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About manoti_

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. best jewls is valakas: less skill reuse :) and not to mention resist fire
  2. Best augment is -> Paralize who atacks you... /close >_< u can even own a tank like dat since he is always paralized xD and when hes paralized just go around him and use backstab :)
  3. this was suposed to be a gif's sharing thread xD, i post mine but u can also post urs
  4. some more: should i post moar? or let the thread close?
  5. no1 want my gif's? :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
  6. here are some more: (srr for bad eng)
  7. Recently I received the visit of sanitary inspectors due to my neighbors they will have deed a denounces about the smell that leave of my house. Then they discovered that this smell is due to the big accumulation of gifs in my hard drive. Being like this I am going to have to pay a fine unless i get rid of all the gif i have so i'm going to give away some gif's so i'm askign u guyz to adopt a gif and take it home xD. thanks alot for the help red if u dind't get it xD this is a gif's share thread,i post mine u post urs xD or u can just laugh whit some gifs >.< these are my babies: (srr for bad eng xd)
  8. lool i downloaded this, changed it and now its on my moblile phone xD
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