFFERS IN ADENA OR 200eu ON PAYPAL. - Founders; - No ID number registered; - No subscription; - Awesome english/european name; - All skills learned; - DW/Haste/GMight/Gshield learned; - Never used bot. Mostly interested in adena but can accept paypal as well. If the buyer want's a middle man, its fine. We can use MeVsYou services.
  9. you cant receive any messages on forum.
  10. Looking for SE on Skelth, paying with adena. PM me with price and informations from the accout (1st owner? any ID registered? subs up? naked? etc...)
  11. Correct me if i'm wrong, but WC 71 - 3 770 106 891 -- 3kk 1eu = 1250euros for an warcryer 71?
  12. Looking for another PP higher level than mine. Offering PP 60.2 (all skills learned, good amount of scrolls, really good nickname, all 3 dyes and bracelete nv 2) + Adena (also got some paypal if needed, but mostly interested to pay with adena). PM me on here on maxcheaters (i'm not using skype) with offers. @EDIT Just a fast edit: I'm here buying / trading accounts and itens everyday... stop asking me my PP + 300$-500$ for PP 64-67.
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